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Herbal Influence

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Everything posted by Herbal Influence

  1. Herbal Influence

    server commands

    Click here.
  2. Herbal Influence

    Cpu war ?

    Sure you are right, Whiskey. But it's a BIG difference to accept that or to explicitly point to the things going wrong. Another thing I found today: http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20091104-723099.html
  3. In the german versions there is since a few Betas quite an irritating error for anyone launching a game for multiplaying: The menue says "lock" ("Sperren") where it should say "unlock" ("Entsperren") and vice versa!
  4. Herbal Influence

    Arma II is going on the shelf...

    BIS just did another Patch (1.17 beta-final) on Armed Assault the game before Arma2. So I am quite confident ... ;-)
  5. Herbal Influence

    Arma2 free look is ruining my other games!

    Yeah, I hate egoshooterviewmode ... ;-) See a broad discussion on this here.
  6. Herbal Influence

    is ofp1 dead?

    Take a look at www.oldfreakz.com ... and click here for a fast info.
  7. Herbal Influence

    Bohemia Interactive Community Awards 2009

    In my post above where I asked to nominate Tophes video and song I forgot to mention that the videomakers should also be nominated ... but I could only identify Richiespeed as one of the contributors. The other one "lq lite" ? is not really visible to me for youtube wants me urgently to sign up to his videochannel just to watch his identity and other videos ... :-( which I will never do.
  8. Herbal Influence

    Steam, xfire ...

    I try to understand your personal arguments for Steam. I don't understand what it's worth for developers - I ain't into that. (In this regard I do only see a danger for BI of getting dependent to them?) But what is so special about "backup-storage of your configurations, savegames/campaign progress server side"? I am used to backup my professional data for security reasons and same way I can put my Arma2-data on an external harddisk ... ? Progress in games, campaign would be stored same way .. ?
  9. Herbal Influence

    RE: The Freetrack poll

    Well said, Hyp3rdn3. There is few danger just to give exact info on the interface for the steering. That's all what is needed. Community - that has relevantly helped to make BI games great - would do the rest. But I am not the one to critisize BIS policies. I am a helpless fan and consumer. They simply should know that it probably will not pay out in the long term they are used to think in to ignore their "free thinking" community and to adhere to smart US marketing strategies. US marketing is elaborated and aggressive ("war") as you can see from Intel (had to pay 2 x 1 Billion Euros recently as a damages/punishment for illegal practises) and quite comparable to that, watch Microsofts behaviour. US marketing made it possible that US financial products were sold in Germany that were so dangerous that they weren't allowed to be sold in the US itself. Though the EU has quite a high standard of consumer protection laws. US marketing every day meets with an "outer world" that reacts quite unprepared for it, like the East Germans after the Wall was torn down subscribed to a vast number of insurance policies and other crap they would never ever need. "Agressive" or - as I call it - "US" marketing does mislead easily and effect hot bubbles - like Dragon Rising and the worlds big financial crisis as of now. Remember a hot air bubble of the value of US real estates? And I don't think this community is free thinking in the way that it wants all to be free of costs. Many of us would be happy to pay twice the price for BI games if they only continue with their free philosophy. I asked one engaged coposter in a TrackIR - thread on this forum per PM in a simple and simply quite a decent tone whether he does in any way profit from sells of TrackIR - it's a few weeks now. I got no answer. Maybe he is too busy ;-) but it's the only PM I ever got no answer on. I don't mind if BIS did profit from TrackIR / Natural Point. I like them to profit. But they should see the damage too. It's always dangerous to leave the basic values and rely on hot air and marketing. And from freetrack we all learn that there is some hot air in a 150 US-Dollar TrackIR. And as far as I know it's even more expensive in the EU. I want BI to get that money - for even more improving BI games! But it's not about money. It's about kicking freedom in the ass.
  10. Herbal Influence

    Steam, xfire ...

    Thanx for the informations and clarifications on this. One question though: Your last sentences "if You don't like services like STEAMworks then in future You will be out of luck more and more often ..." ... do you mean "the developers" or "the users" with "you" ?
  11. Herbal Influence

    Bohemia Interactive Community Awards 2009

    I urgently want Tophes video and song to be nominated!
  12. Wow, unbelievable! BIS still cares about previous games. This should be a headliner in all news if the media would work correct. But they don't. They depend on big advertising sponsors like EA and Codemasters, Microsoft etc. .. Great thing, BIS, thank you. I immediately implement that.
  13. Herbal Influence

    Cpu war ?

