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An Fiach

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Posts posted by An Fiach

  1. i could reply on the questions on american warcrimes and so on (and just being a bastard in general) and also why i believe america is much better off with Obama that already spoke with the muslim part of the world.. but which american listen to an European that "knows nothing"..

    so I will just qoute my american relatives (born and lived all their life in US).. regarding the 9'/11..

    Dad in family: "i just think they should make a parking space out of the whole fucking middle east"

    Mom in family: "you know what, i hope 9/11 actually will be good for america, maybe finaly people start to wake up, wondering why they attacked us and pick up a book or something"..

    funny thing.. the dad in the family, super american, was actually born in Sweden, not the mom..

    So they are both wrong

  2. I played the original ARMA for a while, but got a bit bored with the co/op servers and no real pvp. Simply going around and shooting the AI all day just wasn't cutting it for me and there was no real teamwork involved.

    I started playing BF1942 and moved onto CoD, Red Orchestra and even WW2 online...so I was curious, what level of pvp is going on in ARMA 2? is it worth getting to solely PVP in...and how does PVP work currently in regards to the map setup..objectives to win (time limit, kill count, etc)?

    Thanks in advance..

    Honestly, right now, no. People haven't had time to put out that many good pvp missions yet. I'd give it about a month if that is all you are interested in.

  3. I am just telling you what the world looks like, nothing more.

    People may feel cheated, that is a fact. Whining doesn't make it better (well maybe it does for them, who knows), also a fact. I don't really care because I've done all this twice before. Just sit tight, have whatever fun you can, and things will get better.

    And I am happy that you see a multitude of people on the forums, would be intensely boring if you didn't :D

    But at the end of the day the only difference between us is that you condone whining (freedom of speech and so on, a laudable approach), while I get tired of seeing the helplessness and try, in my own little way, to tell the poor bastards that it will be alright if they can wait for a while. Most people (or at least everyone that I know on a personal basis in this community) are not actually having huge trouble with the game. Most people had to tweak a bit here and there, but the thing is playing. So reading the damn forums will pay off in the end, but sifting through all these whining posts just doesn't really seem productive to me. Instead of going off on a rant, people could have looked into the matter and for the most part have it tweaked up.

    Oh, and best of luck with the mission Mr. Anfiach, happy to see that yer delving into the editor. Going with an SP mission is probably safest if it's your first time, but multiplayer is really where the good meat is at. And it does require a bit more work to do MP, but no more than that. I never got around to learning any kind of scripting language whatsoever, and I still get along quite nicely with MP editing. We have loads of code monkies like Mr. Sickboy up there, and without them everyones life would be that much harder. My advice would be to use what they produce (unless you yourself are a code monkie, then the order of the day is to fight with the others about esoteric stuff like syntaxes and why that doodad belongs here and not there. You will find me stting nearby with a blank expression on my face).

    LOL indeed. I'm pretty much finished with this one except for issues caused by brainless AI that I cannot do anything about and trying to package the PBO with Overview and Init file (doesn't want to cooperate). It's not a pro job but gives me a jumping point to improve on and I intend to expand it to a MP mission later and still working on plans for a large scale project which the concept work is already near completion for. Being a combat veteran gives you no lack of scenarios to base missions off of :p

    Oh, and it's not a whine if it's the truth in regard to the shortcomings. Personally, when I get fed up I log off and chop down some trees (take that hippies).

  4. Not you didn't understand my point at all

    I find it sad that the military has stuped to awarding service members a COMBAT Action Ribbon for not actually being in COMBAT. Combat is defined as received fire returned fire. Further more the current awarding system allows for individuals to be awarding a CAR just by being in the vacinity of a IED blast, hence a individual can be in a 10 vic convoy, the number 4 vic is hit with a IED and vic's 1-5 receive CAR's or all 10 vic's receive CAR's. Does that make sense? THAT is what is sad, it's not combat and is entirely different.

