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Herbal Influence

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Everything posted by Herbal Influence

  1. Herbal Influence

    Demolish of body parts [Feature request to BIS]

    - 1 me too, doesn't help with tactical gaming which I prefer personally
  2. Nice, sbsmac! Nice videotutorial too ! Thanx !
  3. Herbal Influence

    The (un)Official Freetrack Users Q&A Thread

    Sorry, as far as I can see cachya is neither open source software nor is it free software. That's completely the wrong direction ... I could buy TrackIR then .. :-( I consider your post - as you deliver no reasons on why we should BUY another proprietary, closed commercial product instead of a free and open one then - as a pure advertisement. :-( Sure, you tell us now, it was just a joke?
  4. Herbal Influence

    OPFOR shot down by Civilists

    Ok - thanx ! I will try again.
  5. For my mission I need OPFOR to react to CIVILISTS shooting at them. It works with BLUFOR - after you, as CIVI, shoot one or two of them down, they kill you. But not with OPFOR ... why? Anyone any idea? Can the communist thought really be so deeply rooted ??!! ;-)))
  6. Herbal Influence

    Child soldier [Feature request to BIS]

    If it's only pixels that you want to have to kill for, as somebody said above, why it's so important for you to have them in form of a child? I personally find the pure questioning of child soldiers most distasteful. Please read about mirror neurons: Mankind has gained the ability to empathy through evolution. It seems to have been a surplus versus not having them. It's a lot of work for the military to hinder your brain from reacting with empathy towards the persons that are the "enemies". A kind of deprogramming is needed to make you kill a person. Begins with nice an' shiny an' sexy US-military sponsored brainwash films like Top-Gun, ends with Abu Ghraib/Guantanamo hand in hand with lots of courts-proved illegal CIA-Missions.
  7. Herbal Influence

    OPFOR shot down by Civilists

    I need the Civis only be targeted by OPFOR when either a) they shoot at OPFOR or they b) leave a certain area or both. I think that's not met with the above code. :o
  8. Herbal Influence

    OPFOR shot down by Civilists

    Wow ... nice ... Effect is: The other civi gets immediately shot by OPFOR when entering triggerarea. I - other civi - don't get shot at all. Yes, I checked the ranks (Blufor highest rank, me middle, other civi lowest). But thanx - I think I will learn a lot by this. One reason: The activation of the trigger doesn't work no more with "everyone" since they are considered as BLUFOR. The option "everyone" simply does no more show up once you are on a special side or "captive". Maybe your first idea was okay and I messed it: I inserted the "=" into the "setCaptive true" I'll try that again without the "=". EDIT: No. Doesn't change anything.
  9. Please someone care about the shitty mistranslation of "Server locked/Unlocked" to German "Entsperren/Sperren" - it's completely wrong done!! See here.
  10. Herbal Influence

    Is freetrack working now new beta

    Wow!! Again I am quite overwhelmed about the user-response of BIS ... !! Yepppiiiiieejej !!
  11. Herbal Influence

    OPFOR shot down by Civilists

    Hey, guys, thank you both (@Rekrul: yes, I did do "setCaptive = True"). I will try your new proposals as soon as I can - and will report on it here!
  12. Herbal Influence

    What you're thankful for.

    I thank the US citizens for Obama. I thank BIS for caring so much about their games, even long time after release - think about delivering another beta-patch on Armed Assault in November 2009 and all the betapatches on Arma2 until now which show continous work - noone of us ever did pay for. Sure they don't do that for nothing - seems like they are working on their future business. I like that. I like them not to spoil too much money for marketing shit. I thank our cogamer Tophe for the Ode to Bohemia. ps. Don't come with "but they had to because it was buggy" - a lot of software enterprises don't and that's what I call the standard. Just remember Microsoft Windows just up to Windows 98 - it was so buggy though Bill Gates had so much money jumping out of his pockets. And, most important, immensely open games like the BI games cannot be bugfree to a large extent due to their open nature.
  13. Herbal Influence

    Steam, xfire ...

    In my opinion at last in Germany (EU copyright is quite the same) there is a right to resell a software you bought legally yourself on CD/DVD, if you delete everything on your PC and sell the original CD/DVD including security code etc. and leave no copy at your home. So it would be a real disadvantage to have only a Steamversion. The courts ask exactly whether you bought it as "incarnated"/"embodied" or just a download possibility. So a Steam-only-Version would be quite a big disadvantage in this regard. In this case you need to have the allowance to resell. But if there is no reason at all not to allow the reselling the copyright owner (or the distributor) *has to* allow reselling of download-only-versions ("originally-not-incarnated-versions") nevertheless. But Steam etc. might have "good reasons" not to allow reselling like the connection of the very version with the personal profile at Steam etc. German source.
  14. Herbal Influence

    Comedian Robin Williams plays A1/A2???