    Announced today: Just another Billion of Euros Intel customers at last have to pay for illegal practises of Intel: http://www.amd.com/us/press-releases/Pages/amd-press-release-2009nov12.aspx Remember: For illegal distribution practises they had to pay one billion of Euros to the EU. This wrongful behaviour is not only a damage to the companies inflicted but also to the end user. Have fun. And pay.
  14. Herbal Influence

    Pulling my hair out!

    Hair back on? Try to give better threadtitle next time pls. I went here to give mental advice and certain herbals for inner use ..... :-(
  15. Herbal Influence

    How big is the default Chenaurus map?

    LOL - we need a new definition on finalizing CTI - games then ... ? If the mhq vanishes "into infinity" ... ? It's not easy to destroy ... ;-)
  16. Herbal Influence

    Why are public games in ArmA II so terrible?

    Just watch the sharp daily drop of gamers at 22:00 European Time on servers with more than 30 gamers.
  17. Herbal Influence

    BIS - ArmA 2 Propaganda - Apparel - T-Shirts?

    My proposal for a text on that bloody T-shirt: "No fun, no patches." Or was it the other way round?
  18. Herbal Influence

    Steam, xfire ...

    Ok -- that being true I will never use or recommend Steam. That'll be just too stupid. I don't want to have to tell any possible dataminer when I want to go online. I also understand the feeling of freedom having your own DVDs on the shelf and not being depend on anyone else. To me BI games open a vast-free-landscape-philosophy. But lez go on with the started Input/Output-Discussion: They deliver certain tools (video, statistics etc.) and an internetpage with communityfeelings. These things do cost money (bandwidth, webspace, support). Who pays this? Possible answers: - advertisers (especially the big ones: Microsoft, Intel, Electronic Arts, Codemaster, ... ) - Steam also might get part of the royalties paid by customers for the game ... dunno - the customers "by allowing" to be "informed" or bombed with messages in your account or with emails? This all .... ?
  19. Herbal Influence

    Modern Warfare 2

    +1 I must admit I was waiting long for someone to post this. Sorry it is somewhat offtopic. I never understood why I should use steam or xfire. I like the freedom and the openess of BI games. But perhaps Steam made a good offer to BI or is the only big distribution channel for BI in the US? I made a more special thread here.
  20. Herbal Influence

    Is ARMA 2 better than OFP?

    Graphics, AIs and lot more are simply stunning and fascinating in Arma2 for me. Though I did a lot OFP and Armed Assault and still do. And I can't deny that lately again I did a BW mod crcti with OFP and again it was like in the old days: I was trembling and my heart beat loud ... it was incredibly exciting again. I didn't have that too often with Arma2 until now. But I am optimistic - didn't take it quite a long time to develop "crcti bwmod dvd" and make it that bugfree as it is today? I think we will have that soon in Arma2 ... and on a much higher standard ... so even much better.
  21. Herbal Influence

    Why is website stale since July?

    Not my point of view. I like them to concentrate on relevant thingies. I like BI to be one of the few companies not burning all money on marketings like obviously Crashmaster did with DR.
  22. Well said, Heatseeker! But: Just my personal opinion - to be sure! :o I like to do OFP still, now and then. And I remember a lot fun since 2001. But ... it's only a matter of time (+ work) to get there with Arma2 and even more and better again. The potential ... the openess of BI games enforces me to look forward ... ever! The last patches, some new mods and missions show all is on their right way ... I don't tend to nostalgy.
  23. Herbal Influence

    Unreal Engine 3 now free

    Did ya find your clothes again? :eek: :confused: Nice post to get the coworking an' cogaming atmosphere back here again! Seriously. From time to time, people need to get back to a broad smile to get back to the origin of this all: entertainment and fascination with high tec! (for me) Remember the broad smile I had when first opening the first mission on OFP1 - it never left me ... :) And now I experienced it again ... LOL ...
  24. Herbal Influence

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Great work! For all new to this, like me, perhaps take a look
  25. Herbal Influence

    Computer Industry making money, not BI

    Nice idea and quite true ... and BI at best should give good info on what special hardware it runs proven well. For some this idea might sound sarcastic but I don't mind. PCs are build to help Microsoft products so why not also this way round.