    Someone who has deployed could relate to that and understand the point

    Hell I've seen people receive combat awards that weren't within miles of combat. It's an insult.

  5. You're kidding right? Who didn't mention that Saddam would attack Israel? Your comments are starting to give me the impression you live in a parallel universe. You think Saddam ever got a hold of ICBM's? They kept talking about how his rockets had the capability to reach Jerusalem.



    Don't you remember he launched around 40 scuds into Israel during the first gulf war? He already felt he had nothing to lose, and he didn't think they'd get involved anyway because we were already over there (plus in 1982 Israel bombed a nuclear reactor in Iraq). On a side note here's a link that has all of the FBI interviews with Saddam archived by NSA hosted by GWU.


    Anyway, Anfiach, who was he going to use the WMD's on? I would love to know what you think. Because that was the main advertised reason for going to Iraq. Also you might say you think the media is full of shit, but you keep going back to them for seconds and dessert, don't you know all governments throughout history have directly relied on the media as an instrument to gain public support to wage war? I mean COME ON!

    Actually no, the US government does not dictate what the media reports, the shame of it is, they used to report the truth. You are being intentionally obtuse regarding the WMDs, and Saddam and the greater concern for them falling into the hands of terrorists. Mentioning that he had missiles that could reach Israel is not the same as thinking he would attack them. He showed in the past his willingness to use WMDs in his own country, at the time he was working to develop missiles with even greater range, the UN was screaming for them to be destroyed. Who was he going to use them on? Who can guess? Did you want to find out? Why do you guy keep posting links to things that are largely irrelevant to the conversation? What does this have to do with you calling yourself a pacifist? How is it I keep going back to the media when I haven't posted anything from them? This started when you began posting numbers of civilians killed as a result of the Iraq war, a number that was quite misleading and even a little dishonest and you continued that dishonesty when bringing up Vietnam.

  6. Even if Saddam had WMD....SO WHAT?!?!?! If that is the case, he was sitting on WMD ever since he gassed the Kurds (He can thank us for the WMD btw) and we decide to invade him after 9/11, because before that it wouldn't have been possible to invade because there would have been no excuse (although we continued to bomb Iraq all through the Clinton Administration). I mean seriously, you say I swallow the media's lies? All those years Saddam was supposedly sitting on WMD and the media barely talked about it, except for the few times UN inspectors went over there and Operation Desert Fox, then after 9/11 they won't shut up about how we have to go into Afghanistan and then into Iraq which we managed to invade in early 2003. Do you seriously think Saddam would have attacked Israel? Israel has around 600 nukes at its disposal not to mention 100's of f-16's, Bradley's and what not. Saddam was never suicidal, I think he thought we'd look the other way when he invaded Kuwait. Also Saddam hated Terrorists as much as anyone else, if he'd given WMD to Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorists they would have turned around and used the WMD on him because the Baathist government was a secular government that even had a woman as a member. Anfiach don't you also remember how OSAMA bin Laden told Bush Sr. to let him fight the gulf war with his own personal army of 30,000 Mujahedeen?

    Few times inspectors went over there? Oy vey. Let me just say this, WMD pale compared to the knowledge that countries like France were still selling things to Iraq, weapons. Nothing like watching your friends blown to bits by weapons sold to your enemies by your allies AFTER sanctions were in place. But then, maybe they were just stolen :rolleyes: Saddam attack Israel? WHo the hell ever mentioned that?

    ---------- Post added at 02:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 AM ----------

    Give me a break.

    The current thinking is that Saddam got rid of most if not all of his WMD (so he wouldn't, you know, get invaded by the U.S. or something), but refused to allow inspectors in because he feared an attack from Iran more and wanted to maintain a healthy doubt. If he did have any, they were for use against the Iranians, because he probably could have gotten away with pouring weedkiller on invading Revolutionary Guard.

    Wikipedia does have its moments. Like sources besides the ponderings of an Israeli general at the dinner table.

