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Posts posted by byku

  1. The BTR problem is the fact that it does too much damage imo with its 35mm cannon. M2A1 can survive 2 missiles but it gets destroyed by those few 35mm shots, also the areas(engine, crew etc) are probably too small without the full sabot simulation(like hellbeard said). I was able to destroy BTR with one shot but i suppose it was VERY lucky. So either they should increase the size of "engine" etc, so our SABOT would hit them easier or they should improve sabot simulation(which is probably a lot harder :P), although current armor simulation is miles better than Arma 2:) for that thanks BIS. Oh... and Cheetah AI will win ALWAYS with AI in T-100... why does 35mm rounds destroy T-100 is beyond me.

  2. 0.77 to 1.0, that's a huge part of ... um.. number... with no changes? That would be silly :rolleyes:. Anyway, I don't mind the copy paste if the simulation of some stuff would be better(the titan = javelin not even ace style). UAV and arty are great, pity though that the rest didn't receive any significant updates(except better armor simulation .. although it works strange sometimes)

  3. What i don't like a lot:

    T-100 - doesn't have machine gun for gunner!! But has for commander....

    M2A1 - doesn't have machine gun for commander.. but has one for gunner... what... the... hell? That smells like balancing... A LOT! It feels so fake :|

    Tested those tanks: With AP rounds they wouldn't blow imminently but they SHOULD be disabled at least. Now Panther survives two shoots with very little damage. Similar situation with Marshal.