    Aren't we all a bit Robin Williams somehow?
  15. Herbal Influence

    OPFOR shot down by Civilists

    @Legislator: Thanx for your reply. Remaining problem is that I need the whole OPFOR - Group to punish the special civi for - a killing of one (or more) OPFOR soldier and/or - leaving the special custody area he does. And there are more civis to join him in the rebellion. It shall be an insurgency of civis against their OPFOR - custodians where UMSC comes to help by paras. Or better said: The jailed civis support the incoming BLUFORs by rebelling against their OPFOR-suppressors. (No offence to Russia - I would have made it the other way round if OPFOR would have such a nice big transport plane like the c-130 - who helps to transport a lot inf for para.)
  16. Herbal Influence

    OPFOR shot down by Civilists

    Thanx! But OPFOR killed all the Civies immediately ... :-( (Talkin of Rekruls proposal; Legislatives works fine but is only half the way in my mission).
  17. Herbal Influence

    OPFOR shot down by Civilists

    @Rekrul: One noobie question though ... How to "group Civvies with him" ... did try it with synchronize and drawn the lines ... but doesn't work ...
  18. Herbal Influence

    OPFOR shot down by Civilists

    Wow! Thanx guys for the fast and competent answer!
  19. Herbal Influence

    BI Games at the leading edge ?

    Thanx for some mature comments on this. I indeed do not adress those - mentioned - 13yrs-ol'-guys who simply like explosions. Or those who find "most grusome and inhumane games" simply fun. Nor do I want to reduce freedom of modding as I stated in the beginning. My idea is that BIS game could get just more, more realistic than it already is, a bit of a jewel under all those simple firstpersonshooters if it care for a more realistic turn towards humanitarian rights in war. No doubt, you can question if there are any humanitarian rights in war. But I must say, my ancestors knew and experienced something like that. In World War I (1914 - 1918) soldiers of both sides even did do a small common christmas event between the firing lines ... ;-) ... and a few hours later they continued killing each other. There are already things in that direction in BI games like the possibility to capture people, put them in prison. I am simply a bit tired of the sole possibility to "deal with armed people" ingame is to shoot them down and I see that something in this way would be an outstanding marketing hit. There could be things like making them surrender when the situation is without any real hope for them AND thereby (!) gain points or money etc. Like a group of simple infanterist (without AT-weapons) meeting tanks ... That would make the game a bit more tactical and real. Prisoners could get free again .... "rescued" by their own people. (Maybe that can be done by mod already I am not sure.) With this - BIS games would surely be in another aspect far ahead of its competitors. There are a fucking hell a lot of games where you can be inhumane and gruesome like crazy - Fallout 3 etc. etc. ... that's not a niche in the field of FirstPersonShooters or milsims.
  20. Herbal Influence

    Armed Assault on Linux through Wine

    I know it's offtopic but I just happened to run my first BI game on Linux and it's such a strange thing to me for I use Linux 24h/7days in office and Microsoft only for BI games: I just installed OFP1 on Ubuntu 9.10 (64Bit) using wine (which I did install within less than 20 min incl. OpenOffice-package). It worked immediately with only each time of Install-CD changing I did "hang out" the CDs manually. Even Multiplayer worked fine though I did not upgrade to 1.96 now and couldn't participate in any online game nevertheless (with GOTY 1.85). Graphics/sounds are absolutely fine but a bit laggy with around a 20 fraps. So I wouldn't think there is a nice show like a fluent Armed Assault or even Arma2 by now.
  21. Herbal Influence

    noob questions.

    Since noone of our cracks answered - I do, being an editingnoob myself. Dunno. That's not easy. A simple copy and past of the visible units in the mission file would do harm I think. I can only help you to add more and more AI into the editor - mark with mouse and do copy & paste ...
  22. Herbal Influence

    Is it possible to play Arma 2 without the DVD?

    Aah ... yeah, but check all the checkboxes afterwards not to be "bemothered" by Steam too much. And if your internet connection doesn't work ... you are all alone with no DVD disc. After my birth I tend to avoid umbilical cords .. .
  23. What for? You can read the names by pointing with mouse to them. I personally wouldn't like that "names on head"-feature.
  24. Herbal Influence

    is ofp1 dead?

    AA1: 2006? AA2: June 2009 Codemaster was the publisher: the one who did the marketing and distribution. After they separated Codemaster had the right to use the trademark "Operation Flashpoint" still - for whatever reasons ...