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Everything posted by Lino_Germany

  1. Lino_Germany

    Community Preview is available

    Exactly. Before installing TOH everything works fine. After Installation the mentioned error message appeared when I tried to open Operation Arrowhead. Much guys in german Arma Forums have the same problem.
  2. Lino_Germany

    Community Preview is available

    Same problem here. Starting OA with the latest Beta-Patch works. But all efforts to start the arma2oa.exe with the retail 1.59 Patch failed.
  3. The Problem with the never ending route is solved by usage #4 (Version1.5), thanks. The 2nd problem occurs sometimes with usage #1, as far as I have tested (Version 1.4!). In Version 1.5 I have not seen this, but it doesn´t occur any time. Just a few times, when I shot vehicles with an OPFOR Helicopter, it looks like the last vehicle can´t remember the waypoints and just stand still.
  4. Very nice work! But what about a route without end? Some Missions need a convoy that continuesly drive around a city or something like that. If 4 of the 5 cars are destroyed, the last car of the convoy just stand still. That could be improved. It should drive to the next waypoint.