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Herbal Influence

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Everything posted by Herbal Influence

  1. Herbal Influence

    3rd person view versus egoshootermode

    a nice discussion has developed at another place: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74908
  2. Herbal Influence

    ArmaHolic ArmA 2 Optimization

    LOL - :eek: don't consider me gay ... because I don't invest in hardware too much. I did just invest 70 Euros to have a AMD 6000+ x2 instead of my old 3800+ x2 (was in it since 12/06). It was really easy: I simply took out the old cpu in a 10 secs and put the new in place (2 secs). And the result ... the result is .... I can now really play AA1 !:) Which I didn't want .... I wanted to get ready AA2 ... :o At least AA2 is running smooth now on low settings (AA1 on "high"). my other specs: 2GByte RAM, 7600 GT and never forget the resolution: 1050x1680 But I can wait ... I really can wait ... for crcti (thanks to Squeeze) is my favourite and is not really, really as nice by now as it is in OF ... so I keep on gaming OF a lot and I wait ... for more ideas to increase my performance and save money for a gtx260 or so .. :cool:
  3. Herbal Influence

    3rd person versus Egoshootermode

    Ooopps ... I didn't yet realize / see them ... perhaps my resolution doesn't fit the monitor size ... and they were "thrown over the corner" arrrgh ??! "some kind of guy" gave this hint earlier in this thread too, but I couldn't find them. Edit: Watch that nice video and you see what I mean with "nervous and steady head turning" may it be through <alt> and <mouse> or by IR5 like in the video. After watching it I do feel seasick. And by the by: there are no "green, white or red misty dots appearing at the edge of the screen" or are they deactivated?
  4. Herbal Influence

    Embarrassing multiplayer experience

    Yeah - I agree to all what's said here. It's most unpleasant. In OF something like that never happened for there was no JIP (join in progress): people were bound together for the whole mission, quitting was most illoyal / immoral and was punished and - last not least - it lead to short instructions to the newbies: they got small hints, tipps and even lectures about the basics. You wouldn't do that ... if that guy leaves the server, the mission anytime ...
  5. Herbal Influence

    3rd person versus Egoshootermode

    Sorry - what you mean ? Which indicators?
  6. Herbal Influence

    New Helicopter Pilots, a word of advice.

    I felt the need to add this from another thread (about the egoshootermode http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74908&page=1): Originally Posted by monty67t
  7. Herbal Influence

    3rd person versus Egoshootermode

    That's a statement ! And let me add as a simple footpassenger (infantry man) I once was, down in the streets of our city hastingly checking all the beautiful girls while shopping: The egoshooterview is nothing close to the real thing. I wouldn't have found my beautiful wife doing the egoshootermode all the time. ;-) And for our Youngsters: You notice when your Ma comes in your room even if she is very slow and silent. You see her in the corners of your eyes when she is on the line of your both shoulders, 90 degree from your viewing line. You won't see her if your natural view would be the no-third-view, the egoshootermode. I respect the tunnelviewers, but I want to stress the fact, that the tunnel- or egoshootermode is far from being realistic: Nobody, especially being in danger, would like to wear a mask on his face, giving only a tunnel view. With horses you call that "blinders". I have a 22'' monitor - so don't think the size of the monitor is of any help.
  8. Herbal Influence

    Multiplayer gameplay

    ... for you are rarely seriously interested in giving hints or even lessons to newbies when they might leave the game at any time. There is no more solidarity. JIP destroys the culture of clinging together till the last grenade pops ... ;-) There is another serious reason why JIP should be deactivated or at least be deactivatable: Why not change name and team after you know the base position and play "base scouter hero" to the other side? The simple "it is forbidden to change teams" does not really help when JIP is on. Question: Can JIP be deactivated? I don't mean "lock server" that's something different.
  9. Herbal Influence

