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About stevers

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    Private First Class
  1. Just set your player character to a hostage (don't remove their weapons.)
  2. stevers

    Squad Coms

    The ` button. (to the left of 1)
  3. stevers

    Since I can't run ArmA II...

    I loved Queen's Gambit. Royal flush was my favorite campaign so far.
  4. stevers

    Arma 2 like Project Reality?

    Ladies and gentlemen (mostly gentlemen) I present to you the answer to this entire thread. Sit down, it'll be a big one.
  5. stevers

    Climb over Animation

    I'd simply like them to make the animation only work in the proper context. Looks kind of silly for me to be jumping over an invisible picket fence again and again.
  6. stevers

    ArmA II Autoupdater?

    Like the Steam version? Muah.
  7. stevers

    No multiplayer games?

    Also make sure (down at the bottom) that you're browsing for games over the "Internet" instead of "LAN" or "Local". Also, make certain you don't have any filters set.
  8. stevers

    PC Gamer U.S.A. STILL Hating OFP1

    I'm not sure where the hate is coming from, but the reviewer in PCGamer seemed to understand Arma 2's appeal. Quote from the article: "If you're prepared to give it the time and patience it demands, you won't find a better war game." Also, "If ArmA2 hooks you in, you've just found a war game capable of providing infinite entertainment, and that's astonishing." Bottom line: "A brilliantly in-depth and vast war simulator that rewards your patience. But buyer beware: this game has AI issues. 83/100" Sure, there are some games that get strangely high reviews (like Farcry 2 on PC Gamer vs anywhere else) but, at least in this case, they've written a fairly balanced, straight-forward review.
  9. stevers

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    One actual issue, and two cosmetic. See if you can pick which is which. 1. Why go through the trouble of rendering a holster if you aren't going to throw something in it? Go the queen's gambit route and (graphically) put a static M9 in there just so my soldier isn't running around with nothing on the side. 2. Performance. By "performance" I mean there is a HUGE range of framerates I come across during a typical game. Find a way to lower the gap between looking through an ACOG to a treeline in a field of grass and walking through that same field of grass. 3. Patch the patcher, make it pretty. It's freaking ugly, it's been ugly for years. Good time for a change. At the very least, change the icon to one of the icons already compiled into arma2.exe!
  10. stevers

    ArmA II Under Cedega & Wine?

    I would assume the game runs poorly (if at all) in Wine judging by the feedback posted to winehq on the original ARMA. Of course, the tests are very old so if you're bored I'm sure they'd be glad to hear what success you have with the game. I haven't been able to find any other good information out about it, but I would assume anything running this poorly in Wine would also have issues in Cedega.
  11. stevers

    Who got SLI to work?

    Thank you for the information, Eble. I was holding off on going SLI for this game, but you've made up my mind. Newegg order sent! If you'd be willing to check, how much of a difference are you noticing on Chernarus, especially when looking across a field of grass at a heavily forested treeline through an ACOG? Utes tends to be the better performing map, and it's a decent indicator, but I've noticed the biggest spikes in performance right when I'd need the extra FPS: on a map in Chernarus looking through an ACOG across a grassy field in the direction of a treeline.
  12. stevers

    Who got SLI to work?

    Assuming one can get SLI to work in ArmA 2, what sort of performance increase are people noticing from it working?
  13. Apologies if this has been asked before, but several searches later (through google, through the BIS wiki, and through these forums) I have found no way to "override" the difficulty settings in the game in respect to hiding the player's location on the map. It could be I'm not looking for the right thing, but I'd appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction for more information. I vaguely remember seeing this done in an old ARMA mission, which is why I'm going crazy trying to find out how this is done, but a search in those forums didn't find what I need either. Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the mission so I can't just unpack it and see what was going on under the hood. So again: is there currently a way in Arma 2 to disable certain features that would normally be associated with difficulty (specifically, the player's current location) without editing a server or client's configuration? Either a quick and dirty solution or a link to more information would be appreciated. Preemptive answer to why: orienteering.
  14. stevers

    Can you ride in the train?

    I'd so set up a mission with ambient civilans and wildlife, turn off ACM, and ride the train around in a loop all over the map. :p Would be gorgeous!