Hello all.
First of all i want to say i am totaly new in Arma game.
Thanks to all peoples who can help me with this few questions.
1. How multiplayer works?
a. Can you play humans vs AI?
b. Can you play humans vs humans?
c. If you can play humans vs humans, how you played it?
team A) have a base and team B) have a base and you need to destroy each other bases or? What is the goal when you play multiplayer?
d. How much peoples can play on 1 multiplayer server?
e. If i join multiplayer will i be able to drive all vehicles or i need some licence to drive (for example licence for driving a chooper)?
f. How often vehicles is respawning?
g. If you play and multiplayer and you came to airport will there be flying vehicles which you can use to fly?
h. Flying vehicles you can find only at the airport or?
2. Where can i buy Arma 2 game? In my country game is not available so i wonder can you recommand me some good online shops for buying Arma 2 original key.
If i buy a key (Without dvd) will i be able to DL game from internet?
Thank you very much!