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Herbal Influence

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Everything posted by Herbal Influence

  1. Herbal Influence

    CRcti Proman

    Hi Muecke, couldn't activate cam view with mouse and shift? Anything changed ? Merci, Herbal, Son of Infl.
  2. Herbal Influence

    On a scale of 1 to 10, how realistic is Arma2

    Thread shouldn't be derailed ... pls discuss tunnelview vs 3rd view here!
  3. Herbal Influence

    A new dimension: inside vehicles&planes - optics

    Window frames etc. blurr quite completely out if you don't focus on them. I mentioned venetian blinds only as an extreme example to make things clear.
  4. Herbal Influence

    Arma: Cold War Assault

    ... ok, that'll explain it. Too bad as I love BIS attention to Linux, but nevertheless I am thankful for the 1.99 ! :):o
  5. Herbal Influence

    A new dimension: inside vehicles&planes - optics

    They get sharp when you focus with the mouse on them. Like in real life. ---------- Post added at 11:02 ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 ---------- Well, as I said: If I look AT it I do see the gills. If I look THROUGH it I don't "see" the gills. My intention is a more realistic view. An ol' war veteran, chopper pilot, posted on this forum that he wouldn't like to fly a chopper without 3rd view ... a six years ago ...
  6. Thanx for the answer. I don't why it works now - after a few days and some restarts ... but it works. Thank you!
  7. Herbal Influence

    On a scale of 1 to 10, how realistic is Arma2

    Hey, you shouldn't derail this thread! Tunnelview (that is No-3rd-view) reduces the environmental awareness to such an extent, that no soldier in real life would enter a combat ...
  8. I wanted to give ACE another try, after I was annoyed of the fast unconsciousness after running with equipment as an infantry soldier. And installation now is much easier than 12 months ago. Thank you! But how comes I am no more able to start without sixupdater? An error shows up like "missing X/.../.....hpp file".
  9. Herbal Influence

    On a scale of 1 to 10, how realistic is Arma2

    With 3rd view on: 3 With only tunnelview (3rd view off): 2 Other games: 1 Playing BIS games since 2001, ingame I steadily change from tunnelview to 3rd view ...
  10. Herbal Influence

    3rd person and crosshair - enable by default in MP?

    Ok. Exactly here we differ: I consider the lack of environmental awareness an extreme and unrealistic and DEADLY disadvantage. No real soldier would ever go into a combat with blinds - see video above. None. Because it's deadly. I would consider it more important to mark a server that shifts away from the standard settings. So if it is set on "expert"-mode cogamers should be warned, especially not to frustrate newgamers which we all want to get fascinated by BIS games? (Whereas I assume that expert-mode is nowadays without 3rd view? I only play veteran, sorry.) The latter I don't understand: I constantly change between the views during a game. If it's possible for all, it's not at all a cheat, it's a feature. +1 for "no crosshair" +1 for same effects for all in a mp-game +1 for the obligation to mark "tunnelview" if you open a server with that :)
  11. Herbal Influence

    A new dimension: inside vehicles&planes - optics

    Ok, as I already stated, I hate blurss that cause headaches when using postprocessing in my first attempts to play AA2 too. I switched it off and headaches were gone. But nevertheless the optical-caged-in-effect is a serious immersionkiller for me. So, as already stated it should be quite a sharp thin-out effect of everything that's in the way of the actual focus. The latter, the actual focus, can be "realized" by the program by the mouse position?
  12. Herbal Influence

    A new dimension: inside vehicles&planes - optics

    Mmmm ... thanx for the info. I played AA1 but didn't realize ... But nowadays I feel caged in a vehic/plane behind thick frames ... mmm ... maybe it's psychological ... as I also hate No-third-view ... ;-) I found this now: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1361864&highlight=DOF+field+view#post1361864 And I sure hate postprocessing-effects-headaches a lot. So what remains is: very little blurr but a lot of "thinning out" the width of the optical hindrances just to simulate what the brain does naturally. Another example: I have here a blind (or "jalousie") at my window consisting of gills: If I look AT it I do see the gills. If I look THROUGH it I don't "see" the gills. The same should automatically "happen" by defocussing from the instruments board in front of you in a vehic/plane/chopper. To a LARGE extent - then it would really be realistic. We HAVE a very intensively compensating "brain-view" on things ... mmm ... at last I do .. ;-)
  13. Herbal Influence