    Anyways, fun fact time: The U.S. helped create Al Qaeda, Israel worked hard to ensure the foundation of Hamas, and the British supported the formation of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Everything went to Syria.

    Yea wiki is great, I was looking for some data on the .50 BMG a few months ago and there was a nice article there about 1337 pwnzers getting headshots with the .50 killing all the noobs. Gotta love the internet.

  7. Well, if you come over from a well polished game that works out of the box, and the expect to find the same in this game, you do come across as spoiled - just a little bit tho, not that much at all.

    All I am trying to convey here is that bitching and moaning won't accomplish anything expect make you look like a bunch of whiners. Constructive feedback we can use on the other hand. So less talking about why you're never going to buy another BIS product and how offended you are, and more telling BIS what exactly went wrong, preferably with good documentation.

    Quite a fisticuffs we got ourselves into here, eh? Good sport.

    LOL don't even care about polish. You are mistaking the fact that I am saying that it isn't right to condemn people who are upset that they have been defrauded. You (well not necessarily you)are excusing poor business practice because you like what the product will be when it is working as it should have when it was sold. When you offer a product to someone and then fail, upon receipt of payment to provide that product, that's called fraud. Don't be so hard on people that are upset about it. Maybe I'm just old fashioned in believing that people and businesses should be expected to deal honestly. It is very possible that these problems are due to the publishers too so I don't give BIS 100% of the blame but this is where people discuss the game, the developers will always bear the weight of responsibility in the eyes of the end user because it is their name that people take note of.

    I see a multitude of people in this forum. 1. You have the Dragon Rising (or other twitch fest games) fans that come in and troll away because they want their game to be more popular and because they have no life.

    2. You have those that can barely turn a computer on much less figure this game out.

    3. You have those that are outright dunces that refuse to read the forums where they can learn that either they just need to use different drivers or that their computer is just outright trash.

    4. You have the moderates like myself that, well, we can play the game in its current state and are willing to bash a troll here and there but at the same time understand that it shouldn't be this way in the first place. (I think you are here as well, you just gotta step outside of things)

    5. You have the long time community members that have invested a lot of time and effort here whether it be mods, missions or simply helping others, that tend to get up in arms about anything they perceive as an insult to the game/developers/themselves whether it is intended that way or not.

    6. You have the all out fanbois. These people you cannot reason with and their ultimate goal in life is to birth Marek's love child.

    7. and then the moderators.

    ---------- Post added at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 PM ----------

    I think Xeno's done a splendid job tbh, all I find myself enjoying is his missions. Admittedly I have not tried all that much. Even though I've had the game since UK release I haven't played as much as I would have liked because of the CTD's.

    Had one go of Evo - that's something to try later in the games life for me

    PvP had a few goes of, one server was alright but another looked a mess with bright green nametags all over the place.

    Xeno HAS done a great job nobody implied that he didn't except for him because he chose to take exception to my comment.

    ---------- Post added at 10:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 PM ----------

    ArmA II: "Some assembly Required"


    I love the sandbox nature of the ArmA games. I like that you can shape it to fit a large variety of different tastes. If you don't like something, there is bound to be a way that you can tweak it to be more like what you want... however... that is also it's Achilles heel as much as it is a strength. Often to get it right you need to spend time customizing it and that of course involves patience and, frustration.... a lot of players would rather play it right "out of the box" and there's nothing wrong with that.

    The fact that it doesn't play "right out of the box" limits the games appeal to those who like tweaking and tinkering. That's what some would argue is the nature of the game or it's "niche" and justifies it's smaller player base... "some people just aren't into it".

    The thing is... the game isn't that far removed from having it both ways... a little bit of time and effort spent hammering out more "out of the box" features so it doesn't need it's community to physically build the infrastructure needed to support Multiplayer side, like the Dedicated Server Remote Console and the ingame GUI for setting up the multiplayer games without text editing PBO's and CFG's.

