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About edenborn

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  1. edenborn


    ok lets clear things up. I dont hate the game. nowhere did i specify that i did. arma 2 has alot of things going for it. if people took the time to read the original post in a calm manner instead of "read this as if hes going to explode:" im not gonna sit here and fanboy whats good with the game and make a list of what the game has going for it. i bought the game because i knew it was good. then i make a valid complaint and along comes retarded comments like, "stop moaning" "if you dont like it, why did you buy it" "poor BIS are only mortals, cut them some slack" "dont complain and just leave" etc etc. 1. i do know what to expect in a "realistic warfare simulation" with a background in the SF. 2. I do not know how to implement addons/mods so why bother trying to give advice in the "how-to's & how nots" (im not interested as coming across as a Mr. knowitall who googles answers to later post as replies as i see people doing over and over again).
  2. edenborn


    *golf applause" to the Arma2 fanboy. One has every right to express ones thoughts and disappointments regarding a game ones paid for. If everyone here said, we love it, theres no bugs and theres nothing lacking, BIS would be equally disappointed because there would be no one giving them feedback. please go about your usual business and keep forum policing. :p
  3. edenborn


    this shouldnt be left for the addon makers, its a vital and key component to modern warfare so Bis should be cleaning up their own game and getting these sort of issues sorted. Right now Arma2 could just as easily be packed with Panzerkampfwagens and T-34's, there just isnt any difference at this time. and no, i wont be turning on the headlights to search for enemies, thats the last thing one does in hostile territory....
  4. edenborn


    completely absent in Arma2? jesus, you roll out in a tank in the middle of the night (which happens to be pitch black) and theres just no way of seeing a gdamn thing. Arma2 comes with the "ultra realistic modern warfare simulator" title and yet theres no proper forward looking infra red for any of the vehicles. Even project reality pulls it off better with an outdated BF2 source. im very disappointed.:mad:
  5. edenborn

    Please read/reply!

    ok! im all excited, the game is now downloading! can someone please post a link to the english patch so that i now can understand the game as well? :) ok, swedish is a germanic language but i still suck at it. ;) thanks, edenborn
  6. edenborn

    Please read/reply!

    to all non german arma2 fans. is there anyone around that has downloaded the game from morphicon? will it play on english servers when they go live? is everything ingame german, speech/menus? the thing is, ive preordered the english version but dont know if i can hold out for another week before the release. id love to give it a bash now already! I hear there are language patches around etc etc? please enlighten me