    Blurry graphics after windowed mode

    I exactly experience that what DayGlow describes when switching from windowmode to full screen mode. The 3d renderer stays in the windowmode and I have to change it to 100 % again to get the picture clear again. Frosties - you see the two different sliders for resolution?
  14. Herbal Influence

    Arma: Cold War Assault

    Is there any explanation why so many servers don't accept this 1.99 - Version? Maybe they still didn't hear about it?
  15. Herbal Influence

    3rd person and crosshair - enable by default in MP?

    No-third-view is like cutting a lot of environmental awarenes from the game. It should never be called "more hard" or "more realistic". 3rd view sure adds unrealistic elements too but environmental awarenes is the most important thing for an inf soldier. "Tunnel view", as you can call No-third-view, is that unrealistic that nobody ever would go into war that way. Not even leave the house. He would be a most easy target for any sleepy taxidriver. Is this more real?: Sure you can compensate using tunnelview (that is No-3rd-view): Steadily nervously letting your head circle around. But that does not only use two more keys to press <alt> <mouse>, but does secondly look alike unnatural. I found this video and use it as an exemplary: http://vimeo.com/10315725 At any time it is possible to shoot this guys from behind and from aside. Only the unrealitic foreseeable "cleanliness" of the battlefield makes it possible to be "successful". for keeping the freedom in the game and setting defaults that allow newbies to love and understand this most complex game.Ok, I was again a bit provocative. I am ready to get hit for it. I know the majority of keyboard rapers here don't share my POV. But I DO see the nipples of my girlfriend coming from behind my back while I am typing this. I see them already when she is quite behind my back. If I draw a straight line from shoulders end to shoulders end: One nipple passes - I see it ... it's a 180 degree-view or even more. Am I a strange person? Sure. But I can assure you, before you started playing tons of hours with No-third-view i.e. tunnelview mode, you could do it too! ;-) Evolution wanted it so. So that we can take notice of dangerous animals while hunting in the woods ... or our demanding girlfriends. Well, if you don't see her approaching from behind that's why you sometimes stay on the PC the whole night instead of having sex with her? ;-) But to put a bit more oil into that fire: The poll above shows a little less people for 3rd view. You know why? Because more "hardcore" gamers are to a larger number part of the forums than less addicted gamers ... ;-) My vote: Freedom for hardcore gamers! Let them do/modify with BIS games whatever they like ... like inserting a 30-day-respawn-period "because it is more real". But default settings should be "friendly" i.e. showing the beauty of the landscape, houses and vehicles .... that is: 3rd view on! BIS, you did it all exactly well, you offer the freedom of choice and the more realistic and comfortable default settings.
  16. Herbal Influence

    Why do you enjoy playing military wargames?

