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An Fiach

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Posts posted by An Fiach

  1. Find a server running a mission that would be fun to play with enough players, download and run the required mods for that server, join in and see that the server is actually what you expected and if not repeat the process, and then play.

    13 year olds are not the only people having problems getting everything set up. Not everyone have some clue about comptuers and internet even if they were generals in the army, and setting up Arma 2 without someone telling you exactly what to do (multiple times usually) definitely requires more than just "having a clue". The "13 year old" is a moot point, it could just as well be a 30 year old with the same problem (except a 30 year old would just dump the game rather than repeatedly asking his 19 year old friend to set it up for him).

    I can understand the mod issue, but finding a server?

  2. But there is one problem, he does not know how to get on and set up the game. But he loves it if I set it up.

    Want to clarify what you mean by 'set it up'?

    ---------- Post added at 02:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:55 AM ----------

    He has a ridiculous argument, but there is nothing wrong with the improvements he is proposing. It doesn't affect game play one iota.

  3. Looking at it in that light i can understand where your coming from however i still think that asking this question here can only be good, as you learn about features you may never of herd from someone else, for example, had i asked my brother whether i should think about getting arma2 i would have been told about, glitchs, bugs and never found out about the amazing community that surrounds this game and the custimizations that ARMA2 allows.

    In my case the reason i gave OFP a go was because my dad said, "its got its problems but ignore them, and you'l love it" id of never given it a chance otherwise.

    No doubt, I think everyone should research things before they buy them, but asking people in a forum isn't research. What got me about this individual is that they seemed to have already researched and made up their mind, they just wanted someone to give them a nudge and tell them it was the right thing to do.

  4. ArmA II ran perfectly for me with v1.01 beta that was the stock version of the 505 Games release. I played through all of the official missions and the campaign no sweat without any gamebreaking bugs at least one time. Performance was also great.

    Simply put, it was good when it was released, and amazing now. :D

    I find that difficult to believe. I'm sure you could run the game just fine, I was able to on my outdated machine but they didn't fix the campaign till long after that. Some missions you could not go past without typing the cheat in the console.

  5. from people who have played the game as it is ment to be,
    The game is meant to be played in any way the individual user sees fit. People go to forums where they share the tastes and opinions of the people there so perhaps in another forum they would learn that it isn't worth their money. It does not appeal to everyone and the way folks here in this forum rabidly defend the game, honesty is not the same as objectivity.

  6. I think alot of the attitude here is quite elitist. Why would any person not be "intelligent" enough for Arma 2? What makes us so special?

    I have plenty of friends who people would consider as "low IQ", but although they may not be school nerds, I have had some of the most in depth and amazing conversations with them.

    Most of these so called "idiots" who play call of duty don't actually know games like Arma 2 exist. Given the effort, many "idiot" players would actually be very good at Arma 2.

    There is nothing that makes us more elite than anybody else, we just play a different type of game. One of the factors not helping Arma 2's new player list, is this elitist attitude.

    I was playing operation flashpoint when I was 11!!! Nobody called me a retard kiddy who had no idea how to play games!

    Reading comprehension Richie. I said to stupid OR too lazy and was specifically talking about individuals that need their hand held by other players to figure out how to play a game. It is one thing to have questions, it is another entirely to need an open chat dialog in the lobby so people can tell you what to do, especially given that there is IRC, TS, Vent, Mumble, Skype and so many other application with which you can get someone to personally instruct you. Seriously, documentation is poor, but not so poor that you cannot figure out the basic functions of the game on your own. Anyone that is an avid gamer knows this stuff.

  7. No i wont buy one ill buy three copy's.

    ---------- Post added at 02:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ----------

    My game runs great! i want more great gaming!

    It does now..... I'm just being honest and realistic about it. Besides to say that you would buy it is assuming a lot of things in advance, for instance, that the same people will be running BIS at that time and that the game will be based on something you will actually want to play.. It is nice when you like something to believe that things will never change unless for the best, but that isn't always the case. BIS wants to get away from Mil Sim so it is a toss up of it ever happening anyway.

  8. Give me a break, i'm just trying to help people understand the problem. I'm sick of all these people in there bubble thinking this game is only for them.

    Hopefully, BIS will take my advice and add these additional features to the game. If I was the leader of BIS I would do these things because I KNOW I could make more money if I did this. I would KNOW that it is a valuable investment of my money. And everybody here would benefit from it, the new players, and the old ones. Then all the isolationists can lock themselves in their own clans and servers. Because there is definitely a mod for that, lol. Definitely...

    Those features are nice (and needed), but not the problem. People that can't get along without them are generally not intelligent enough or simply too lazy to play this game anyway.

