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Herbal Influence

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Everything posted by Herbal Influence

  1. Herbal Influence

    Arma2 beta builds 1.05.6xxxx

    [irony] Would you please stop this ugly patching of the game steadily! It runs fine for me, at least since 1.04. I can't stand to lose the natural feeling of BI games which always consisted to me in slighty visible irrelevant bugs. Don't you erase them !! AIs are humans too - they have the right to decide falsely or to drunk driving ! Don't want robot-like AIs ! Deeply melancholic .... famous ol' OFP-Gamer Herbal I., Son of Influence sr. [/irony] Thanx BI for even now continuing with patching. I am looking for a new explanation why you do that. It's not normal in the gaming-software-business. I think I found the reason for it: You play Arma2 yourself !! ;-)) After leaving office you switch on your PC at home and do some strategic shootings with Arma2? Right? That explains all your overwhelming efforts.
  2. Herbal Influence

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Oh --- perhaps you got me wrong. I don't like teamspeak at all. I spoke about chatting - didn't I say that? - maybe. :eek: I corrected it in my post. I am so used to communicate via keyboard .... :o And I don't want to make friends with the people I say "hello" to. See it this way: It's much more exciting if you kill someone you "talked to" before ... ;) Hope you know what I mean - don't take it for real. At last to me, it's a kind of Hide and Seek ... :D
  3. Herbal Influence

    Why is this game not more popular?

    I just did two hours of cti - and left frustrated: Guys coming on the server do not even say "Hello!", not even guys comin into your team. It's like playing with dumb robots or ... autistic gamers. (Whereas I don't want to discriminate real autists ...) The explanation given to me when I asked whether they were robots was: "I don't want to socialize ... " The "lol" stuck to my throat. Well - mature co-gamers - pls help to make this game more attractive by saying "Hello" if you join a server. Instruct instead of bash noobies ... and they will feel welcome and "online-gaming" will be more fun for all. Like in the ol' nice days with OFP ... ;-) EDIT: With "saying" I meant chatting/writing - not Teamspeak etc. Sorry for the confusion. I am so used to that mode of "speaking" .... :o
  4. Herbal Influence

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Yeah - I never could imagine doing BI games on a console - for there is no keyboard! Simple as that. I might be misinformed but consoles always have been something for kids to me. And sure BI could increase sales including the kids or those adults that want to play sitting on the sofar .... but - as it is said already here - do we really want that ? Even today: Seeing (like in the video above) a mature man at a console I immediately think: What the kids are doing while he uses their console. I can't help. I like BI games to be more popular - but that wish is the same as wishing the world go better, people being more open for deeper things instead of junk-food-entertainment. And again - I enjoy BI games quite independent from the number of cogamers. It's the quality of cogamers that count. Again: I have had thousands of hourslong cti since 2001 playing mostly, or at least very often, 1 vs 1.
  5. Herbal Influence

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Well - two different aspects were there to discuss on: 1. Why is Arma2 not as popular as it could be ? - seen by experienced gamers. This we have discussed broadly now. 2. Game is only fun on weekends because of too few cogamers online. This hasn't been discussed deeply. And I can't follow the threadopener with this as I already stated in the fourth post of this thread. And I tell you why: I had hundreds if not thousands of 1 vs 1 (take it literally!) CTI games that on average gave me thrills for 60 min up to five hours each (!) game. I just wanna say - you DON'T need many cogamers to have fun with Arma2 online. Only with few people you can really cooperate not with 20 of them. Ever had 20 gamers on Teamspeak - no, thank you. Don't need that. No more serious tactical gamin' that way. So - the second aspect of the original post -: Don't wait for the weekend do a 1 vs 1 or a 2 vs AI on one of the 700 servers steadily there for you.
  6. Herbal Influence

    Why is this game not more popular?

    How many people do you need to play that game? There a steadily about a 500 servers open. There a every hour more than 400 gamers online - so what? Take a look here. Sure I wish BI games a bigger community, but what for do you need more than there are? Is your questioning serious - is my question.
  7. Herbal Influence

    Footmunch/eddyD F-16 in ArmA 2

    Aaarrrghh ... now ... looking at those file names my brain utters something like rudimental remembrance ... :o It must have been in the earlier dark ages that I did download it ... myself ... :D Thanx, Darkhorse! I think I might even like it more when I now update this nice thingie. EDIT: yeah, did download it in June 09 ... those were the dark ages, weren't it? ;-)
  8. Herbal Influence

    Footmunch/eddyD F-16 in ArmA 2

    Sorry, - I didn't download the addon. U didn't read my post?
  9. Herbal Influence

    Footmunch/eddyD F-16 in ArmA 2

    Sorry ... very noobish question possibly: I love this f16 ... but how comes, I have it? I just found it under NATO planes. I never downloaded this as addon. Is it in ACE2-mod? Can't be because I have it even when I don't start with ACE2-mod ... I love it but how did I get it!??
  10. Herbal Influence

    ARMA 2's player movement "feel"

    I voted neutral. Take a look http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lExET8zP2Mc, I love it. The animations are absolutely great!
  11. +1 for Manzilla With Javelin or Stinger I do black out after a 20-30 metres in game. In real life I am better, I swear. :o It's quite strange to see your AIs blacking out ... at every move it makes. And he does not recover fast enough. It's like always effects that are new are too strong as if the developer wants people to realize them more than any other new effects ... ok, ok ... thanx for the effects, I love that effect - developers! Just my 2 cents that they are too strong. I am not sixty and my AIs looks quite fit, I mean: tall and about a 22,3 yrs old ... so what?
  12. Herbal Influence

    ArmA or ArmA 2?

