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Herbal Influence

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Everything posted by Herbal Influence

  1. Mmm ..... I think it's very, very time consuming to give "feedback". Every kind of feedback, the shorter it is the more, don't you think will lead to a broad discussion? I mean any other feedback apart from "done!"
  2. Herbal Influence

    Lisbon Treaty II. Ireland votes Yes?!!?

    Though a bit offtopic ... corruption is a big thread if not the biggest to demoracy. It needs people to be aware of it all it's forms. http://www.transparency.org/
  3. Herbal Influence

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    I do a lot Bennys warfare and this ... I like crcti's most. But crcti 0.9 hasn't been updated for long. I was hoping for this for I realize that if I play it pvp or alone it gets slower and slower when more units are build. Can anybody confirm he has nice speed of commanded AI troups even after one hour of gaming and lots of AI troups nicely equipped with vehicles or inf?
  4. Herbal Influence

    Means of communication

    Written. Because of www.leo.org ;-)
  5. Herbal Influence

    Lisbon Treaty II. Ireland votes Yes?!!?

    I understand your point and appreciate you posting it here in all clarity. But people wouldn't pay the price for a t-shirt made in the EU, when it is so much cheaper to have one from China. And think about what happens if we would forbid to import cheap t-shirts - they would be smuggled into the EU like Afgahn heroin. But isn't Bohemia Interactive a striking example of what can be done by former communist countries? This small company competes - and wins ! - against, just an example - against "Americas Army" which was financed broadly with millions of dollars by the US government? And this is due to the many very intelligent and nicely educated people in Europe. They don't study fast and only for industrial interests - at last german informatic students *have* to do something else also, not just informatics. They *have to* chose other subjects too, like Philosophy, History, Sociology. This way they aren't as easy to make simply functioning for industry. They learn to think in a broader sense, not just to sell something as specialist, but to have ideas. (One result is that Linux is broadly appreciated - it's open and open minded.) If you compare patent statistics the EU is genious! But you have to cut software patents and other perverse patents from it! If you compare export numbers - the EU is genious! But you have to cut off the licensing fees to Microsoft. Sure we also need jobs for less genius people. That's true. And it's really bitter for many people what's going on. Just take a look at the serial suicides in that big french enterprise ... 19 suicides within a few months - apparently because of rigid measurements to be more profitable. As far as I know the LT doesn't make better what made me not voting (last months?) for anyone being member of EU parliament: The EU parliament in it's actual and - as far as I know - future design isn't allowed to bring in own laws/statutes ... they can only object to those brought into discussion by the commission. That's a fake parliament. I don't vote fake parliament members. But I feel a common sense in here and that makes this thread as nice to read as many others on this forum: People have a sense of justice. And we have quite a common sense of justice. Everyone of us. Does the LT reflect our sense of justice? I found only one small piece in there: "For the first time, one million citizens from different Member States will also be able to directly request that the Commission brings forward an initiative of interest to them in an area of EU competence." Even if we gather a million EU people for such an initiative: We are only allowed to bid the EU Commission to deal with it. They are so afraid of the normal EU citizen! They are even afraid of their own fake parliament! But nevertheless, I would vote for it for it strengthens the European Idea which I honestly like. I like to be a European. And that's not because being german was quite difficult because of the many stupid and murderous things Germany did within the last century (WWI, WWII, Holocaust). I like Germany, I like to be german nevertheless, but I also dearly appreciate to be european. I love Europe - it's my homecountry. If only they would have more trust in their own people. The LT is so poooooor. But it's better than no movement in that good "direction" I appreciate. So my point is: Let us finally vote a real EU parliament! Let us kick parliament members for listening only to giant enterprises like Microsoft etc. who pay a lot to have their interests - like patents on software which I find perverse. Let us then kick parliament members who do nothing but waiting for the immense monthly payments they get plus the money they get as lobbyists from industry, even industry from competing countries like the US and Asia. Let us then kick parliament members who allow risky financial products from US banks that are that dangerous that it is not even allowed to sell them in the US itself! (www.spiegel.de reported lately this has happened routinely). And I think we cannot go back to yesterday. To only national politics. That's just a nice romantical thought.:o Nations are too small not to be bought by the US, by China, Rich-Oil-Countries, Microsoft, Buffett, Abrahamovic (?) and some other people. Former US-Foreign-Minister Kissinger said: "EU ? Does it has a telephone number?" to express that the EU still has no weight, no power when it comes to terms. Therefore the poooooooor LT is a little performance optimization. We cannot ask BI to optimize code there, but I think we all want better fraps in the EU urgently. :) But we shall never forget that freedom and responsibilty given to people is a risk also. Take a look at the mess you find on public servers for AA2 the last months ... ;-) Sorry for posting that long a text ... but since the DR-thread was closed (due to good reasoning) .. ;-)
  6. Perhaps I get it wrong: We even had a camera on bombs flying or rockets being shot in OFP - so why should this not be possible?
  7. Herbal Influence

    The trials & tribulations of a noob.

