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About Gir

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    Private First Class
  1. The situation you describe, and that exists, could in no way be described as ironic. An Inigo moment. Also, of course:
  2. It is slang for having sex. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=nookie Not offensive, a euphemism even.
  3. I realise you're not against female soldiers being in the game, but I'd just like to add that being wary of their inclusion because of a feared temptation to "sex up" is also *sort* of victim blaming, since it puts women at a disadvantage (not being able to play mp with a soldier that vaguely represents themselves, something that men of average build have been able to do since ofp with face editing) for the actions of society (a tendency to design overly sexual depictions of women). edit: if women with huge boobs are in the game, that can be toned down as an issue, if the issue is avoided because of every similar fear such an opportunity will never come. These attitudes make it the cheaper, safer option for BIS not to include women, something entirely unrealistic but politically safer.
  4. Thankyou for caring enough to look at my posting history. I've been playing and reading the forums since 05 or so, nothing about arma/ofp really disappointed me except the lack of female soldiers (although a real armor penetration model would be nice). I'm not sure why I even replied to you, your post is akin to the chewbacca defense. edit: out of interest I just went back and read the 09 thread asking about female soldiers in arma 2 and it is amazing how many of the posters are the same, also how the arguments against are identical. I really hope BIS is willing to put some time aside and finally implement this feature so that people can be happy and we can put an end to these threads. I don't want to be posting in the exact same thread in the Arma 4 subforum in 2014.
  5. Man, I don't read a thread for a week and all the chauvinists come out of the woodwork. I'm not sure where these sexist guys come from, I can't say I've met them in real life, perhaps they come to us via a wormhole from 1966? Haha no, I know, they're cowardly little mice when it comes to expressing their views anywhere but the internet. I wouldn't be comfortable shooting a person irl, but I do it all the time in videogames. Given a self-defense motive I'd shoot a child in a videogame, it's not real.
  6. Actually... This group of women are Basiji, the paramilitary militia arm of the revolutionary guard. These ladies are police officers from what I can gather. I don't expect either would see any combat except in an invasion of Iran, but still, there are more armed women in Iran than in BIS games :p.
  7. BI already has a fully voiced female command set. It was included in Arma 1, right down at the bottom of the list. With the amy voice and a custom face you could have a very... burly female character in arma. A bit disturbing in an uncanny valley way. edit: sorry, didn't read the last post before replying :p
  8. Your argument, summarized as "It is moral to kill men but not women" only makes sense if you consider women to be children, or I suppose if you consider men to be subhuman, it's all very odd. When you are presented with the fact that you can already kill women in arma 2, they simply can't defend themselves, nothing in your argument changes. You're against violence towards women but even more opposed to women having the means to defend themselves from it. Your argument stems from an age-old sexist paternalism that regards women as incapable of doing things for themselves (in this case providing for their own defense) or even doing more harm than good when trying. Anyway, the poll does indeed show you are vastly in the minority (I presume you were one of the 7 against women being in the game, since that would prevent violence being used upon these poor digital damsels) so hopefully BI will listen to all the rest of us.
  9. the marines have mixed sex basic?
  10. I imagine they have to at least try? I've seen mention of an early 90s study, the 45% of female recruits couldn't throw 15 yards thing, but I wonder what the percentage of male recruits that failed was, never seen that number. Grenades are heavy as shit to overarm, and the throw they teach is a weird shotput affair anyway.
  11. I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make, but I'll just leave this here: Of course the ridiculousness of attack helicopter pilots not being a direct combat role remains. But every woman marine qualifies to the same ridiculous standards (imagine 500 yards with an ironsighted a2).
  12. Requiring anyone to kill another person is a huge moral decision and conflict, do you consider killing a man to be trivial? Or perhaps it is "just a videogame", but not when it comes to simulated women.
  13. Which, as pointed out, you can do in arma 2. They just can't fight back... edit: well actually, they can in mounted weapons, it looks pretty funny.
  14. There's nothing horrible about treating women as adults and equals. Of course killing people is pretty horrible, but we're all simulating being horrible monsters ;). Yeah, I found that kind of suspect when one of the first things you see in the arma 2 campaign is a woman who has been raped or something. That moment was a bit more traumatizing for me than most, some bug was causing her face to melt off when I played through. "Look at what they've done to her!" *jaw down to ground, eyeballs floating*