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An Fiach

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Posts posted by An Fiach

  1. That isn't a problem though it is realism and mostly that is caused by atmospheric conditions that can cause the round to drift. IRL you can give a pinpoint accurate target location and it will be hit. What I would do though is interrupt the grid system over urban areas in the map to prevent giving such accurate directions as you would be less accurate out in open territory when deciding the grid to call. Also one must take into consideration proximity of friendlies.

    ---------- Post added at 07:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 PM ----------

    Also as a concession to game play making the player position on the map a little less accurate to lessen the ability to make precision calculations of position.

  2. I am waiting for the demo and europe release so i dont have enough info to analize the strong or weak features of the game, but i have read so far the setting and the "lore" of the game...an american "razor team" comes to save the world...ok.

    Well, i know bohemia interactive sells software (VBS etc) for US army and other NATO forces.. and that means they will never make a realistic game (i dont mean about game mechanics),the history will be all about north american political propaganda.

    Yes i care about the history and campaign lore and for me the argument of games is one of their strongest points , and i find very unrealistic most of the war games because they can´t bite the hand that give them food.

    I will have to play throgh the campaign to see how develops but i am not expecting real content there, sci-fi games are more realistic these days, in that sense.

    So that is for me the less than awesome arma 2 feature.

    You might also accept the fact that in the majority of modern conflicts and police actions, the US is the main force involved with all other Countries supporting with smaller contributions. Naturally this is NOT 100% the case but you must also consider that this is a continuation of the original OFP story line which featured US forces vs Soviets/Russians.

    Hopefully there will be an expansion (hope I have the money :eek: ) or Mod community will add other Nato forces as they would naturally join the conflict in support of the US and perhaps some other country will be added that supports the Russian movement. Variety is the spice of life :p Heck they could even add UN forces that bumble every operation just like IRL.

    Personally if a game is good, who cares if Americans are featured? If this wasn't the continued story line, I certainly wouldn't. The diversity of weapon systems alone is worth having other Armies be the focus. Maybe the bnext installment will have Russia invading Norway.

  3. I don't have the game yet biut some things I would suggest is to lower the difficulty and play the same missions over and over until you adjust to the game and get better at spotting the enemy. It is realistic that often it is the guy you don't see that gets you but it is my experience that games with steep learning curves just take a bit of time to acclimate your senses to so that you know what to look for and your eyes become trained to spot the irregularities that indicate an enemy presence.

  4. Again, throttle does not exist on choppers. Speed is decided by tilting the chopper forward.. or whichever direction you want to go.

    Again, better then BF2 :P

    Flying choppers in BF2 is like flying RC choppers.

    WHy argue over semantics? A bad flight model is still bad, even if it id better than someone else's :D

  5. I am of the opinion that modularity is good. It benefits a greater portion of the community while making updates actually less work for the mod makers and has the potential for helping to grow the community by making game types available that will appeal to a wider audience. Once you get your hooks into them, then you convert them to your style of play through peer pressure and influence and by showing them how enjoyable the 'hardcore' style of play can be.

    Personally I will likely frequent the ACE pure servers but sometimes you just don't have enough time and want to toss some lead at somebody. You could then play a server that has most of the realism but then maybe a few things aren't present in order to keep a faster pace.

    Honestly I see that any argument against modularity from anyone other than the people producing it is just a matter of wanting to deny features that you love from people that do not subscribe to your style of play.

  6. Not quite correct - my OP was about the difference it makes in FPS what lies behind a wall, when in fact everthing behind it could be culled from rendering - or maybe not, as some people here explained for other reasons.

    But my test was not to show that two walls have different FPS - rather to show the engine is rendering stuff you can't see.

    You are assuming it is what is behind the wall that is causing the difference given your orientation but if this is the case it will not just be that one specific wall where you will see the differences.

    EDIT: I am not saying that you are incorrect, just that given the information you stated, a definitive conclusion cannot be drawn.

  7. Sure, you can't have everything perfect, but at least some reasonable level of realism is expected... At least in a game that took the time to implement ballistics you could implement a laser range finder, a computer to adjust accordingly and a laser warning. And of course realistic damage and not some silly HP system, just like infantry should have.
    The CPU cost of a true ballistics engine would result in low performance and would kill this game.

  8. I already stated on the previous page that they are passive. Therefore, it is impossible to have automatic flare dispersal, because they will never show up on the RWR.

    You also stated that the previously posted guidelines lacked substance due to the absence of counter measures which is absurd. Those are good solid guidelines for any virtual pilot to follow. Nothing guarantees that you will not be blown out of the sky but smart play limits exposure time and opportunities for the MANPAD units. Whether CM are actually implemented in the game or not is irrelevant to smart play.

  9. I mean it should change, either for the better or worse, when you look at it. As opposed to strafing it out of view. If there were more polys, there should be less fps, if there are less poly then more fps. As it is, there is no difference whatsoever, with a lot of buildings/objects.

    If its rendering things behind the object that would explain why the FPS would not change.

    Its not an entirely conclusive test, I agree, but interesting, non the less.

    The OP was about one wall showing lower FPS than another, this is why I am confused by your statement.

  10. One potential problem though can be all the different settings and tweaks that can be done + the different hardware. A better faster CPU gives a better AI as one example. Another is do you play cadet or veteran and if so what AI settings..

    But I guess if it truly is a bug it should sow up regardless?

    This is very true. Even identical systems which may have different software installed can have varying results and even identical hardware can vary in performance.

  11. I was just trying to show how quickly they know your exact location and shoot. not trying to show my stealth skills. I have much patience for this game, and did not just come on this forum to blame the game becus its not like Call of duty.

    Ive been with the series ever since its started.

    I admit, maybe the video was not the best to show the issue and I except that.

    Are people able to look past that and see the issue that 'they' can pinpoint, and fire without the need to search a noise?

    You seem to be missing the point, you are claiming that there is an issue, and your 'proof' is no indication that there is an issue. If you were backlit by the moon it would have been that much easier to shoot you. You seem to be under the impression that the AI should behave as if it were peace time and they are just out there walking to the chow hall or something casual. It is war time and they are on a combat patrol, you have to assume that in their own territory they know if someone is supposed to be out there or not, if they aren't they get shot. Also at that range it isn't hard to hit you, even in the dark so they don't have to 'know' your exact position in order to hit you.

  12. It's a generalization and it's true... well, maybe not far more massive. Of course it's not true of everyone, but it is true on average. Women move differently than men all over the world which would rather indicate a physiological root.

    If you take a man and a woman of the same height and weight, the woman's legs will be larger than the man's, and her upper body will be slighter.

    That is because females typically have a higher BMI than males do, but we are off on a tangent. I have a strong feeling that if these options were to be implemented we would see a significant number of male players happily living out their Corporal Klinger fantasies in game :p

  13. I have never owned OFP or ArmA 1 (have played though) so I wouldn't be considered a fanboi. Everything that I have seen about Dragon Rising screams cookie cutter twitch game. Most games that the industry hails as ground breaking usually just have a brand new graphics engine while the core game play remains the same as every ohter game previously produced.

    Most developers don't have the sack to do something completely different. The downside is that it isn't as profitable as the mainstream garbage.
