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An Fiach

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Posts posted by An Fiach

  1. @ Stagga, you are misinterpreting what he said. He was referring to the tolerances of the series' fan base. Those other niche games you mentioned? None of them are sandbox games. Here is the deal, I have yet to encounter any sandbox game that is not completely loaded with issues. I think it is the nature of the beast. You end up with small companies taking on huge tasks that the big gaming companies will not even touch, doing the best that they can.

    What makes these things succeed or fail is the relationship the developers have with their community and their dedication to making things better/right. The size and quality of the community is a close second. In the short time that I have been a member of this community (can be measured in weeks) BIS has moved to #2 on my list in that regard and that is saying a lot.

    Myself, I'm stuck on the campaign, don't know if it is an issue with the game so much as I wasn't paying attention to the dialog and I'm at a loss as what to do next. I'll update you when I can, but so far I haven't encountered any game breaking bugs (I have the Steam version). Most of us seem to agree though that the campaign is of relatively poor quality in regard to story line and mission structure. The truth is though that the majority of people do not play this game for the campaign as it is a small portion of the game's scope.

  2. Securom is crap, Starforce is even worse. That is why I bought the Steam version. This way I can install on any computer that I want to while the Steam security ensures you won't have several people at different locations playing on the same copy. The real problem with DRMs is that they don't prevent piracy and they only end up becoming a hassle for the legal end user. Especially since most gamers enjoy having the box and hard copy but do not want the hassle of using the CD/DVD all the time. Fortunately services like Steam help to eliminate the need to carry the disc with you when you go to LAN parties and tournaments.

  3. I agree, the server settings should restrict elements that could give a player an advantage, not force them to use settings they might like to turn off that would give them a disadvantage by doing so. Also the crosshairs should not be accurate for firing over 50m and shouldn't have that center pip to aid in accuracy.

    So far as the movement, a trained soldier makes his weapon follow his head, so yes, walking casually it might be quite loose (this is actually depicted when jogging and running in game) but when at the ready, their weapon will always follow the head and we have freelook for those times when it shouldn't. A bigger issue IMO is the prone turning. If you turn more than 60 degrees in any direction it should require that your avatar shift position with a quick crawling animation. The whole rotating wih your pecker in the dirt thing is absurd.

  4. 1. You're supposed to play with maximum floating zone, you know that, right? "Floating zone" is there because most humans don't turn their entire body when turning to the side. So using center of screen and 0 floating zone is completely and utterly unrealistic.

    The floating feature itself is completely unrealistic. I'll have to play with it some more but so far have found it to behave in an utterly absurd manner. I am not even quite sure of its purpose. f it is intended to simulate natural barrel sway it is a good bit over exaggerated, making the soldier appear as if his arms were naught but soggy noodles.

  5. ArmA needs to be better optimized for sure but I think there are a lot of people blaming the game when the problem is really on their end. I don't have a great system and I run the game fine. This is the first BIS game I've ever owned. If I had purchased the German version I would have been pissed. However, I am used to playing on games with old engines and willing to deal with it for a quality game. You are on the right track regarding bolt-ons, it eventually kills the game performance and fails to function properly. At some point things need to be upgraded.

  6. At Ease: This is good for having the AI keep up with you when trying to move quickly. Also, always set AI who are driving to At Ease and they will follow the road and not be so stupid :).

    Stealth: I don't use this much. I think AI will try to stay behind objects, not sure if it affects how they engage. I think they go prone also.

    Danger: They tend to be more "freaked out"; going prone, scanning around them etc. They also drive erratically in this mode, in a zig zag pattern, and will go cross country to get to a destination.

    Aware: Default stance. They wont put their weapon down, like in At Ease. They stay standing, not sure how it affects their ROE.

    This is what I have noted from noted from Arma1 and OFP, but I doubt it's that different in Arma2. I haven't been playing long enough to notice yet.

    One other handy radio command some of you might find useful when commanding AI is the Advance command. It's kind of obvious what it does but hard know when you might use it. Well, I use it for making the AI keep up with me when moving around, so I don't get as many "Where Are you?"'s. When set to this stance they will move ahead of you by about 50 meters. Great meat shields too. :D

    Oh, one more final tip for anyone new to Arma; if you are leading a squad of infantry and come across enemy, its best to let the AI do most of the killing while you stay safe. The enemy AI squads will pick you out as the squad leader and they will try to kill you as a priority. The works vice versa, if you kill the squad leader of an enemy AI squad they will become noticeably less organized and easier to kill. :yay: I always thought this was a neat feature.

    That's a nice reply and appreciated but my question was directed at the guy doing the testing to see if there was any efect on his outcome.

  7. Red Orchestra and Red Orchestra: Darkest Hour have a hybrid system. Shots can deflect, but a certain number of penetrating shots will always destroy a tank. Plenty of sims have armor penetration, even flight sims like the Il-2: Sturmovik series. Steel Fury: Kharkov 42 has perhaps the most detailed penetration system I've seen, maybe surpassing Battleground Europe. Although a RTS/wargame, Combat Mission: Shock Force has very detailed penetration modelling, even for complex stuff like reactive armor and tandem HEAT warheads. Another RTS, Men of War, has pretty detailed system as well, although the scale has been messed with. In none of these games can you destroy a tank by shooting it enough times with a machine gun.