    I would like to add aspects of sure many from a bundle that exist for me. First there is the aspect of fantasy and creativity and the technical aspects (creating small missions, e.g. scenarios) - BIS games allow a lot of this, easy and fast. Second there is the aspect of gaming like robber and policeman, seek and hide. The tactial, the 'chess aspect'. Unlike many I don't mind joining a game when my side is already quite crapped, in a bad state ... like a cti with a half run down base. I like, like someone else above said, to 'make the best of a situation', and it's even often more exciting, if the situation is already extremely difficult. I am still fascinated that a cti (especially I must say in old OFP and there especially crcti's around 2005) fascinates me increasing tension / excitement until the very end, often after 2 or 3 hours. No crime movie, whatever, is able to create that escalating excitement for me - I remember to hear my heart beating, when I managed to place a repair truck in a forest next to the enemy base, building up some stationary weapons and attacking the enemy base from there. In 2002 we were often so excited by just one 3-4 hrs game that we went to a pub later and and gave reports to each other upon the different situations we were in and to calm down with a beer ... ;-) For that very reason I often thought: Wow, what a cheap entertainment compared to going to a cinema or watching a DVD ... if I divide the money I payed for the BIS games from 2001 on (15 + 50 + 50 Euros?) with the hours of entertainment ... ;-) Third, after a day of reading about the real cruelties and wars around the world, it gives me the illusion (for some time) not to be a just a victim, reader i.e. spectator, but to be able to fight against "the badness of the world". It seems to help to balance the bad input which puts you in a passive role only. In other words it seems to help me to decrease my frustration on how badly the world works and you can't do anything against it. (Sure you can, in an idealistic point of view, but after a long day of work, you need an easy way ... that brings 'success' even if it's only a virtual one.) And I liked a lot the intellectual or even philosophical (or just: realistic?) approach of BIS in original and first OFP giving the quotations of famous politicians when you started the game .... it showed that it's not just another shiny thoughtless cheap Hollywood-like recruiting shit, like "TOP GUN" or "Americas Army" - blonde woman and mindless, but handsome guy, Tom-Cruise-style ... I always looked on BIS games like being a game for quite a thougthful audience. I would very much appreciate if they would again introduce the game like in that times with these quotations ... it created a serious atmosphere, far away from being just another first-person-shooter. And I like another serious approach: BIS doesn't care so much for (unrealistic) bombastic effects (gore, realism of movements, graphics, sounds etc.) for it always seems to have in mind to be a serious simulation. Though I enjoy the better graphics of Arma2 and OA I still have had the most exciting games in the old OFP for it is more on tactics ... a phenomenon I cannot really explain. As if the better graphics would hinder my immersion .... I know thats strange. I said I have no explanation for that effect.
  17. Herbal Influence

    CRcti Proman

    Hi Muecke, thanx for you continous work on a nice crcti which is the best way for me to enjoy BIS games. As I now downloaded the file from the first post it says that this is not enough - "Missing .... quite a bunch of addons" it says when I try to start / join a crtci. I found no explanation what else I have to have .. Can you help?
  18. Herbal Influence

    3rd person and crosshair - enable by default in MP?

    3rd view enables you to view over walls - sometimes (the wall must not be too high, too low etc.) but it's absolutely false to say it's less realistic and No-third-view is more realistic because the 'sense of environment' is so radically reduced by No-third-view that it could also be called 'tunnel-view-mode': You absolutely don't see with this view what you would see in normal life. I quote myself from a lengthy and still ongoing discussion about this: While you read this text you focus on your monitor screen. Nevertheless you realize something moving that is 90 degree aside from your viewing line onto the screen - to the left and to the right. Try yourself! That's a viewing angle of about a 180 degrees! And that's not for nothing. Anything else - kills ! ;-) And scientists found out that the borders of our "viewing field" are even more contrast-sensitive than the rest of the eyefields, because or for this they do no sense colours but only black and white. A result of the evolution of the eyes for it was always very important to realize a wild animal or any other danger from aside of your position. In other words: No-third-view or "egoshootermode" as I like to call it is quite unrealistic in a very basic and an very important sense. It steals important information like as if - and many will remember this argument - you were wearing a gasmask (or diving mask on your face). To illustrate this: I once was diving in the Red Sea (near Israel, Jordania, Egypt) which is famous for its richness of sharks. While I was inspecting a big nice coral reef under water with my back to the dark blue sea I couldn't see two sharks that were coming up from behind. I didn't even notice them while they were swimming aside of me because a diving mask makes you look through a "tunnel" only, the better the mask the lesser this effect. After the shark-experience I began to compensate by turning my head nervously and steadily to the right and to the left - you may imagine me as a frightened person ;-)
  19. Herbal Influence

    How to resize images below 100kb?

