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An Fiach

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Posts posted by An Fiach

  1. because women move differently than men owing to their different mass distribution and bone structure. The legs of women, for instance, are far more massive in comparison to the rest of their body than a man's legs. Examining females and males of equal size, females usually have more muscle mass on their legs than men. This means their walking gate shows a lower centre of gravity, and shows more movement of the hips as the larger thighs and pelvis of the female as they must stay balanced over the loaded foot, especially in the passing frame of a walk cycle.


    More muscle mass? I don't really view that as an accurate statement, more mass in general perhaps but this is not true in all cases either. It is probably more accurate to say that the difference in gate is due to the differences in pelvic design. The rest is more sociological rather than physiological.

  2. Is there any chance that you may allow Retail serial keys to be activated on STEAM?

    I have no idea how much this would cost you in terms of Valves fees but if the publisher is worried about losing retail sales, it would help reduce lost "retail" sales for those who prefer STEAM.

    I am not 100% positive but I believe this is possible using the activate a product on Steam button on the bottom of your steam browser.

  3. Modders can do it just fine and I have no issues with third party add ons as such. Where you run into issues is that this is a combat simulation. It is intended to simulate reality. Sure you can argue that it's just a game but if you wanted to play just a game you wouldn't be playing ArmA.

    I respect the fact that female gamers want to play a character that they can relate to and I sympathize but, my honest opinion is that female soldiers should be modeled but limited to the roles that they take on in real life. That means limiting their class options for US and other military organizations that have such restrictions and I support no restrictions on guerrilla personnel as there are none in real life. This leaves us with fewer restrictions than most people might think but also adheres to the realism rule that the game attempts to maintain. Start compromising that for special interest groups in the community and you can see how quickly the game that you love becomes something else entirely.

    On a side note, for those speaking of rudeness and such; Just consider how you might have reacted had the poster not been female. Far too often people change their behavior due to that one detail and frankly that is the greatest sign of disrespect, because female gamers just want to be gamers, not treated differently because of their sex. If you find yourself so starved for female attention that you are jumping through hoops in the forums to appear chivalrous, it is time to log off and go outside into the world. I love female gamers as they tend to be more team oriented and often more skillful than males but as the saying goes; Ask a stupid question (Are the Devs sexist?) expect a stupid answer.

  4. The simple truth is that the majority of gamers do not remotely understand how things work, they simply want them to work, and flawlessly. The truth is, the larger the world, the larger the number of objects and the more realistic and intense the scenery and effects, the greater the chance of warping and lag issues.

    This is a niche game and only sim fans will ever truly enjoy and appreciate it, only they are willing to sacrifice things that are taken for granted in shoebox games to have a sandbox to play in. I regularly play another sandbox game that is 100x larger than Arma but in order to obtain that, graphical quality must suffer. In turn Arma is devoid of certain physics and ballistic properties I value as well as size. Both push the absolute limits (granted BI is better funded) and that means there will be performance issues.

    Better to approach this game with the understanding that it will never be without issues and to understand many people will have to find many different solutions to the same problems. If you want to be angry, be angry about the senseless bugs and graphical errors that should never have made it past post production, expecting the netcode to behave just like it does in every other game that isn't remotely like this one is an exercise in ignorance and futility.
