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About Horrace

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Could you explain how to do this? Many thanks. ---------- Post added at 03:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:10 PM ---------- Sorry I just read your post about reportIp = "<>"; will that remove the duplicate client check then? I can't test at the moment.
  2. Sorry. I forgot to say that I have got the server working and 1 client. But I can't join the server with a second client... I get a message about FADE. My game is a legal copy by the way.
  3. Hi, I wanted to try and setup the following test environment that is running on the same PC :- 2 x Clients ( In windowed mode ) 1 x Dedicated server This would be perfect for testing and fixing multiplayer missions ( especially JIP problems... ) Is this possible and if so how do you do it? Thanks.
  4. Horrace

    Alt-f4 . . . :(

    Doh! I have got a decent mouse with side buttons. You're right I could just assign look to one of those... :)
  5. Horrace

    Alt-f4 . . . :(

    Anyone else been looking around with ALT and then tried to select squad member 4? lol. Not good :( Probably done that about 5 times now...
  6. Here ya go. The original area.sqf had "Danger" had to change to "Sign_Danger" (for Arma 2) //3rd - y axis //4th - how many tables (markers) have to be placed //5th - angle of elipse _xPos = position (_this select 0) select 0; _yPos = position (_this select 0) select 1; _howBigA = _this select 1; _howBigB = _this select 2; _tablesC = _this select 3; _angle = _this select 4; _i = 0; while {_i < 360} do { _x = (_howBigA * (sin _i)); _y = (_howBigB * (cos _i)); _x_rot = _xPos + _x*(cos _angle) - _y*(sin _angle); _y_rot = _yPos + _x*(sin _angle) + _y*(cos _angle); _k = createVehicle ["Sign_Danger",[_x_rot, _y_rot,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; _m = createMarker [format ["Marker" + str _i],[ _x_rot, _y_rot,0]]; format ["Marker" + str _i] setMarkerType "Dot"; _k setDir _i; format ["Marker" + str _i] setMarkerDir (_i - _angle); _i = _i + (360/_tablesC); }; Oh and if you are after some sort of mine field once someone crosses the border, you'll need to setup some triggers.
  7. So the difference between createVehicle and createVehicleLocal is that createVehicle will propagate said object accross all MP machines? Will that be regardless of the machine it was called from? I also found this info on the Biki for createVehicleLocal "If the object that is created is of the type ammo, then it will created on all clients (tested only on VBS2)." Does that mean it will be created on all clients if run from the server or does it not matter which machine? MP Scripting = :confused: ;)
  8. The problem is that I can't access the contents of a crate that i've placed in the editor when the mission is running on a dedicated server. I get no icon to say rearm at crate or anything. It looks like the AI can get things from the crate however because they will run over to it and crouch then get up and reload.
  9. I've tried USBasicWeaponsBox, USBasicAmmunitionBox and GuerillaCacheBox
  10. I was using a script. Then I tried just adding weapons through the init line of the crate. Then I just left the crate with it's standard loadout. No luck with all of the above on a dedi. No option to access gear on the crate.
  11. Horrace

    select command

    My fault. I was trying to do this : _myArray = [0,0,0]; _value = 2; (_myArray select _value) = 5; Thinking that this would set the second element to 5. What I should have done is _myArray set[_value,5]; Doh!
  12. Yeah i've tried different angles. Can anyone confirm they have added crates and managed to access them whilst running the mission on a dedi server? Many thanks,
  13. Even without any code I can't access the crate but only when the mission is running on a dedicated server. If I start a new mission from scratch in the editor and place a player soldier and a US Basic Weapon crate, no init line or anything. When I preview it I can access the weapons that come default with that crate. If I then run the mission on a dedicated server I get no option to access the crate... The funny thing is, if I add an AI unit he will run over to the crate and crouch as if he is accessing the crate!? Are the crate contents only registered server side?
  14. Hi, I have some code that executes only on the server that randomly moves ammo crates around the map every 3 - 5 minutes. But for some reason once they've moved you can no longer access their contents. Any ideas? Regards, EDIT : Looks like I can't access the crates anyway. Even if I just drop a crate in from the editor. This only happens from a Dedi server by the way.