    There really isn't a very good "out of box" way of setting up the MP from inside the game without any prior research into customizing, editing and scripting an ArmA Mission... the default ones are pretty lack luster and limited and you don't see them being played for a reason. ArmA is the only shooter I know where server browser is full of games of every other kind other then the ones created by the developer... and that should say something about the "approachability" of running Multiplayer ArmA games.

    LOL that is what the box should say :D

    I don't think the game needs more pre-made missions or anything like that, they just need to ensure that what they DO provide, works. I have to agree too, leaving out things for the multiplayer which is probably 95% of the community is holding the game back. They made a lot of improvements with the modules but it still requires scripting knowledge or at the minimum cut&paste&tweak in order to produce something that people actually want to play.

  8. I'm quite happy that we have people like anfiach here.

    Hope we will see your properly designed and made MP missions (PvP ?) soon :)

    But it seems that it is more important to write post after post. It would be better to open the A2 editor, stick your nose into it, stop whining and actually make missions. BIS doesn't provide them.

    Don't become desperate, it takes a long time to make missions, specially MP missions, that includes lots of testing and testing. One day after hundreds of hours you'll get there.

    I personally will not release anything public anymore (ok, not completely true, one last release with different missions, even one PvP).

    In my opinion it's not worth it, because of all those wiseacres here.

    Btw, it takes countless hours to port an A1 mission over to A2.


    I'm actually working on it right now, my first release will be a SP map simply because it takes time and experience to learn the editor and it doesnt help that not everything works properly, including some of the commands and scripting that BIS have provided already. I'm almost finished with it though and I have a big project in the pipeline waiting to be implemented once I discover everything I need to know to make it work.

    BTW my comment about ported missions was in regard to mission design, not the porting process which still, is just a matter of replacing the right items and transferring locations, hardly starting from scratch. So thanks for your whining too.

  9. There is no point in having a discussion with me if you aren't going to back up any of your assertions. Politically motivated blindfold, please explain? When did I call myself enlightened? If I made that claim anywhere I apologize for being pompous. Once again you fail to cite anything when saying I'm misinformed. I think I SEEK to enlighten myself and that is why I am having this discussion with you and asking for you to bring your facts to the table but you have not done so and instead resorted to insulting me and my character.

    gassing of kurds: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halabja_poison_gas_attack

    U.S. involvement in Vietnam being started on false pretenses: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of_Tonkin_Incident

    if you disagree with these wikipedia articles I suggest you join the discussion's for them and see if you can edit them

    WHy would I bother with Wikipedia? It is rare that you find anything accurate there but that doesn't matter. Did I say you were wrong that Saddam gassed the Kurds? No. You can point to the Gulf of Tonkin incident as if that is the definitive moment. If you isolate any one event then you are being intentionally ignorant of the bigger picture and the many other events that occurred in order to bring things about.

    Do we have to go into specifics? Want to talk about WMDs and how we knew they were there and how we know where they went? Before I'll discuss any of that with you you will have to explain to me how the UN inspectors had so much listed WMDs that Saddam had for all those years since the first Gulf War and how they suddenly all disappeared prior to the US invasion, and explain where all of that brand new manufacturing equipment came from that was found buried in the desert (things not accounted for by UN inspectors). Then also explain to me how now that the British, Americans, Canadians and Australians are all occupying the country they are still able to smuggle in all sorts of weapons into the country but people think it is a stretch that an insane dictator with full control over his country and borders could possibly transport such things in and out of the country at a time when we weren't even looking that close?

    ---------- Post added at 09:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 PM ----------

    omg, i didn't want this thread to turn into this but seems no way out and now I have to reply.. seriously.

    You are obiviously an american trying to say you know why terrorist hates your goverment.

    I can almost promise you here and now, that america is much safer from terrorist threat the day Obama entered office compared to before and after all the homeland security stuff. Your goverment have been very much hated..

    i am not at all saying this belongs to bush/obama or something.. but Bush was the peak in "arrogorant american President" that we hopefully we ever see. This is how it looked when he came to Europe after being elected.


    compared to when Obama came.


