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Herbal Influence

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Everything posted by Herbal Influence

  1. Herbal Influence

    Mouse Lag

    no mouse lag, rig in sig And by the by: I wouldn't invade there before you have fixed your mouse lag :eek:
  2. It really should. :bounce3: Take a look at my signature.
  3. Herbal Influence

    AMD 3800 and 6000 X2 CPU

    Yeah, sorry for you. Open your own thread if you bought only an Intel cpu.:o Nah, don't get me wrong. But I am really enerved by the illegal misbehaviour Intel has shown to it's customers the last years and made profit of it: I am sure not the only one who showed up in a big consumer market like Media Markt or Saturn asking for a PC with AMD cpu. The steady answer was: We have only Intel. And now it comes out that they had illegal contracts with Intel to sell only Intel and some other illegal methods were used to hinder AMD. So I myself feel betrayed by this. Easy to understand: There were no AMDs so Intel could rise prices like they wanted. Many people never got to know that there are other cpus at all. You really had to search for AMD cpus in my hometown - which is not a small one. And these are facts though I do state here messages I could easily be sued for from three big enterprises: Intel and the two markets I mentioned. But they won't do that even if they see what I write, even if you print this and send it to them. Though, if you understand it correctly, it's the worst advertising you can have as Intel and as the markets listed. Sure Intel appeals to the EU commissions decision. But that's something to laugh at. Not for dumb ones. They may believe that they appeal for good legal reasons. But they don't. They appeal for business reasons, for marketing only. Like Microsoft did and lost - or better: withdrew.
  4. How can AMD be "as competitive" while Intel practised illlegal competition since years ? The EU commission punished Intel recently with more than a,00 Euros for this. They, Intel, did kick your interests, the consumers interest, to be able to sell at higher prises independent whether AMD cpus are better or not.
  5. Herbal Influence

    Resolutions make no difference to my frame rate?

    And by the way: AMDs seem to be quite content! -->> http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=77206
  6. What I found most helpful are simple examples. Like here ... : http://arma2-editing.blog.de/2009/06/13/fallschirmabsprung-flugzeug-heli-6295473/ not my pages - nevertheless recommandable ! :p Does anyone have further internet pages with such small and easy examples ?
  7. I've done scripting myself. I know some of the common programming languages. But I don't know what "language" the script language is. I asked the same question about a two years ago.:o Does anybody know? Is it a "language" defined by the "engine"? Is it Java? Thanx - !
  8. Herbal Influence

    A big "wow" !

    Cool - I can feel the astonishment myself. Lez see what more we do have to be prepared for meeting AIs!
  9. Herbal Influence

    Resolutions make no difference to my frame rate?

    Maybe they are frightened to death and can't move anymore ? That's close to realism.;-) Yeah, but real life is buggy too. And it lags --- at least sometimes! ;-) And maybe it's difficult not to make them too intelligent - for they may stop making war at all then ! ;-)) (don't get me wrong - little off topic)
  10. Herbal Influence

    Has anybody got full performance

    @LockJack65: Maybe I am little better off for my 9600 GT has twice the RAM.
  11. Herbal Influence

    Ranking system, why not?

    The need for a ranking system seems to me much realistic - if you compare with real armies. But it would narrow the openness of BI games I love so much. Clans do ranking pages - so you might get a clan member and play on their servers. Biggest problem I see about the rightheousness of quite any system of ranking. For example: The crcti-game went along and was exciting for hours indeed and people did much points. And felt high ranked. I found the enemy base and nobody was interested in that message for all forgot that crcti is about destroying enemy base. I took a support vehicle, rode straight to the base - had a lot of luck doing that but also used a lot concealment and cover tactics. I then destroyed the enemy base from quite afar with rpgs I reloaded from my support vehic. Game was over then. I had about a 5 % of the points of most gamers. ;-) No, I don't accept someone ranking me then into the least 5 %.
  12. Herbal Influence

    Resolutions make no difference to my frame rate?

    What's your fraps ? Just interested. And: Is there no difference at all - or just a little ?
  13. Herbal Influence

    Has anybody got full performance

    Manzilla - what a big help to mankind your post would be, if we could only see your specs in signature! ;-)
  14. Herbal Influence

    A big "wow" !

