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Posts posted by lizardgun

  1. This was a really enjoyable campaign up to Guardian Angel, which I found essentially unplayable due to the crappy frame rate you always get in heavily forested areas. That's not really the mission makers fault.

    However, it does't help that there doesn't appear to be any good shooting spots, which means you end up engaging hostile infantry at iron sight range, which means you are at a significant disadvantage as you have a slow firing rifle.

    However, Invisible Man is even worse, as every time I've attempted it the mission says that the target has escaped after about 10 minutes even though the mission briefing says you have 45 mins to reach the target area. Maybe the timer is wrong as I'm confident I wasn't spotted.

    Mystery man though is truly great; I don't know how random it is, but I had a lot of fun stalking the informant and then hunting down the 2 arms dealers including running over one with his own armoured SUV :)

    A great finish, to what on balance is a very good, original and realistic campaign.

  2. I've come across an odity in the 'hostages' mission... after sorting out the situation at the bus you receive a second objective, which is to clear a warehouse. However, after an extremely long drive (15km) it would appear that the waypoint for said warehouse is in the middle of the ocean, about 1km off shore in grid square 99, 15, i.e. SW of Kamenka.

    Has anybody else experienced this?

  3. Hi all

    I'm trying to finish the first mission in the campaign, and embarrasingly for an OFP/Arma/VBS2 vet have got stuck. However, I think it might be a bug rather than my inept playing.

    In short, my squad has cleared the village, rescued several hostages, although the doctor refused to follow me to the hut and found the mass grave in the forest. Since then I have blown up the radio transmitter and headed to the evac point. After that we moved onwards, siezed a hill and then lased several targets for some heavy artillery (house, tank in hiding, moving tank).

    At this point nothing else seems to happen, as if the game is still waiting for a trigger to be activated. Unfortunately, as the squad leader is not giving any more orders, and is resolutely sticking at the top of the hill the mission is now a bust.

    Any ideas?