    We need more strict admins on public servers. And experienced ones. Those who dare to kick after informing the misbehaving ones. They will come as they did in OFP. I don't like many serverssituations too. And I was really enerved though I am an ol' OFP and Armed Assault gamer since 2001. First I hoped that school holidays will soon be over. Now I hope some kids get infected by Dragon Rising (which I will not call "operation flashpoint 2" - for it is not developed by Bohemia). I just did a three hour game with someone I met on a pub server and didn't know before. It was really fun. All got nothing to do with Bohemia. It's the vast freedom Bohemia gives it's gamers. It's like the internet as a whole: You may go to these redlight quarters ... but you may easily be infected with something. The freedom is immense and people often are not able to enjoy it - like in real life. I myself consider server owners or admins who do not even answer to a "Hello!" as autist-like and l leave the server. On the other hand - if there are 100 gamers online, I wouldn't say hello, because it's like spamming.
  8. (Don't wanna disturb!! But I regarded the release of betas first of all as service to the community - to get fixes this way far earlier, long before an official patch. And I am thankful for this!)
  9. Herbal Influence

    C2Ds really ruining the Arma2 experience

    My hint is, if it's Bennys Warfare .... the mission is made very wide "open", e.g. you can build and use an immense amount of AI-controlled tanks and planes etc. in each squad. This did give me my first crash to desktop since June 09.
  10. Herbal Influence

    C2Ds really ruining the Arma2 experience

    Ok. What warfare do you play? Bennys or the build in?
  11. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I care about milsims not "realistic shooters". But you may go on shootin' ... anyhow and anywhere. We talked about it here. No need to constantly repeat it. It's a big manko of DR if it's really true. And it seem to be true because they don't deny it though it has disturbed many customers who already preordered the game. Give us your CM-forum name to prove what you said.
  12. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    So much about space being not an Codemaster-advertising guy. He doesn't seem to know that there a hundreds if not thousands of gamers enjoying this "not working game" each night. He doesn't seem to be able to open the Multiplayermenue to see a few hundred of them online.
  13. Herbal Influence

    C2Ds really ruining the Arma2 experience

    Am I the only one using 1.04 ? ;-) Why don't you use the newest version? You should also try the latest beta - runs all fine here.
  14. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Yeeah. Than i would take a look. But this seems a big misuse of the name for me. A kind of betrayal to the people who will buy this in good remembrance of OFP.
  15. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Mmm ... I never ever did read one of those mentioned magazines. They are about games. And their authors are gamers who do a lot of gaming, not milsims. It's completely ok for BI Games to even gain "bad" results there ... I would say it's a kind of certificate. If BI games get an "AA++" over there it's because someone has understood, what BI Games are about. But you cannot rely on that. DR is a game, BI Games are milsims ... and yes, ... /yawn
  16. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Tooooo bad this flying meat will be water on the mills of politicians to forbid these games as a whole. I don't want this game to be delivered to young people - and it's aiming at very young ones.
  17. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    1. Wrong: There is no easygoing possible "graphical user interface" for all those actions which have to be executed very fast. Once again you showing none knowledge of milsims. 2. Wrong: And you never learn these numbers, you use them until you know them - accidentally - by heart. I think there is quite a lot you don't remember from OFP, not only the numbers. It's a pooor discussion and I would really recommend Wolle to suspend it. ---------- Post added at 20:36 ---------- Previous post was at 20:34 ---------- That's a nice philo-soapical theorie. You see this is so stupid a discussion that you find my answer to your later post - above ! in my post.
  18. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    1. Wrong. It's not "more" it might be "easier" accessibility. 2. Wrong. Fun and "easier" accessibility are not in relation for you don't tell "what" you access: Is it a First Person Shooter or is it a milsim. The latter will always be more difficult to access because it's opener and more complex. Does this mean less fun? Not at all. It means longer and deeper excitement.
  19. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    1. There is no OF1 and an OF2. There is only one original OFP. 2. Your numbering for "open fire" is wrong. 3. No we don't see your point. Once again my question: How can there be such radical fans of a game that noone of them has never ever played? Smells like marketing.
  20. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Sorry to say that but space and these other CM/DR-fanbois in my opinion are doing something like that here: They simply inform a milsim interested forum of potential buyers about DR in an intensive way with this fact-ignoring repeated posts. They want this thread therefore to stay on top of the forum until release day. Thats quite effective marketing what they are doing - just like the spamming for buying viagra ... one in a thousand may one day be interested ... that's all what the fuzz is about. Someone who can write, can also watch videos where i.e. covering of AA2-AIs is proved (NOT of some guys who we don't even know whether they are AIs - I am sure they are not in the DR videos). It's so eays to hire students for this job. Something we all know BI is much too reluctant to ever do - what we love them for. I feel like taking a lesson in aggressive modern marketing.
  21. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I offered this DR-fanboi yesterday evening to put two groups of BLUFOR/OPFOR in the editor and himself as CIVI on top of tower of airport .. to see them doing a small, fast and intelligent war. To see them taking cover. I don't believe he didn't find the time. I don't believe he didn't read it. I begin seriously to wonder, for CM has deep pockets concerning marketing, whether some guys are doing a marketing thing here. Can anybody gimme a clue whether this discussion might positively effect at last the sells of DR ? I don't really get it. Can the advertising go: "AA2 fans battle against DR on their forum - see how serious they take us as a competitor ?" or someting like that?
  22. Herbal Influence

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    I don't work for BI. Why are you talking about bugs from a month ago - didn't you patch it? Still that angry? You can't be serious. This game will continously be patched. That's one thing I love so much about it - since OFP 2001.
  23. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    But as there will be no possibility to use a server other than the gamers own PCs it is simply ok. That there will be no server hosting ... has been said far above - I believe it to be true. And without that DR is simply not in reach of beating AA2 for me.
  24. Really strange ..... no fraps-drop here.
  25. Herbal Influence

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    No. Because you use a different brain. It's over for me, as you could have understood from my post. But - again - you didn't understand anything. Lez go on with facts only.