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Herbal Influence

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Everything posted by Herbal Influence

  1. Herbal Influence

    viewdistance and other dissapointments

    As overall gameplaying is fine here (great graphics, AI intelligence, physics etc.) my preference is even more openess in terms of even more vast battles. But I have to add that the Linux server and freetrack-support is even more important to me (links in my signature below).
  2. Herbal Influence

    Any contract MP Mission Builders for $$ ?

    There is a thread on commercial mods and addons here. Maybe the (legal) thoughts there are applicable to missiondesign also?
  3. Herbal Influence

    ArmA 2 Minimizes

    I have had this minimizing several times ... (0,01 % of time of using Arma2) but it was always easy to remaximize it again by clicking on taskbar.
  4. Herbal Influence

    Ok, this is an alarming discovery.

    Here we do discuss whether there is any proof for bad coding.
  5. Herbal Influence

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    I found it there. And it seems gone .... :o Try here.
  6. That's so wrong. I installed Ubuntu Linux recently (in Sept 09) on three PCs, each within 17 minutes including (!) the complete OpenOffice-package. We use Linux since more than 6 years on our enterprise desktops and on private desktop: no problems at all, whereas Windows98 stole us some days not at last with it's famous bluescreens. I appreciate WindowsXP finally learned a lot from Linux, like the IE learned the tabs-browsing from the firefox (though Microsoft said before: that's rubbish!). Some of my family members, old mother and small kids, who are - not at all ! - technic enthusiats work since years with great success with Ubuntu Linux. No problems at all and very recommendable especially for persons without technical background. I do use Microsoft only for playing BI games - and I would pay a 200 Euro for a Linux version of BI games in the future to get rid off proprietary Microsoft sh... My lifestyle: Microsoft for gaming, serious work: Linux.
  7. Herbal Influence

    Linux: Wine + ArmA2Server.exe

    Hope you tried to run it in a virtual box also? I know some doing that - works quite easy (Ubuntu) - but as of today the bandwidth wasn't really good - for whatever reason !
  8. Herbal Influence

    Arma 2 dedicated server for freebsd/linux/etc.

    Yep - that is getting more and more important for we consider to feed the monopolist Microsoft. That would be too ugly, but our virtual box has - for whatever reasons - big problems with bandwith though the server is absolutely "state of the art" ... :-( At last they said here said on August 13th 2009 they would be working on it.
  9. Herbal Influence

    What if CryEngine was used as Arma 3 future engine?

    Are you going to call us dull who have fun hours and hours without missing what you call "key improvements"? You sure that you are asking for something that COULD be done in an afternoon, are you? Blaming BI to only be able to do this in Arma4? You sure show us a milsim where everything you blame BI for that it's missing now - is already working bugfree? At best "since years"? And at the same time doesn't need a more-than-high-end-pc? Sorry, but I found it so arrogant ... just assuming BI developers are normal persons, I wouldn't mind them, calling you right like that.
  10. Herbal Influence

    Which Internet Browser Do You Use?

    I don't like to use Chrome for it was made by google. And googles interest is to collect much data ... even sticking you a personal very long lasting ID-Number ..
  11. Herbal Influence

    Is ARMA II ready now?

    Runs absolutely fine here. Better to get it now than tomorrow. My personal vote after doing BI games since 2001. But remember: BI games are open, vastly open, i.e. there will always be "bugs". If you cannot appreciate the openess, but want to do campaign only, it is not the game for you. ---------- Post added at 10:30 ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 ---------- Nobody knows indeed whether it is a "poor coded game", like vilas stated above. I personally, don't even think so - having a lot of fun in multiplayer and hours of games without meeting any bug at all. I think, that's just a rumour spread. And as it is likely to be an insult to the BI developers who may have sweated to get things done, I wouldn't spread this rumour if I have no proof for it. Take a look here and maybe at my signature.
  12. The Linux-issue: Right now if you want Linux-Users to easily be able to install your software (with mouseclick) you have to deliver about a four different versions to cover the most important Linux-distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Mandrake, SuSe, ... ). Sure you can also just deliver the source code - but it is not as easy to install, gotta be compiled before etc.
  13. Herbal Influence

    Game CPU-Optimization - no troubleshooting !

    Thanx Lughnut - I think the discussion you relating to is this. The idea discussed over there shows that texture load can be vastly sped up by avoiding the use of the "slow" harddisk but the RAM ("-disk") instead. So a new thesis could be: Even high end cpu's aren't able to overcome the bottleneck harddisk.
  14. Herbal Influence

    Idea for infantry 3rd person mode

    Thanx for relating to the important combat problem of environment awareness. For this may be offtopic here, cogamers interested in discussion on 3rd view versus egoshooterview - please read/comment on this topic here.
  15. Herbal Influence