    America has and is being hated thru out the world because of your goverment, current (to some degree) but mostly passed. Be it warcrimes in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq or any other place.

    There is some thing that makes it different to Russia/Soviet/China.

    1) There is /been less media attention

    2) Its more "internal conflicts" situations. (tibet, chechyna)

    3) from Western viewpoint we don't consider soviet to be "allies" but enemy.

    this was about that you infact wrong about why people hate US. It isn't "freedom" or "the american lifestyle" people disapprove, its the "freedom over others", "and american lifestyle with no respect for others".

    Why you guys fight? I dont know, i come from Sweden.. a country that been at peace for 200 years, but still got troops in Kosovo, Afghanistan, one great weapon exporter (the M136 is well used among american troops in hot spots all over), had terrorist attacks during the 70's, got bombed by Soviet during the WWII, had a soviet submarine running aground on our shores 1981.. and yet this year I got 4 new russian friends, and I meet exchange students from all over the world and travel is my biggest "hobby" and most people get happy when they meet a Swede.. why don't they as happy when they meet an american.. partly culture but its also stuff like when did the americans admit doing wrong.. think its time you start ask for forgiveness regarding 9/11 before your country ask for the worlds sympathy and understanding.. i am refering to 9/11 1973 of course:


    some regarding swedish stuff i mentioned:



    I Think your brain is frost bitten

    ---------- Post added at 09:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 PM ----------

    That's pretty much the root of all terrorism right there in a nutshell mate.

    That's the price of Empire.

    You either have the balls big enough to pay it, or you don't.

    Not true at all. I would say it is in the tiniest minority of attacks caused by this against ANY country.

    ---------- Post added at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 PM ----------

    Lying to the U.N. and refusing to allow non-Coalition allies to help reconstruct Iraq is not respectful.

    The UN is inconsequential and outright useless. Nobody lied to them either. Allow others to reconstruct Iraq? Why would they want to do that? Why would they want to assist in the reconstruction? They wanted oil, oil for nothing. It was a ploy for power. The Coalition did what had to be done and began to rebuild and then they want to step in as if they are heroes? I think not.

    ---------- Post added at 09:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 PM ----------

    How the hell, have we gone from ArmA putting people off joining the army, to the US Presidency?

    Because I'm bored and cannot resist a good argument :P

  10. Thank you for posting that video (which also linked to the next 11). I don't really agree with everything said in it but I did learn a few things.

    I bet a lot of them do. They may not hate us based on that but they may influence individuals to join the fight against us.

    Please explain why his grasp of facts are naive. In addition to that I am curious. Where do you get your facts from?

    Well, I get a lot of my facts by having been to places and in situations being discussed as well as paying attention to the world around me rather than sitting with my head in a hole taking spoon fed info from liberal or conservative lunatics. I'm leading off from what he is saying and the logical conclusion which can be reached following his lead.

  11. well then the TK by accident fest is going to continue.

    we all best get used to that and not upset as most that i have seen have been a symptom of hard-to-recognize the difference of figures at distance combined with lack of team work and people just running all over the battleground instead of working with a central command.

    don't bitch when you get shot though if you're the one charging around the battlefield in the middle of the fire zone instead of working with a team and staying together and putting fire where it is needed.

    That's called realism, friendly fire happens. If it happens constantly, the player is either blind or he is lying.

  12. Saddam gassed the Kurds anfiach, in the North of Iraq, how does that explain deformities in children born in other parts of the country? Vietnam has a lot to do with Iraq, two wars started on false pretenses. Friendly Fire incidents I guess don't always have to do with Civilian deaths, because civilians are more likely to be killed intentionally (like Saddam gassing the Kurds). My comments about Powell show how I have a bias based on media representation? How is that? That's a very serious accusation and you are going to have to be more detailed if you are going to accuse me of that because you are being downright insulting and I don't think I've leveled any personal attacks your way.
    See. there is no point arguing with you. For someone who calls himself enlightened, your grasp of the 'facts' is frighteningly naive and uninformed or perhaps even wearing a politically motivated blindfold.

