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An Fiach

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Posts posted by An Fiach

  1. Ping isnt the issue, up to 250 is acceptable, the issue is packets, lost packets result in 'lag' issues, the higher the ping if course the more likely packet loss will be and it depends on any interference that may occur in transit over the network which causes de-sync.

    @Galzohar, I get from 40 ping all the way to 5000 so it either depends on your location in regard to where most servers are or you have really poor service.

  2. Well they are just getting started on making mods and missions and not all of the tools are out yet, so it will take a while, also alot of server admins run those two missions when they are offline so the server will keep running and people can use it. I played with FOW(?) something like that anyway german guys, and they had nice coop missions organized but when the admin was logging off he switched it to Domination.

  3. how many players can play on a COD server? Then think how easy to host them as well compare to ArmA 2 where most computers can barely play much less host (meaning dedi servers required) add to that length of time games have been released and with ArmA being a niche game, there will always be a significant difference between the two.

  4. Hrmph, here it more very interesting news... I was playing still this same game.. and this one particular unit had me pinned down for an hour.. I couldnt find him although i had a red dot in general area, i scouted him for nearly 60 minutes with three deaths.. even 203 spamming and couldnt make him move or anything... So i gave up and continued clearing the rest of area... I came back from a different direction, just basically running out there to get killed to see where this guy was.. Couldnt find him.. i did find an officer in that area, which is 20 points to capture him in Evolution. so i captured him... immediately after capturing him.. i turn around to see an enemy right smack there in the middle of the road i suspected him to be... he one shotted me instantly.. and guess what... HE WAS A CREWMAN AND BLEEDING FROM THE HEAD... :/

    It's as if he was invisible but for some reason he popped onto screen when i captured officer... very bizzarre..

    At this point i would like to add the other bug i notice that is bizarre.. and thats been wavy terrain... since the new nvidia drivers came out, my terrain sometimes rolls like a tidal wave as i move forward, and i notice if i go into a crevace and prepare a m136, smaw shot, i come up the crevae and shoot... now the enemy fire comes in, i crawl back into the crevace.. but to no avail, its as if the crevace was filled in and they keep firing until im dead, cuz i can't get under the terrain i used.. very bizzare, maybe its combination of stupid stuff causing it all??

    To sum up what i am saying, maybe i couldnt see him because the crewman got "under" the terrain... hence why i see them prone killing with ease.. if you are under terrain, i guess no terrain can block anything.. thus ez kills for the crewman....

    update: dam crewman killed me agian (rifle) lol... while prone of course.. tracking me walking along walls

    taken the wrong medication? :p very strange

  5. I stated that if a human took same position at same location they had to shoot blindly as their view is blocked by grass, bushes and other foliage ;)

    This has been mentioned many times by many members, i have experienced this many many times in many different missions. Like i said, when i die and fly around as a crow i see AI shooting at team members through all kind of foliage. Yes i am aware that you can shoot through grass etc. but when i prone in the grass and have an idea about where the enemy is and shoot in that direction i gotta be lucky to actually hit/kill them! Even when kneeling it can be hard to get an overview.

    I don't experience this, which is why it is important to have an experiment that is repeatable exactly for more than one person, so that they can see that the results are consistent. Just stating it doesn't solve anything, isn't consistent, and isn't proof. You think I am attacking you here, but really I'm trying to help you. The Devs know that 95% of complaints is BS from whiney people. Problem is, they have to look at each one to figure it out, some are obvious, others not so much. When you go through the process of making the mission, making video, screen shots, whatever, you are saving the Devs work, this moves the issue up the list to be fixed much faster and saves them time wading through the BS to find the legit stuff.

    ---------- Post added at 10:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 AM ----------

    I was under the impression from another thread on this forum that the AI is using sound rather than vision to pinpoint enemies. The problem with this was that they have superman stlye hearing capability which more often than not causes crackpot shooting.

    In MP i usually end up waiting for some other poor sod to attack first then whilst the ai is distracted i go in for the kill lol

    Chance of suvival is a bit higher that way. :yay:

    That is indeed a possible cause. I've been one-shotted before but I've also had bullets sprayed all around me, this is why it is important to have tests than can replicate exact situations and bring verifiable results.

  6. If you read my post you would realize that i said:

    The current AI can prone in grass and still pinpoint your location and kill you within seconds, if a human takes that same position they would have to shoot in blind and be lucky to hit anything!

    P.S. I have never tried getting shot through buildings or grass!

    You stated you see them prone in the grass, they can still shoot that way. If you are implying that they were prone the entire time and were able to see your friends approach, that is different and still requires a repeatable mission that can consistently provide those results making it 'easy' for the causes of the issue to be pinpointed. I didn't say it was not happening, only that you should submit the repeatable mission. I am not implying in your case that you are full of BS as that is an assumption without fact, but we have seen many claims of this nature in here before that were subsequently debunked. In light of that, not only would making a mission assist the Devs in addressing the issue, it would also serve to preserve your credibility with the community (i.e. it won't be called into question by others)

    ---------- Post added at 09:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 AM ----------

    As to tanks firing through buildings, I would venture that is an issue of set penetration values. Then you would have to determine, the weapon type/caliber vs wall thickness/density and then determine whether it is intended (in the game code) for that particular round to penetrate that particular object type.

    The pistols issue warrants testing and is easily repeatable

  7. Make a repeatable mission so it can be tested further by those that do that sort of thing.

    As for shooting through grass or bushes... I dunno, grass and bushes don't stop bullets, I recommend doing the same thing for such issues. It gets them fixed faster if they don't have to spend hours trying to replicate something that may or may not be happening. Remember it from the Devs point of view, for every legitimate complaint , there are 10 more from people who just suck at the game, and they have to test every one of them or else they miss fixing the bugs that really do exist.