    Dragon Rising has been released

    You mean, you cannot make videos of DR using FRAPS?
  16. Herbal Influence

    Dragon Rising has been released

    How comes I find no user done video of Codemasters DR on youtube? Anyone got an url? I only knew the one from that russian guy ... Everything else I find is just advertisings from Codemasters ... many, many ... but nothing I can really use to get an authentic impression (before getting the demo).
  17. I share your points and philosophy on BI games. I am also an opensource-enthusiast. I am also - under a different name - multiplaying OF, Armed Assault and Arma2 since 2001/02 and enthusiastically. 1. But I can understand BI not to publish their games as Opensource-Software, simply because they need the money to exist and develop. I don't really believe the same money can be gained by just counselling projects with the real life military - what else could they do? 2. There is another benefit for us also: They keep the community closer together. Think of all the different Linux distributions ... :-( ... We urgently need a "defragmenter" here ... Ubuntu's Mark Shuttleworth is trying hard.... 3. And: Does not Arma2 include licensed material from third parties? Who should pay those third parties if you make it Open Source? Those third parties would even be a strict hindrance for they would not want their software to be Open Source for they maybe very specialized. (I think it lies again in the nature of such open (-minded) community to be in rage :mad: about anything not perfectly done by BI or, more important, not programmed at the taste of the very person who wants a certain feature/bug to be different - for they are sometimes really close to be able to do it themselves. At last easily feel so ... after some scripting success .. .. :o ) 4. I think their projects with rea life military would sharply end if they published the source code - for those organizations then would hire people to "form" it all the way they want - by their own people. Last but - not at all - least: I love the fact that BI games are in fact ssssooo :) open for community mods, addons, missions etc. etc. - perhaps this already given vast openess makes BI games so attractive to people with a free philosophy, for technicians, for people who studied informatics or Opensource-Enthusiasts.
  18. Herbal Influence

    Running arma in a window?

    Perhaps you like to add "-noPause" also? It makes the program continue even if you activate another window. I find this practical when mission testing. In OF I could even combat myself with opening OF two times and inserting me on both sides ... think this works in Arma2 also ... at last ... yesterday evening I found myself playing Armed Assault while Arma2 was still open too ... think I can even launch all three games at same time .. ;-)
  19. My personal opinion is: There is little chance to increase performance without decreasing things we love at Arma2. It is CPU-demanding not for no reason. Instead of blaming BI for no-performance-optimization I would recommend to really get into the game to learn what this game all is about and what it indeed offers - you would then automatically stop from comparing it to other games that "run so smooth". And a link that discusses whether it *CAN* be "optimized" or is already optimized: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=88095 And there are things you can do yourself, like here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1464601#post1464601
  20. I always considered the Campaign of somewhat being a trailer to BI Games. Since 2001 I have only spent a 20 min in it and a thousands of hours on multiplayer games. I think BI does the same and doesn't care too much about Campaign. But: Make sure you installed the latest patch 1.04 - and perhaps even the latest beta. You have to understand that BI games get continously better each day. They are that complex - they cannot be readymade ever.
  21. Herbal Influence

    idiots in life

    Well then the "solution" seems quite simple: They told you stupid things. If you really try hard to understand a crazy person you gonna get mad too. So: Stop trying to understand. It's worthless, even harming.
  22. Herbal Influence

    idiots in life

    Vilas you have my respect for showing your feelings to the community. And I feel sorry for you - it must be really hard to work hours on something and then get being bashed that way for idiotic "reasons". You would/will should surely get my respect also for your addons when I will try them which I didn't yet. Don't let people get you down. There are some using internet for letting their real life frustrations out in being aggressive and insulting for no reason. And there are also persons online who simply aren't able to imagine the feelings of the people they are communicating with. This ability differs a lot from person to person and some have real deep unabilities like that. It's a kind of ... handicap they have. Imagine how poor their real life relationsships only can be! I would say, try to ignore the rubbish of those deeply frustrated and - to normal persons - frustrating and sick people and cling to those who are simply normal. You have those people also online, in battles: There are guys who simply wanna destroy everything while not communicating to others at all. Only: "Erased five tanks!" Without asking for a answer or a comment. They just go on like crazy people. No fun to game with, no fun to chat with, no fun at all. But happily: The most are at least normal, many are even helpful, understanding and intelligent. And I think we can be happy with the community in general. But it's always bitter to experience such things, I know and I can feel with you.
  23. Herbal Influence

    What if CryEngine was used as Arma 3 future engine?

    But you can destroy parts of the building and all of the building. What are you talking of? Not about Arma2 are you? Destruction of buildings got NOTHING to do with "taken over a town or something." What are you talking of? Not about Arma2 are you? There is a lot of debris, explosions and smoke ... I don't find Arma2 engine to be buggy. My friends and I can do community made multiplayer games for hours? "Looks" solid - yeah, from afar. Cannot take this arguement for serious. Codemasters DR look solid from afar too ... That's easily said. But you don't know how "easy" it indeed is. LOL - the seeming possibilities are always endless if you trust advertising. This is quite an advertising! At least (!) 33 % of the text is PURE quoting, the rest is helpless dramatization - without any deeper arguements just sayings. Do we believe advertisings? Didn't Codemaster advertise Dragon Rising like hell? What's the outcome? And, at last me :eek:, I can destroy buildings nicely in Arma2. I can shoot windows, I can run over trees ... etc. etc. You want to open another thread - like the DR-rising thread - with thousands of posts: One side believing the marketing shit from Codemasters the others not? Sure you can have it, but there are better things to discuss than advertisings of competitors of BI. And that's the most important thing: You want BI to pay a direct competitor in the area of modable FPS. Sorry - can you imagine BMW asking Mercedes to build an engine for them? How much would that cost? :o
  24. Mmm .... those question arise when you nervously waiting only ... ;-) Just take 1.04 and all will be fine. You may - without risk - also (parallel) take the newest Beta because of interest. For it's parallel there is no risk in taking both.