    ---------- Post added at 12:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 PM ----------

    Sometimes one needs geographical and temporal distance, to rethink the circumstances and what made him do the things he did. Self-preservation and selfless acting, to save the person next to you, are a result, seldom the cause for a war. In germany we call it "Schicksalsgemeinschaft", which literally translates into a group of soldiers being bound by common destiny, and the dynamics that evolve around it.

    We had pre-deployment training before being deployed to Rajlovac. Can't say i was very interested, or even affected, by that countries history, and the events that led to war. Of more importance to me, at that time, was bonus payment for being abroad, hanging out with the guys and making new contacts in the military community. If you`re onboard a sinking ship, you don't think about who build it on what budget, and the circumsstances that led to the disaster, you're just trying to stay alive somehow.

    That video is a political hack job. Why do they hate us? Simply because we exist. Certainly we know there have been many things that governments do in secrecy that have caused conflict but that video is based upon a false pretext, implying that terrorist attacks come as a result of our government's interference in world affairs.

  13. Out of curiosity, what makes this different from the GDT HDR mod?

    Also, is more of a "middle ground" possible? As in, ArmA 2's default is 100%, yours looks to be around 10% (just throwing a figure out there). Is there any way to get more of a glare but not nearly as much as the default--something like 50% the norm?

    I agree

  14. Re patches; BIS has resolved some of the showstoppers in 1.01 and 1.02, and they are now supposedly working on 1.03.

    Altough I also prefer more rapid, smaller, patch releases that could fix important bugs... It doesn't seem to be possible/feasable for bi's situation.

    You can't compare this with cars, or any hardware for that matter. We're speaking about Software here, and even though we want to apply the same rules as other products on it, it just isn't reality.

    If you look at both OFP and ArmA, you will see that both of the games were fixed over months and even years. ArmA1 became really playable at 1.08, and just got better with following patches.

    (Though still bugs remain even in 1.16beta)

    Personally, I play these games for years. For me it is no problem to have some patience. Altough I think that 6 months after release is the basic limit to have the game quality on a proper level.

    Re coop vs pvp; It all comes down to personal preference. I like coop, I prefer cooperation by definition (also in PvP matches).

    The PvP matches I have played, have never been satisfactory (which tbh is probably a problem on my side, not so much PvP in general).

    IMO setting up PvP matches requires more energy (for organization) and somewhat trained people on each side to make the match interesting.

    With coop you only have to worry about 1 side, while the other side (AI) is handled by CPU (and improved by scripts etc).

    PvP on the other hand can be much more interesting, since you are playing versus humans.

    And altough scripts and dynamic/random AI stuff goes a long way into making coops interesting, playing against humans will probably always remain more interesting :)

    I would love to play sometime in properly managed PvP matches, and see how it's really done :P

    No you can't compare it to a car, but in terms of providing a customer what they think they are paying for, the analogy stands.

    ---------- Post added at 11:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 AM ----------

    I dont know why people think that PvP is dying. At Charlie Foxtrot we play pretty much every night with atleast 70 people, usually upto about 95-100 (see server sig). The server is open to anyone with no mods during the week as long as they dont fly choppers off by themselves and try to stick together.

    Beyond that, and our real efforts is the tournament which run weeky on Sunday evenings which are closed events and have upwards of a 100 people in the server. Our community has positively exploded over the last 4 weeks.

    I'll have to check this out a bit more, so far my experience on that server has been less than promising despite the fact it was well Administrated.

    ---------- Post added at 11:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:28 AM ----------

    It is true that there are more coop than pvp servers, but that's largely irrelevant. The real question is: why are there more coop than pvp servers?

    Coop is a much more time consuming design process than pvp, and it's not because people don't know how to make pvp missions.

