I would have to say that Performance is a big one to fix I get better FPS on Crysis and Farcry on Max graphics than I do on Med - High in this game Crysis and Farcry do look alot better than Arma.
I also think Warfare you should be able to have the ablilty to buy empty cars,tanks and choppers for cheaper price becuase most of the time I just tell the AI to get out cos they are retards.
When your commanding a chopper that is AI there should be a command to tell them to land so you don't have to tell them to dismount when you want a pickup from AI. AI should be much smarter AI on games from 2000 have better AI then these guys in warfare they buy pointless things we can get choppers and tanks and they buy and hummer with a MG on the top what a waste. I agree with what alot have people have said the AI should not as easily beable to see you through grass it feels like the AI have wall hacks on.
The Models look sooooo bad when your more than a few meters away and than as you get right next to it, it takes a long time to load the model kills the game alot I think.