    Yeah - indeed! The chopper gunners too do their work impressingly now!
  15. Herbal Influence

    Has anybody got full performance

    So it should depend on the settings in detail while I have seen a benchmark test - don't remember - the url ... where the 9600 GT was little faster than the 9800 GT. I only remember because I couldn't believe it. I start with highest settings. My native resolution is shown below. If you have a higher resolution - stop here ;-) Otherwise: You should then see it twice - the second is somewhat like 3-D-resolution. I turn off post processing. I hate detailed shadows and more than normal textures. ;-) That should do it. Whereas viewing distance doesn't change a lot - for me. Pls put your specs into signature. An immense amount of posts can be avoided. A solution can be at hand when you do it.
  16. Herbal Influence

    Has anybody got full performance

    there's a thread on AMD 6000 here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=77206 I am running it actually on about a 30 fraps +-4 and I am completely happy.
  17. Herbal Influence

    AMD 3800 and 6000 X2 CPU

    Another hint that AMD cpu run well: http://forums.bistudio.com/poll.php?do=showresults&pollid=58 Found the best solution for me with fraps mostly at 60 !! Too bad I cannot insert the picture I've done on it ... so I post it by hand here: Viewdistance: 3600 Textures: Normal GraphicRAM: High Anisotrop.: deactivated Eniviornment details: normal Object details: low Shadows: normal Postprocess: deactivated Quality preference: Very high Menue solution: 1680 x 1050 3D- resolution: 1680 x 1050
  18. Herbal Influence

    A big "wow" !

    Yep. That seems to be one more aspect I think I have experienced too and which is quite new (to me, as an old OF-gamer who did only a little AA1): That they cover each other, at least, seem somehow to work together. :rolleyes: I am not really sure about this for it might be a result of their seeking a cover in the environement which might make it look alike they would cling strategically together ... :bounce3:
  19. Herbal Influence

    Good Times

    Yeah, I do enjoy it very much! Especially the new AIs intelligence at strategies. But since OF-times I have had friends trying BI software and then saying: "I cannot even run a few metres without being shot. I am frustrated. I want superpowers to get rid of the frustration of every day life! And no simulation of the worst - which is the reality: Me, a noobish mousepusher, suddenly in a combat situation ... " I couldn't help them. They wouldn't want to learn tactics. They are better off with something more arcadish. ROFL By the by: I opened a similar thread time ago: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=80584
  20. Herbal Influence

    Lagg Solution

    Amen! And: Take a look at my poooooor rig! It's from Dec 2006 (600 Euros). I upgraded then for AA2: 99 Euros on 9600 GT + 60 Euros on AMD 6000 X2 Done it few minutes. I am happy as can be doing AA2 a lot in all kinds of variants. In fact I did again change graphic options for interest only and my average fraps is about a 35 now.
  21. Herbal Influence

    Resolutions make no difference to my frame rate?

    To my feeling AIs strategies are much more complex than in OF. That's always been cpu-eating. Just make a small mission in OF yourself (with editor) and turn AIs intellligence on the max level - you will notice significant more cpu work is to be done. Therefore the possibility to change it surely was implemented - to have lower cpus work nevertheless with lower intelligence settings. Second: AIs are more "creative" than before. They creep up from behind the principal fireline, hide much better, even lean behind walls etc. etc. Read: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=80584 I think it's time for us to get informed about what fraps JackDaniels is talking about. Maybe he already hits the ground or the top level of it - depending on what vsync-frequency he has.
  22. Herbal Influence

    bad graphics performance - BiS confirm?

    You may take a look at my systems specs. Run's absolutely fine for me - and should be buyable for less than 500 Euros. Make sure you get Mainboard with AM3 and the future is open to you! ;-) I did upgrade for 60 Euros from AMD 3800 X2 to AMD 6000 X2 within a minute. Other content AMD users: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=77206
  23. Herbal Influence

    Resolutions make no difference to my frame rate?

    Don't forget there are many happy low end hardware users out there. The game was playable to me with AMD X2 3800+, but indeed it is much more fun with higher to highest settings I can do now with AMD X2 6000+ (about a 60 Euros). Your AMD 6400 should have 1024 L2-Cache for absolutely the most AMD 6000 do have. Mine is from that minor fraction ("Brisbane") and has only 512 MB L2-Cache but it works absolutely fine for me. For AMD processors and my fraps take a look here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=77206
  24. Herbal Influence

    Very important issues

    My saying! Ooooopss .. .. not?! My thinking!! ;-))
  25. Thanx - so designing script commands is it like adding shell skripts (Linux) or even batch files (Microsoft) one after another? And it takes place in C++ and they are offered to us as an script language that will have to be interpreted by the AA-core program? Seems to be like defining your own program language for a very special "environment", the "core" program where the graphic engine is only a part from? @Bid_Dawg_KS: Thanx for the hint. Sure Suma could answer it all fastly - at last I believe that ;-) But I have to make sure that the speed of input doesn't overwhelm me. ;-)