    For me personally, arma is primarily a coop game, and I am a coop gamer. And I think there are quite a lot of people like me in the arma community. You are right in saying that there are pvp gamers hiding out in the coop servers because they have nowhere else to go, but that doesn't mean that the community is actually being forced to play coop by some secret hardcore elite of coop fanatics. The fact of the matter is that a lot of the community likes coop.

    As for my whole rant about seeing arma as the same as going to the movies, that was clearly stated to be my perspective, so I don't really expect you guys to have the same view (which you obviously don't).

    I just think that some people might be a bit (and i probably going to regret saying this) spoiled, really. It's like you expect BIS to deliver a perfect system that you can be all jolly about from the beginning, and that just has never happened with any BIS product in the entire history of BIS products. So just quit the whining and the wishful thinking and the crying, because it's not going to change.

    So here is the truth:

    - You are a paying beta tester.

    - You will have to wait for months and even years for a finished product.

    - You will have to make your own content.

    If you can't handle that then I am sorry, because it is not going to change (at least it hasn't for the last nine years).

    Because BIS has consistently failed to provide a finished product to their customers despite it being advertised and sold as such, doesn't excuse that behavior in its continuance. So calling a person spoiled for expecting to receive what they are being told they are paying for is just stupid, it's how the world actually operates. I don't see it as a matter of liking the product overall, we all at some point have to try something to see if we like it or not, it is a matter of the product working as promised. I'll use the car analogy again. It's like buying a Ferrari except it only drives in reverse and having someone say, "Quit complaining, they will eventually fix it. In the mean time, I'm loving the hell out of driving backward and it looks and sounds awesome."

    I'll be honest, this is becoming a trend in the gaming industry and before long we will be paying years in advance for sub par gaming experiences. Simply because as gamers we tolerate it and with these kinds of statements even support it. This has pretty much guaranteed I will never purchase a new game again, not from BIS or anyone else, if I do purchase them it will be from the bargain bin.

    ---------- Post added at 11:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 AM ----------

    Almost forgot, in regard to the Coop servers, it is simply because they have imported missions from ArmA 1, so there isn't really a lot of work that went into it. The server lists are inundated with Domi and Evo maps, all of them poorly designed despite incorporating some handy scripts. We are seeing a few more PvP servers cropping up and I hope it continues to grow, simply for variety's sake. Coop can be loads of fun and I enjoy it but it also pales in comparison with competing against actual people that are unpredictable and assuming the mission is designed properly, cannot be exploited.

  15. I think it is useful to use the civilian vehicle module also to prevent being stranded at objectives. No transport available? Everyone pile in a civilian truck and roll out.

    ---------- Post added at 11:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 AM ----------

    @Galzohar I think it is important to remember that the majority of combat is not vehicle centric and the goal is to prevent the user made mission from becoming so. Vehicles are made for support and any mission design that enforces that aspect takes a great step toward realism and just plain good game play.

  16. I think it has to seen in context with the reasons behind going to war today. With politics being a circumsstance not a soldiers choosing, one has to consider if he's willing to put his life on the line, or inflict harm upon others, for company profit, or for the exertion of expansionist roadmaps.
    That is a question for any war, past or present, what is the reason behind them sending troops, it is not just a modern dilemma, or are you thinking if we went to Darfur that it would be a politically or financially motivated decision?

    ---------- Post added at 11:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 AM ----------

    In all honesty, Saving Private Ryan put me off joining any of the armed forces. I don't do well with my girlfriend telling me to make the bed and peal potatoes, some hairy sergeant major would not go down well.

    I play the game cos it's different form my mundane life. I don't; want to be in the military any more than I want to be an F1 driver. It's an escape for me.