    Highest. Perhaps you find something here and here, but game runs now much more smoothly than on release date. And welcome to this great community!
  13. Herbal Influence

    ArmA or ArmA 2?

    Look my specs. Runs great. Isn't you cpu better than mine? Arma2 is no more buggy in a relevant way. EDIT: Did some research. Wow ... you are quite a "borderliner" ! Very difficult question ! Very much dependend on your wish to have great fraps. I estimate an average of about 15 fraps. Performance could be comparable to an AMD 3800+ X2, but not more. So ... check your sockets and try to get my cpu for about 60 Euros?
  14. Herbal Influence

    B-52 Buff - Bomber

    Oopss ... too bad I can't open that video up there, because "It includes music from Sony Entertainment which is not available in your country". Please don't use that music! ;-) I like that B 52 very much and I am planning to use it in a nice mission I am working on.
  15. Herbal Influence

    AI driving skills

    Sorry - how can that be true? Everbody (?) remember the one nice single player mission from OFP/Arma2 where you attack a convoy? The convoys go just as you want it. I don't know how to program /skript it, but it seems to be possible. And they are AIs. Nobody else is there ... BIS don't steer them from Prague.
  16. Herbal Influence

    No mod tools and no dedicated server files for BF:BC2

    I really felt alienated when I first saw that they make young people pay regularly just to play online ..... :mad: Maybe they feel anew under pressure because of their recent financial losses: Wall Street Journal I like them to have financial losses all over. :p
  17. Herbal Influence

    meaning of terms/acronyms ...

    afk = away from keyboard and, by the by: lol = laugh out loud rofl = rolling on floor laughing wtf = what the fuck (no censoring needed, we are not in the US ... are we?) imho = in my humble opinion ...
  18. Herbal Influence

    Any other musicians in the community?

    To me Tophe is the greatest BIS games musician. See my signature and enjoy his great song about Arma2!: "Thank you, Bohemia!"
  19. Herbal Influence

    OFP Servers?

    So ... there are / has been indeed no commercially setup OFP-servers because it was too easy to do it? Just for interest.
  20. Herbal Influence

    Would this be ok?

    Nice question, I think, because it shows the disadvantages of just downloaded versions. I cannot answer that question. But my thoughts are: You simply wouldn't have to care about such things with a DVD of your own. As far as I know under German law the seller can hinder you from transfering a downloaded version to another person but can't do so with a DVD-version. Which doesn't say the seller did it in your case (license clause?) nor do I know that German law governs your contract. If he does not want you to transfer the downloaded version he may have applied something like an cpu or another identity check relating to your PC only so your friend couldn't use it. On the other hand he might have installed something like that but does allow the transfer of the license and only asks for personal data again - which I personally hate. One question from my side, by the way: Did you have to deliver personal data to get the downloaded version on your PC running? EDIT: For a correct answer it should be of interest from which download services you got your version. EDIT: Ooopps - I thought I was the first one to answer ... but ok ... I'll leave it so .. :o
  21. Herbal Influence

    why choppers don't have AA missiles?

    It's tooo long ago ... but I rarely ever played OFP without AA missiles ... so I am wondering .... well, as I did only mfcti's and crcti's they sure are in the mfcti-addons and/or the bwmod-pack... ?
  22. Sure this has been discussed before ... need only a short hint: 1. How to keep ACE-files up-to-date on a Linux-Server? 2. I realize an increasing annoyance concerning ACE because people forget to switch off ACE-mods when entering servers without ACE for they cause problems on non-ACE-Servers. Anybody confirm (both?) ?
  23. Herbal Influence

    Improve the rain and sounds

    Maybe there is a "clash of civilizations"? Here in Mid-Europe you very rarely have rain or thunderstorms louder than your girlfriends voice from the bedroom when hitting the Arma2 - Button ....... ;-)
  24. Herbal Influence

    Is it really that hard to run smoothly?

    1. I stated that an AMD cpu much older and less quick than i7 runs Arma2 really well. So my answer to the Thread was: No need to worry about running Arma2 with a much quicker cpu than mine - like the Intel i7. 2. I then gave a bit provocative hint that is interesting to you if you are what people call a "thinking customer", especially, if you think about investing a few hundred bucks into a new cpu: Take a short look about why Intel has been punished 1,4 Billion Dollars and now pays another 1 Billion Dollars to AMD. Fun is: They pay it for having mislead customers like you and me - more details in the cpu-war thread as posted. And again: Do THEY pay for it? No, their customers again have to pay for it. If hinting to this facts makes me a fanboy of AMD ... then I am a fanboy of everyone who has been treated illegally. And that you can take for granted. 3. I am no more willing to derail this thread but had to answer your second personal insult to me ("posting shite", "a load of horse shit"). I am done here. I am not waiting for your third personal insult only for hinting to facts that seriously should be taken into consideration before investing in a product.