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Everything posted by XrProdigy98

  1. Pointless hahahha Why the demo AINT POINTLESS 1) We can get a feel for the game 2) We can see how the multiplayer is 3) We can see the multiplayer and how it works and stuff and The biggest reason for having a demo 4) PEOPLE CAN SEE HOW THERE RIG HANDLES THE GAME!!!!! WHO WANTS TO BUY A GAME THAT SUCKS BECAUSE THERE RIG IS SLOW EVEN IF YOU HAVE THE RECOMMENED SPECS!!! i bet most people would like the demo for that reason am i right
  2. b4k3d: the game acutally comes out the 7th of july go to arma info and scroll down it says it http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=news&type=official&game=1 there is the link
  3. haha thanks SGT...Its like im sitting here thinking im like WTFF!! cant wait to use track ir 5 and my satiek pro x52
  4. What time would that be NY TIME!!! EST i cant figure it out im sick so cant think lol
  5. Well everyone since the demo will probably come out today..i would sat we will all know how we can run the game
  6. laggy how about with a quad core at 2.66ghz and a 260gtx. i mean the demo is coming out so we will all know way before if we can get i...if not whatever
  7. HMM should be good i got the same stuff except i got a Nvidia 260gtx sli but i head it dont support sli.. I asked 1000 times about 2.66 qc support i think it would be good
  8. Here you go i will show you wat i got Motherboard: nForce 750i SLi CPU: Quad Core 9400 @2.66ghz Ram: 3072mb (3 Gigs DDR20 GFX Card: Nvidia Geforce GTX Monitor: 24in Dell OS: Vista 32bit
  9. ch but otherwise what you think about my rig i mean is it good
  10. thanks man when does it come to the US i heard the 19th
  11. I found out i support more on computer.. Vista 64 So if i had Quad Core 2.66 8 gb ram 800 DDR2 but if i stayed at 4 gigs or even 4 what u think GTX 260 nvidia 896mb i mean idc if i have to play objects at med or high and same with terrain
  12. oh so with many ai..i mean if i play online and use map editor and stuff ill be fine. ---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:57 PM ---------- i have 2 gfx cards should i use my 8800 gtx or use my GTX260
  13. what do you think i can run on high and med i mean i might upgrade the ram at least but what would i be able to run on ---------- Post added at 07:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 PM ---------- I mean the recommend a quad core i just wanna make sure my Quad core 2.66 and my GTX 260 896mb is good enough and 3 gigs of ram
  14. I got Vista Quad Core q9450 2.66Ghz 3 Gigs of Ram Nvidia GTX 260 896Mb If i were to upgrade to 4 Gigs of 1088Mhz ( I think it is) DDR2 and get another GTX 260 and sli them how would i run tell me on both how would i run TY