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About gord96

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. thanks! sorry to be off-topic but what is the Warfare module? I have asked on a few threads with no reply's and you seem to know your stuff! :)
  2. gord96

    Converted OFP SP Missions

    awesome. thanks!
  3. the high command module allows you to command multiple units?
  4. gord96

    Warfare module/Manhatten

    manhatten is a base? oh ok. cool. what about the warfare module. is that what makes the buildings and allows you to buy troops and weapons?
  5. One question...what is it? I see alot of talk about it and cant seem to find much info on it. ok...two questions....what is Manhatten? A multiplayer map? Thanks! :)
  6. glad im not the only one hehe. from what i read it sounds cool.
  7. sorry for my noobness, but what is the warfare module?
  8. gord96

    co 12 cowards attack

    nice work! btw. is there a way to arm the other villagers?
  9. I have been playing around with the My Missions editor and noticed you can turn on ambient combat in the first 3 modes (basic, engage (i think) and defend). The 4th option is obviously designed around ambient combat. Anyone notice any of this combat in their basic, engage or defence missions? I have yet to see it. Thanks very much. I am loving this simple editor the game came with! :)
  10. gord96

    "Why" Are There So Many Bugs?

    derfmeister must be a troll.
  11. gord96

    Motion blur

  12. gord96

    Flying difficulty?

    thanks for the reply. that sounds great. a good mix! :)
  13. gord96

    Flying difficulty?

    How difficult will the flying be in this game? Will you need a joystick for it? I am excited for the realistic ground combat, but so far I havent found much on how "sim" the flying is. Thanks for any info! :)