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About Phr34k

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  1. He Guys, Friend of mine; The Itch, (forgot his account details here) made a cool mission; Description: Last night one of our recon helicopters in support of operation Epsom was shot down by anti air near Myshkino. Locals have confirmed that the recon helicopter crashed inside Pustoshka. Recon team Echo was operating in the nearby forest around the time of the crash, and assembled a CSAR mission to retrieve the pilots. All contact has since been lost with recon team Echo. The mission is divide into two parts, first take out the Anti Air near Myshkino, second find out what has happened to recon team Echo and destroy the remains of the crashed UH-1 in Pustoshka. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6212
  2. Phr34k

    ArmA2 8GB RAM Problem

    Problem remained for me aswell :<
  3. Where did i say you where stupid, i friendly tried to make over my point. That video does not clearly show the problem to me, if that video shows the issue, then i have it aswell, as its exactly the same for me. The difference being i dont feel the game is "unplayable" because of it. HOWEVER Indeed shows it MUCH better, and i do not have that problem and indeed looks like a serious bug. I hope for you guys this gets solved.
  4. I believe i watched it 5 times now, as soon as he moves his hand, the gun moves....the screen moves later. either im blind, or im used to it.. *edit* with the left right movement i really dont see any lag, i watched it 5 times in a row. In the up down movement i might see a tiny microsecond of lag
  5. Phr34k

    Who likes the new map interface?

    Can anyone post a screenshot? im at work here :<
  6. I dont want to bitch or saying that your guys problem doesnt exist. But in the video i dont see any mouselag.....For me its exactly the same and that feels normal to me,......Are you guys talking about the gun moving first and then the actual screen? Cause its indeed always been like that, and thats a feature i think. Even so, i hope you guys get a solution for your problem
  7. Phr34k

    ArmA2 8GB RAM Problem

    Bruno, ive read your post 3 times now, but im still not sure what you mean. I have now forced my Vista64bit 8gb ram down to 5gb and it work fine. Is your post saying that if i put it back on 8gb and change he localVRAM it should work? How do i get the correct VRAM with Ati?
  8. Phr34k

    Patch 1.02 Stability Survey

    Biggest issue for me is the Vista 64bit 8gb RAM problem. I forced my machine to have 4gb max and i have no issue's whatsoever. Put it back on 8gb and im missing textures, the game is slow, etc. there is a seperate thread regarding it.