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An Fiach

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Posts posted by An Fiach

  1. You must be a Flightsim fanboy ;) Tango, Bogey, Bandit and the like Brevity Codes are used by air forces not ground forces. I also don't think that a compass is issued to every soldier, neither would I expect a soldier to search his pouches for one when there are enemies nearby. That's why the clock is usually the better option, but of course, it is also subjective...

    You are of course, incorrect. Ground forces do indeed use brevity code. You are correct about the rest. One can assume that a soldier would know the cardinal directions but if you are in a strange place at high noon and more concerned with not being shot, you will become disoriented quite quickly.

  2. Supposedly the Steam version will not include Securom. If it does I will be quite angry as I do not want that crap screwing up my computer and also it would then be pointless for me to endure the long hours of downloading it as well for no real benefit. Securom is one of the top reasons that piracy has become so popular. I still have a Securom file hiding in my registry someplace. Ever since then I have bought games then waited for a cracked copy to come out on torrent 24hrs later and activate that with my product key.

    Securom is the worst anti-piracy software out there, it does nothing to stop the pirates and only ruins the experience of people that actually pay for the game.

  3. Windexglow, No S%!t. A bit unnerving out there. If it was persistent, and had resupply or civilization, not too bad, but the knowledge it doesn't really exist concretely makes me want to run for the known border.

    Fred DM. This is only the start. Realistic seeded terrain and foliage could soon follow, like all the random landscape generators out there (Bryce and such) for 3D fx. And when the generated environment is analyzed and understood, acceptable placement of civilization features and roads could follow. Having such a naysaying, defeatist attitude does not point toward the envisioned goal as a hopeful, striving one does. BIS could very well do this, and make yet again another groundbreaking feature. They ARE a positive, forward looking, ambitious group.


    Well, in a game based upon realism, how do you relate to random generated terrain? If you are just referring to size in general, this is behind the curve.

    ---------- Post added at 12:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 AM ----------

    Come to think of it, there is a possible use for this, unfortunately it is light years ahead of network data transfer speeds.

  4. totally agree, somehow the OFP plot and the ArmA 2 plot offends me as a Russian. I am a bit disappointed that BIS did not think of the russian gaming community. Alot of russians ive talked to are quite disappointed in the campaign plot. Most russians nowdays do not want to be known as communists or part of it. We are democracy now, not communist. I do agree that the the plot is a bit biased and should of been somewhat different. Like a Joint NATO and Russian Cooperation trying to end a civil war conflict. I mean when i play games where russians are potrayed as bad and your friendly allies say " Die you bloody reds or commies" i really see where this goes. I think we should see more fictional conflicts where every country is somewhat potrayed positively.

    How many games now days potray Russia as Negative and Evil?

    Didn't you guys recently invade Georgia? :butbut:

    Seriously though, it just makes for good game play, when you think of two of the most powerful militaries in the world who do you think of? Then also think of the equipment variety available.

    ---------- Post added at 12:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 AM ----------

    Staying on topic now - The us are branded as the hero's of the world because they try their best to portray that image which is why not alot of foreigners like the egotistical fruitloops.

    Yes, that is why everyone is always asking the US for money or police action or food.....Americans are devils if they do something and devils if they don't, so far as the world is concerned.

  5. Steel Fury is better but it doesn't support your point. Tiger vs T-34 is better imo but none of them really have a true ballistics engine, I do like their vehicle physics though, they are not bad. They are good examples though of what could be possible in the ArmA engine and not sap much cpu power.

  6. Just download the demo of one of Combat Missions, preferably Shock Force since it deals with modern topic and has all the armor included in A2, and try it (although do not get freaked out by graphics, it is a strategy/wargame after all, and by wargame standards it is simply stunning). No other game provided me with moments like sneaking an RPG team around a parked enemy tank for 15 minutes just to get that rear or side shot where the armor is weak. Tanks have workable ERA modeled in as well, meaning that when a tank round (or small caliber cannon burst) hits an ERA brick (or module with Kontakt5), it will most likely be stopped (depending of course on the type of warhead that was fired) and the ERA brick disappears from the model in the exact spot the round hit. System is so detailed that certain tanks even have "weak spots" included into them based on real-life analysis.

    Sounds interesting. Graphics are not a factor for me. I'll have to check it out but what you describe isn't necessarily a ballistics engine. How detailed is it exactly, do they calculate impact angles and force with penetration and spalling plus after effects? Does it calculate and track fragments produced by impact until they lose lethal velocity? How much of the internal components is modeled and vulnerable to damage? Do the munitions have proper ballistic values and behave as they should physically (i.e. Sabot and HEAT, etc.)?

  7. None of what was posted here brings any good arguments as to why the current system is any good.
    Why do you think the players owe you an explanation of why it is good?

    @RED Rage: Got any video examples of this 'fantastic ballistics engine that is unmatched' which you speak of?

  8. Don't fly too fast and setup properly for a landing zone. Hardly anyone does this correctly in ArmA. People usually fly way too fast then find themselves on top of the LZ and then they try to bring the nose up to slow down and end up climbing up in altitude and then basically come straight down. It all depends on if you want to fly the right way in a realistic manner or if you want to fly using unrealistic tactics because it's a game and you can get away with it.

    I'm actually working on a guide to help people who want to do it the right way. Based on my experiences as a crew chief with the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), I'm putting together a document that will teach people about proper communication and procedures.

    That's great to hear man, thanks. Oh and thanks for serving, I was there the year before you and I tell ya it was comforting to know there were birds in the area and the guys from 101 were a sight better to deal with than a certain other division :)

  9. I got Fallout 3 on Steam shortly after release. I followed the modding scene very closely between then and February '09. Since then I've wanted to replay Fallout 3 occasionally and looked at basically every mod on Fallout 3 Nexus over again. The only mod I remember not being supported on the Steam version was FOSE. And it ended up being supported later anyway.

    I also have ArmA 1 on Steam and every mod I've used works 100%, and I can't really see why one wouldn't. The only real difference between a retail and Steam copy of a game is the exe (that being mainly copy protection stuff) I'm pretty sure, so I can't really see any problems.

    I wish that ArmA 2 was coming retail to NA though, I really hate having to download games every time I reinstall.

    Gamestop and EB games are carrying it now. I already have it pre ordered on Steam but they had their new pre order lists out last weekend and they now will carry it.

    ---------- Post added at 09:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 AM ----------

    Will the Steam version contain a .pdf of the manual? If not I forsee many frustrating hours learning by trial and error

  10. BGE isn't all that complex, just different, much like ArmA is, they both take time to get used to. Also they are both different as not to compete with each other but the same in that they are unique in the gaming world.

    I personally would prefer that BI work on making what they have work properly before they begin exploring additional features.

  11. You must have never played www.battlegroundeurope.com

    It is a war sim that takes place during the early years of WWII. Made by a very small company but has been going strong for over 8 years!

    They are the ONLY developers I know that actually use a true ballistic system. They calculate different rounds from their size, velocity penetration, fragmentation as well as EACH unit have armor thickness in all its areas as they were in WWII. Which means only certain rounds will penetrate certain armor. Even after that, CRS still modeled crews and fuel lines, oil, tracks, ammo etc.. within each vehicle that can be individually knocked out.

    So it can be done. And once you play a game that has a system like this, you will get bored of games that use a 'hit point' system very quickly.

    ---------- Post added at 06:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:06 PM ----------

    All very valid points that are well said.

    :butbut: are you stalking me?