    LOL that's a good one :p

  17. Anfiach I know that no number is completely accurate especially as pertaining to civilian deaths in Iraq (most likely higher than what is reported). Do you know how many civilians were killed in Vietnam? Did you know that 25% of U.S. troop deaths in the gulf war were due to friendly fire from air-strikes? Air-strikes kill more innocents than you or I can imagine. Cluster bombs don't always fully detonate when they are deployed and children are the most likely to pay the consequences. What about Depleted Uranium? You think that discriminates? Lot's of babies born in Iraq are born with deformities and they're attributing that to DU. I completely agree with Mr. Goff, he puts it far more eloquently than I can, thank you Tango Romeo for that video. Anfiach still waiting for that super abridged version (i.e.: Give me some facts). Can anyone tell me why we are in Iraq? Why did we go there in the first place? Because Colin Powell was coerced into lying to us, that's why.

    Babies being born deformed have nothing to do with our DU I mean would it be a stretch to assume it is from the chemical weapons that Saddam used on his own people? What does Vietnam have to do with Iraq? Or friendly fire incidents have to do with civilian deaths? Nothing. Your comments about Powell lying just show you have a bias based on media representation and not facts, so to further discuss it with you is a moot point as you have made up your mind already.

  18. Oh darn, you should have told me that nine years ago! :p

    One thing this game requires is patience, both while playing and while not.

    The way I see it:

    One movie ticket is roughly eight euros where I am from. I paid about 50 euros for the game (actually somewhat less than that but its a good number). Your average movie is around two hours long. So that would make (50 / 8) x 2 = 12 hours of fun that I have paid Bohemia to provide for me. By that rationale (which makes perfect sense to me) I have already had my entertainment, and whatever Bohemia decides to do from now on is none of my business, since it's free. Now a lot of people have probably spent several hours trying to sort out the game so it will run on their rig, this has to be taken into account of course, but overall my guess is that most of us have already had our cumulative twelve hours of fun.

    Look at it this way, BIS is fortunate to have people willing to buy their product when they know it will be below industry standards and barely working when they purchase it. You won't find many people shopping for a car willing to do that.

    Now me personally, I made the purchase with the knowledge that the game was broken but fully expecting it to be fixed upon its full release or shortly thereafter as many were led to believe by assurances in the forums. Of course it was patched, but still broken.

    Now I don't know anybody that purchases a product because they plan to enjoy it a few years after their purchase when they decide to open the package. You wouldn't wait 3 years for the plumber or the electrician or the mechanic, etc., etc. and most especially not when they were just there and failed to do the job right the first time round.

    So to tell someone that has purchased the game to have patience is flat out wrong unless you are referring only to community made content. Now, I've said before that I see BIS has a long record of supporting and improving their games and for that reason alone, I'm still hanging on, but some people will not be that way and they are fully entitled to their outrage. Imagine going to the Cinema to see the latest new release that has been hyped for months and then you purchase your ticket and they say go home and we will call you when it's out of production. If you got your money's worth then you would have no problem if you were never able to play it again? Compare it to going for a concert and they cancel the show because they didn't have the correct color jellybeans back stage.

    ---------- Post added at 01:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 AM ----------

    I am not sure I agree on the sentiment that people play coop because that's all there is to play. And if it is true (I'm not saying it can't be) then people are wankers. You want pvp maps? Then you make pvp maps. And if you don't know how, you learn.

    We did.

    You may not agree with it, but that's the reality, there are very few pvp servers online and playing something is better than playing nothing while you learn to make your own missions.

  19. Because used properly with proper scenarios, it can teach you signs to look out for in a battlefield, along with teaching you to not do stupid things. Why do you think militaries use products such as VBS 2 and Steel Beasts Pro/Pro PE. It's because they help reinforce how to properly move and work in a unit.


  20. Yes, it seems like the M107 is zeroed to 300m (or 250m?) unzoomed, and 500m zoomed.

    Maybe there is just inconsistent results or maybe atmospheric modifiers we are not aware of? I recall one day getting variable accuracy with it in regard to aim point but when I tested today I was able to score head shots at 500m aiming with the first mil dot in other words, consistent.