    The mod situation is indeed an issue. Normally games are around for a long time and still not all of the big servers are running mods. Not so with ArmA 2. It's all about mods so right out of the box you are going to have to work out what mods you need. Still, if you can't be bothered to read the forums and understand this it tends to go right back to my original statement.

  9. I need to develop a crap product to sell these people. Seems they will buy anything on the promise that some day they might get what they paid for.

    I'll have to wait and see. I love ArmA 2, but I am tired of game companies and ther piss poor business practices and releasing sub par games/production for full price. If I want to feel the way I do when these companies do this I will walk into a prison annex and tell the inmates I am a pedophile, results will be the same and it won't cost me money.

  10. Another trick, particularly on servers where you are limited to just 3 AI personnel, is to get 3 grads or MLRS and a repair truck. You and your crew can drive to anywhere, then have the AI man the gunner slots and you sit in the repair truck to re-arm them. I chased my opponents all over the map the other day destroying their defenses and their bases every time we located them.

  11. Please stop calling it "American English", its ENGLISH. Dropping the letter U out of some words doesn't mean you've developed another language. If by American English you mean saying the word "LIKE" 20 times in every sentence then i suppose you have (un)developed your own language.

    Please fix the voices BIS. "Go Im covering" totally kills the immersion.

    It is a reference to the dialect. Americans and Brits do not speak the same ENglish, the same as Mexicans and Spaniards do not speak the same Spanish.

  12. Correct: Neither suck at all. Sure it ain't a beastly machine, but hey, at least it runs most games and simulators just fine without having to dial them down to looking like something a Voodoo2 would've been embarrassed to output.

    Most games do not do what ArmA does and thus require far fewer resources. The comment about ArmA's graphics tell us that either you haven't seen them on a proper set up or you are simply trolling. I guess there is the third possibility that you believe the plastic trees you get in Crysis are realistic looking compared to the dull wooden looking trees in ArmA.

  13. Is that your way of telling me not to buy it?

    Not at all, I love this game and just convinced a family member to purchase it. I'm just saying this isn't the place to ask that question and even if it were, you are your own person and don't need us to tell you what to do.

    Thing is, I did the same thing with a different game and the community convinced me to buy it. It is an online only game and they are now shutting down their servers indefinitely and the game was never really finished to begin with. Total loss of my investment. Asking people who hang out in the forum of the game you are considering will get you a fanboy response and it may not reflect your personal desires.

  14. I love these kinds of threads, they should be titled "Make my choice for me" it's like asking a crack dealer of it is a good idea to buy some rock from him, you have your doubts but you want the person who stands to profit to reassure you that you are making a good choice.

  15. These things are very subjective of course. I play a lot of other, actually well-programmed games, so naturally I'm rather unamused by Arma2's pathetic performance. It looks like ass, yet runs like shit. No two ways around it. And my system is well above "optimal requirements".

    Your PC must suck as much as your attitude.

    ---------- Post added at 06:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:31 PM ----------

    Bah. I know people running less than 256mb video memory, 1GB RAM, and the worst CPU in history, and even they can run MINIMUM...

    It's when you start bumping shit up to the highest that you need the beast pc.

    My brother can run it on his laptop with a 1.8Ghz processor, though as would be expected it doesn't run well.

  16. BTW Anfiach, thanks for the kinds words. Only fair to point out that the mission-wizard can also create co-ops though it's rather biased towards more adversarial gametypes ! ;-)

    Not at all, I simply spoke the truth, though I should clarify my earlier statement that when I said it was too simplistic I meant the mission that I was able to create in record time thanks to your tool. Can't expect to make a seriously complex mission in under a minute, but still what I did accomplish would have taken me hours the traditional way (I'm scripting illiterate), I just wanted to test drive it. Don't want anyone to misconstrue that I was calling the tool simplistic.

    I'm still really wanting to have a look at that insurgency template, just haven't got the chance to get into the nuts and bolts, the wizard will help speed things along so I can figure out some interesting ways to set it up.

  17. Yes you can, I've done it before. First, people get very angry and complain about the 3KM drive to the closest hostile town, then someone gets on TS with the admin while some random 10 year old starts making threats claiming that he'll to put you on some sort of "global ban list" (that doesn't exist:j:), then you get banned by an over zelous admin with no sense of humor and a miniscule understanding of English, so even if you had thought up an excuse for your actions the admin will still ban you because he has no clue what you're saying... In short, I don't advise doing it;).

    lol. ...

    ---------- Post added at 04:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 PM ----------

    One of my favorite tactics is to let the AI commander use its resources while I cap towns. The AI builds a functional base that serves the basic needs of the side until I have enough resources of my own and then I start looking for strategic positions for my factories and relocate. If the factories that the AI built get destroyed it is no big deal to me and I don't have to waste cash and supply on basic upgrades early on. After capping a few towns the players can start recon ops looking for the enemy's bases while the AI troops continue capturing towns.