    Funny thing is, I'm hearing OFP2 may have turned away from the hitpoints system for armor, so that should be interesting.

    Documentation anywhere on Steel Fury Ballistics models? I can't find any, just the claims made on the box being repeated in reviews.

  8. Those sounds aren't really accurate either. The problem is that it is difficult for audio equipment to capture what you would experience first hand. The high volumes at that range will cause the sounds to be distorted, then the studio will process it and it will be even more different from what you hear with your ears.I agree the stock sounds aren't very good though.

    It adds to the issues that playing a game you don't get the smells or feel the changes in the air, or feel the recoil. Interesting piece of footage but only new as in recent. The 'first person' view doesn't change the viewing experience much and personally I feel it is the worst form of journalism to broadcast that kind of footage. Does anyone actually think it is a good thing for people to try and put soldiers family members right in the middle of battle, as if their concern for them isn't already high? DO they think it helps any of those soldiers' mothers sleep better at night to give them a front row seat to the world exploding around their sons?

    Sorry for the rant. Stuff like that gets under my skin.

  9. Drop is all relative to your coordinate system. I'm assuming a coordinate system where the X axis is along the muzzle direction, not one parallel to the ground. Basically I'm against this notion that bullets fly straight until they reach some magic range where the trajectory starts to curve as many people intonate in their wordings.

    By "LD" I assume he means the laser designator but the laser designator does not provide ranging in ArmA2.

    The curve begins once the projectile leaves the barrel. Some munitions have a more flat trajectory than others but they all curve. For example, within 25 meters of its release point a 5.56mm round has already risen approximately 15 cm from the X axis. That's a loose estimate but not very far off. There are a lot of factors that can affect the range and trajectory, with ambient temperature and elevation (ASL) being two significant ones. Obviously, firing up hill or down hill with have an impact as well.

    Assuming all conditions being static and the X axis (muzzle direction) being parallel to the ground, you will have a consistent range at which the projectile meets its apex. The only way to change this is to either apply outside forces via the environment (temperature, elevation, muzzle velocity, etc.) or to change the projectile itself.

    For people who are not inclined to get overly technical with it you can set up a quick range by using the gridlines on the map. In the editor go to Utes and zoom all the way in. On the east end of the AF set up your line, I like to use sandbags to mark it, then at each gridline moving westward place a target, off setting them so that they can be seen from the firing line. Each gridline while you are zoomed all the way in is equal to 100m. You may be off a few cm when placing the target but it's hardly significant if you are consistent.

  10. I share your frustration. I like choosing the engineer role because most people take the slot and never use it for its intended purpose. You will find a lot of times people will take it to do a side mission and park it there and when they die they leave the server or just jump in a helo to the main objectives, particularly hate when they do that with a wreck chopper. Then there are people that do it just to irritate everyone else, they ditch all of the recovery vehicles and blow up everything else.

    Really tired of all of the Domination and Evolution servers though. They can be fun with a good team of players but it gets old very fast with no alternatives (or very few) out there right now.

  11. Thanks for the free bump guys. Obviously two, Evolution or Domination fellas giving the thread some loving.

    Yes, pointing out that you are behaving like a prick is a clear indicator of our favorite type of game play :rolleyes:

    Personally I'm getting frustrated with trying to find alternative play types in MP right now. I've managed 1 or 2 CTF games and 1 or 2 TDM games but not many options. Occasionally you find a decent round of COOP and the only HOLD mission I have found when I was on was a beta test with 3 other guys.

    Pretty much just waiting on the community to come up with stuff. I'm really tired of games with impossibly difficult to use editors. BIS is on the right track with their modules and I hope they continue to improve on this idea. Some people like myself would like to throw together missions with the elements they desire without waiting for someone else to do it or spending frustrating hours pouring over documentation and learning to write scripts.

  12. He said accelerate, not drop, so it's formally correct.

    he also said (AKA Drop)

    ---------- Post added at 10:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 PM ----------

    Just make a range then. Use LD to measure distance and use BIS pop up targets. There is drop - dont worry about that.

    What is LD and how do you use it? May be common sense but I'm new so I'm not 'hip' on community terminology.

  13. That's not true in ArmA2. In ArmA1 that was true but in ArmA2 barrel length is also an affect so a 30rdn STANAG fires differently from an M4 and a M16.

    Also "after a certain range bullets drop" is a completely out-to-lunch thing to say. Bullets accelerate toward the center of the Earth (aka drop) over all distances.

    Actually no, they do not begin to drop until after they have reached the apex of their ballistic arc, the length of which is directly affected by their velocity.

  14. This kind of posts irritate me, who is "someone"? And why are you speculating that this "someone" are getting paid for advertising?

    Witch games dont work anymore? "With new one"?

    Your post leaves more questions then answers/facts.

    If it was meant as irony i apologise, but i just dont see it.

    Eh, that someone would be the OP, I think that's fairly obvious. As for this guy's attitude, well I don't see it as warranted.

  15. If it helps, I was having issues wit the ACM as well, then I realized it sometimes can take a while for it to initialize, then of course it doesn't guarantee they will come close to you. I set up, jumped into a Ka52 (i was a marine) and before long 2 F35s came by and did multiple sweeps, then after two enemy helecopters came by and I shot them down, then I landed and a few minutes later was gunned down by an enemy foot patrol, and I didn't even have to leave the initial spawn area.