  8. Doesn't help that everyone and his mother has their own TS server. TS works great if you have a large squad and always play with the same people but most people won't be bothered with signing on to whatever TS server fits the random server they picked to play on. VOIP works fine (on servers that have it)for people to communicate.

    If people wont wait around and group up, is this result of so many new players or is the ArmA community not as team oriented as everyone seems to imply? I see often the suggestion to join a squad, but that results in a fragmented community and isolated "exclusive" groups with everyone else just milling about wondering what all the hype was about.

  9. No, just 8. How do you people do it when you set up a Warfare match and choose more than 8 slots?

    You mentioned Superpowers so I tried that, as well as a Domination mission and I did not have these issues. On the Superpowers one, when it loads it shows 8 slots in my team but on the left it shows 8 slots for bluefor and 8 slots for opfor so that would be 16 available slots, it will only show you the available slots for whichever side you picked to play. Could you possibly be misinterpreting what you are seeing in this case? I got the full 32 slots when I loaded the Domination mission.

    Anyway, hope this helps to clarify your issue.

  10. I bought Ofp in july 2001 and I'm online since summer 2004, to me the most disappointing thing was expectations over Game2, Bis helped in that with many enticing promises years ago.

    The game still lack of things I can't believe aren't in the Ultimate Military Simulator. Thanks to ACE2 team we won't have to wait that much to play an actual infantery sim.

    Without talking of bugs there still many details and things outdated which didn't evolve enough for me since Ofp, like first person animations "weapons/hands", netcode, physics ect.. Plus some suggestions there.

    But Arma2 is a niche game, so I won't complain much more :rolleyes: I'm just glad BIS is here to do such game. :)

    This game may look fine, but nothing extraordinary.

    And anfiach, I have really bad performances with my computer too, whatever the settings I use ingame while it's pretty smooth with every other games even Crysis Warhead at vhigh Fa16 msaa4..

    I changed for a fresh install on Seven cause i got really low framerate on Vista64, happy you don't have any problem of this kind, but at least show a little emphaty for those who bought a computer for this game and have to play with 30fps on Utes with nothing around.

    Well guess what? That's what I get on Utes with nothing around. The thing to note is that you bought a pc just for this game and you didn't build a top end system, why do you expect top end performance? DOes that in your sig mean you have the gfx card in xfire? If so, it probably isn't working, not that it would make a difference because the graphics levels aren't the problem (btw your hd4850 runs about as well as my 9800 gtx , looking at benchmarks). Your processor is the problem (same issue I have). If you read about the forums you will see that the Core i7 is the one doing well which suggests that we need a quad with a clock speed of 3.0Ghz or better in order to get good performance. I believe we will get better frames once they release an optimization patch, but sadly, when your cpu is the bottleneck, everything slows down. I empathize with you so far as you were misled by the stated game requirements and recommended specs, everyone was.

    Anyway, my statements are aimed at people that have driver issues and things like that, the rest of us are just underpowered for what the game is. Our specs should have been the stated minimum. There was one clown complaining that he couldn't run on a 1.86 Ghz processor, which is well below even the minimal specs. Some people have issues that genuinely cannot be fixed by anyone but BIS, but they are in the minority when counted among the complaints in the forums.

  11. Hey Anfiach, why are you always so quick to dismiss other individuals valid points? the guy is absolutely right. This game is broken and full of bugs at this current state. There's nothing to defend. Stop being such a focking fanboy dude! This launch is nowhere near what other games might have had problems with. The amount of bugs just in the single player alone are complete gamebrakers. just look at the single missions sections of these forums. Almost every single mission has a game breaking bug. So don't tell me that these forums are like any other game that launches...Bullshit my friend!! Complete bullshit! It's obvious that your reaction is based of emotion and not fact.

    you have to be blind not to see the amount of people posting geniune game breaking bugs.

    Don't get me wrong. I love this game...I do, but at its current state it's completely unacceptable to have put out this game in the market! As I have stated before, this game is in pre-alpha stage at it's best.

    Name me one game, just one, that every single mission/stage from the single player campaing was completely unplayable.

    I am quick to dismiss uninformed complaints, if you read everything I ever post you would know I have complaints about the game too, I think we can all agree that it has issues. Game bugs regarding the campaign, etc., have nothing to do with someone's pc not running the game properly.

    here's a quote from the troubleshooting forum (not my words)

    So effectively this was an IDENTICAL setup, aside from running on XP 32-bit instead of Windows 7 RC 64-bit.

    So now i'm thinking its either the DX10 path, Win 7 RC, or the Win 7 RC Nvidia drivers that are causing the problem.

    I think we're closing in!!!

    This pretty much proves its NOT the core game code, the GTX295 card or the Core i7 chip causing the problem.

    So whilst a lot of ppl here are giving BIS a hard time, perhaps its the drivers afterall?!?

    Even if the game was flawless people would still be having issues. Just consider the number of people using Vista (I am one) knowing Vista is pretty much garbage. Then look at how many people have W7RC which isn't even an officially released product, nevermind that micosoft hasn't put out a single piece of properly working software since...I don't know when, then consider the sub par drivers put out by Nvidia and ATI in the last few years and all of the betas and different versions people are using and multiple manufacturers for the same hardware products, etc..

    Call me a fanboy if you like, it matters little. It won't fix the gameplay bugs which I fully recognize and share complaints about, neither will it fix the amount of stupid that people exhibit when it comes to technical issues, the majority of which originate with them and not the game. The game is definitely not properly optimized for performance, but when it won't work at all, that's not the game.