    Multiplayer gameplay

    Yeah - .... to me as an old OF-gamer multiplayersessions with ArmA make me sick: As others stated there is rarely no co-gamin, no communication etc. ... One reason surely is, as stated above, the success: There are many youngsters to this game. The other problem is a quite high rate of natural born "autists" - as I call them who do not really care if the cogamers are AIs (bots) or natural persons. They will not communicate in any other way than commanding or insulting when they lose there nerves. And they often lose their nerves for they are not used to cogamers with an own brain and see only hindrances and obstacles in them. Maybe a result of tooo much Single Player - gaming. Maybe a result of too few sibblings in the family. For me the most obvious reason is JIP ("join in progress") a possibility which OF never had: Cogamers keep goin and leavin throughout the game not feelin responsible for the whole or the group. Sure: You can lock the server but that doesn't stop the attitude of those gamers. They will leave whenever they get frustrated. In OF we are used to call these people "quitters" and it's commonly seen nearly as immoral / illoyal as "friendly fire": All are bound to stay to help their team. I have seen people get kicked or banned for repeated quitting. Whereas "quitting" means: Leaving without giving serious reasons to the others. The nicest games I ever had were those where people fighted over more than 2 hours and coordinated their actions. If you win the battle - all the better but not inevitable - for having fun and excitement. Another illoyal behaviour I did experience again and again: When the situation gets most critical (enemy firing on own base) some, even commanders, piss their trousers and declare: "You won !" or "GG" to the opposite side. Those characters only like "winning" and "smooth" game where they are superior and have the finest and biggest weapons. They do not know that one of the nicest features of AA and OF is: Things can turn within the last minutes and it's more than illoyal to declare being defeated without talking to your own cogamers (of your side) first before doing so. I repeatedly experienced situations where things turned this way: - One eager cogamer was close to blast the enemy mhq with satchel. - An eager enemy gamer destroyed half of his base because he had problems starting his chopper or plane and it exploded over or in their base - enemy mhq ran on mine - enemy mhq ran into water so ... lez take it like Ernest Hemingway in "The old man and the Sea": A man cannot be defeated; he is only defeated if he gives up himself." ;-)
  10. Herbal Influence

    3rd person versus Egoshootermode

    TMHO - that would work ... ! But only if your distance to the monitor is shorter than about a 50 cm .... and thats bad for the eyes ... :-(( Other ideas to the problems of sharks attacking directly from the side ? For remembrance: Natural view: you see, at least: notice! them. Egoshooterview: you don't see them without turning your head steadily, nervously from side to side ! TMHO: Egoshooterview is not the "realistic" viewingmode. At least not more realistic than 3rd view. Both produce - a lack or (egoshooterview) - an overflow of information (3rd view). By the by: Does anybody know whether the use of three monitors with triplehead (or so) does make sense in this regard? Whether ArmA is build to be used with it?
  11. Herbal Influence

    3rd person versus Egoshootermode

    Ok - but there is still no solution to the "shark-problem". At least none without steady head-shaking .... :-(
  12. Herbal Influence

    3rd person versus Egoshootermode

    Ok ... understood. But what is the "commanding mode"? Maybe I am using it all the time and we only use different words. Do you mean strategic view? (<,> - key on the numpad) But you can use that anytime without being squad leader?
  13. Herbal Influence

    3rd person versus Egoshootermode

    @whisper: I understand. But you can't you see it this way too: You don't have the same size/tallness as before. You are about a 100 cm taller than without 3rd view. And therefore you may look over a wall which is not higher than that. In reality the tallness of men differ from about 150 cm to 237 cm ... roughly estimated. The tall ones are no cheaters though they can overlook a wall the small ones can't. ;-) @BaseJumper: yeah, and you can use this IR-thing which makes your avatars head turning like your own, real head ... but it's only like turning around with a gasmask on your face ... no fun ... making me seasick.
  14. Herbal Influence

    3rd person view versus egoshootermode

    OOooppps - yeah ... can you move it ? Or I'll copy it ... because it's relevant to both.