    If you use Linux I can help you to have it on your right mouse button, with Microsoft you could use www.GIMP.org to resize it.
  20. Herbal Influence

    Invasion 1944 v2.5 (CO)

    ... no postal adress is given. Is Carls mother a person that does not even want to give her true postal adress? I am warned by that.
  21. Herbal Influence

    Improvements to third person view?

    Here you can find a long discussion about the advantages of 3rd-view. In fact I would stop playing BIS-games, if they would deactivate it. It's wrong when people say, it's a noob or cheating view for the extreme unnatural lack of environmental awareness you have without it is in not at all "more real". Its like wearing a diving masks or the things you put on a horses eyes to make it less nervous ....with artificially reducing the viewing field.
  22. Herbal Influence

    whats your favorite mod?

    Did anybody - like me now - try spoil the party? At the moment I don't like mods at all and try to play vanilla as often as I can when I am online. I have still things to investigate in vanilla mod (though BIS-gaming since 2001) and - strongest reason - I want to invite people to join me online, even youngsters and newbies for I like BIS games to get a solid and big fan basis. And I like the tactical possibilities that even a 1 vs 1 inf deathmatch around a few houses offers. I feel the game is really quite annoying to newcomers = overcomplicated, especially because of the huge amount of mods. Don't get me wrong: I like mods and I appreciate the work. But I miss a lot crowded and inviting servers for people who are just trying it for the first (or fourth time). My favourite vanilla mission at present: Mountain warfare .... join me!
  23. Herbal Influence

    What is wrong with the ARMA Community!

    In a way the threadopening reminded me of my own whining about long-gone time: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=121681 But I am optimistic. Things will settle. Serious gamers will assemble. Also outside clans. I simply kick after several warnings if people behave stupid. On my server I reserve myself the right to. After several clear warnings. But things will slowly get better, I am quite sure. This thread also proves it.
  24. Herbal Influence

    Forces Spéciales, a must-be-seen french movie

    @Vilas: Thanx for your post. I could hardly have said it better. @NoRailgunner: Yeah. Let us be that optimistic. Why not. Do we have any bad experiences with people mixing movies/games and real war? So, as long as we can definitively say: No! Then there is no problem. It is only that I read a young man on this forum, a few weeks ago, who eagerly stated after a discussion of the fascinating machines and technical thingies you can experience in the game (and in war or warlike situations): Now I really want to go war! And it was written in earnest, i.e. seriously meant. It made me thinking. It made me afraid whether people could really mix things up. But, right, this is only a danger. Normal people can get along with beer and alc available for little money everywhere, most are not harmed by ultra-brutal movies or extreme-perverse porn. I think it is ok to sometimes give a hint that behind the "cops & robbers" game I consider my playing BIS games is - in the real world - a sad and unbelievable reality where noone wins. At least noone who is a normal soldier. Canon fodder. To protect the wealth of the wealthy, the comfort of the numb ones. Having this in mind I can enjoy my realitylike cops and robbers again. I felt well in this regard with the old Operation Flashpoint Crisis game who introduced itself with some deep thoughts about the reality of war whenever you started the game. Let us just be careful. And have fun.
  25. Herbal Influence

    Forces Spéciales, a must-be-seen french movie

    Yeah, another shiny topmodel decorated hero-movie about war. A war advertising movie like Top Gun, which was financed by the US Government, to find more low paid war-addicted kids to leave their skull for little money somewhere ... If you don't do war advertising in your movie, you won't get the military equipment which is extremely expensive from the US to make your movie look good. So ... you cannot make a 'good' warfilm without following the wish of the military governmental (same in France now?) to advertise war to get more low paid soldiers ... human material to burn. My grandfather said: Never take on a uniform, my son, you get rid of your brain at the very moment. He fought in two Worldwars ... All who answer prasing the movie and the being-soldier: Did you ever fight in a war?