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Everything posted by shanye3ast

  1. shanye3ast

    Arma II for sale

    After dropping over $200 into my computer, its still not up to par to run Arma II. I don't have the money to drop anymore into this comp so i'm selling the game. If you're interested, e-mail me at shanye3ast@yahoo.com . Or on Xfire at shanyE3ast . If you pay for shipping and handling, i'll give it to you for cheap.
  2. i have all minimal requirements for arma 2 with most exceeding the minimum. single player runs smooth. multiplayer runs smooth but when i get near a group of soldiers, it becomes unplayable. not even lag but framerate gets out of hand. settings are at normal/low. any help/ideas?
  3. okay so i just upgraded my computer completely. AMD 3200+ motherboard, geforce 9600 GSO graphics card, gig of ram, the works. i place my arma 2 cd into the drive and it simply just doesn't read the disc.. any ideas?..
  4. shanye3ast

    trouble please help..

    it DOES read other discs. i just got done installing one of my old games. how do i upgrade my drivers for my CD drive? xfire and aol im - shanye3ast help me out please
  5. so here's my story. i live in the US. i placed a complete reserve on arma 2 at my gamestop(EB games) and they were releasing on june 30th.:mad: i get up early on the 30th to go pick up my game. extremely excited but they shot me down with a new release date of july 7th/9th. i began to wait again. last night i was bored so i hopped on their website to check if the release date was still the same but the game wasn't even on record anymore. i call when i wake up today and they have my $60 and no reserve. WTF?:confused: now i'm sure you've all heard this question like 40 times but there were too many pages to scroll through. whats a reliable way i can buy a copy of arma 2(no online downloads please) and not get blasted ridiculously with shipping and handling? -shanyE:yay:
  6. shanye3ast

    What are the Game Modes?

    ...? sooo can you play with a squad of human players or are there AI on every map? how many people to a server?
  7. shanye3ast

    What are the Game Modes?

    okay im new to arma but it looks SWEET. what i wanna know is.. you guys are talkin about your AI and so forth but are there any game types where its strictly pvp and your squads are all other human players fighting by your side? i wanna work with my buddies to take over a building or to take out another squad of human players. -shanyE