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An Fiach

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Posts posted by An Fiach

  1. I just found this thread and Walker, at the time of your posting, the PVP thread was relatively old where at the time of its posting there were few opportunities for pvp as the servers were flooded with Domi and Evo missions. It was accurate at the time to a degree but now that time has passed and people have had opportunity to release new missions it has changed. Is there a new thread that I am unaware of? That is my initial reaction, I will continue to read the thread to see if my opinion changes.

    ---------- Post added at 08:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 AM ----------

    Hmm Walker, sorry mate, I like you but I have to strongly disagree and state that it appears that you are doing the same as those you are accusing, except in a reverse agenda.

    Some flaws in your arguments, there are individuals that have several names and has nothing to do with hiding. For instance, myself, I have the standard name that is automatically created when I install the game (computer user name), I havethis name and then I have another name for my son so that he can play the campaign and online himself and people won't confuse us. All it takes is 1% of players to have multiple names to make a significant impact on the numbers.

    When I play online, I tend to be stuck with what's available, so it is Berserk most often if I want pvp or some Domi server if the pvp servers are full or not active. Doesn't mean I am a big fan of those missions, just means I am determined to play something when I get a chance to log on. I am not a big fan of CTI because few people play it and I don't want to spend my time saving up to buy troops and equipment, traveling large distances to die seconds later with no real sense of what is going on. The alternatives are usually on servers with a high ping for me or passworded servers, so if I am going to play, I have little choice. Somehow I doubt I'm in the minority but I'm not going to spend time lobbying in the forums for more options.

    To be a proponent of objectivity you have a lot of pre-conceived notions about players as evidenced in many of your posts. I am open to the possibility that you are correct here but it remains to be proven and there are many that disagree.

    " There are lies, damned lies and statistics." Stats can be manipulated to fit the agenda of the presenter, so let's leave them to the reader to interpret.

  2. Just a matter of preference really. Some use the term squad because they are a military games oriented group and the name more accurately describes their origin (usually start out as a a small squad of players) or maybe they have a military background so it is a term that to them is indicative of teamwork, some use clan because it is a term they are familiar with after years of gaming. I think if anyone refers to the 'clan' nomenclature as 'bad' they are chasing a feeling of superiority over other groups, for instance Counter Strike players.

    ---------- Post added at 08:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 AM ----------

    I've been wondering this since I noticed that it says:

    Does anyone really know why the word is a swear word? The discussions mentioned here are insightful but it doesn't really say why it's considered a swear. I was thinking it was some kind of offensive word but I suppose that would the word "klan", and I don't know many people who find any offense from this group of j%&$@sses anymore.

    Sorry for the off-topic. Just curious as well.

    I took it as a bit of tongue in cheek

  3. Nothing better than a setting in the configuration panel:

    Gore level / blood : None, Low, Medium, High, Realistic

    Common guys, those who would not like it would just turn it off. Period. Put a thousand people, you will have a thousand answers. No one is right in here. The perfect setup would be to have it configurable.

    It remembers me watching a documentary (I can’t remember where) of a young soldier saying how he was shocked in Irak seeing how the enemies usually refuse to die …and even full of bullets. He was saying something like: “I used to play video games where a bullet was sending the enemy down. But here, I saw men running around after getting blasted by grenades … holding their guts with one hand while still firing their pistol at you.â€

    Actually I was quite surprised to see how the men keep fighting while lying on the ground wounded in Far Cry 2. For me, it was REALLY realistic.

    In regard to that documentary, it is true and I can see that happening with anyone that has a strong will to live, but it ignores the fact that the insurgents in Iraq were injecting themselves with drugs and adrenaline so that they could continue to fight like that. They were like cockroaches, just refused to die.

  4. Really? You are going to let the lack of mods on servers keep you from playing? It boggles the mind, simply because as you state, it doesn't affect gameplay. I would venture many players do not run many mods while playing online anyway. Another reason is that many addons have no keys/aren't signed.

    Personally I am looking forward to ACE 2 though and playing servers that run it. Wish I had more time right now to play :)

    To the OP, there are some groups out there that are willing to take on players not wishing to be a part of their "clan" or squad and give them access to their private servers. Might want to look into it.

  5. I say make what you want to. There are plenty of people playing the Chernarus Life mods, I've no doubt people would like to secretly perv given the stunning graphics this game provides. Who knows, maybe some of the milder content will wind up being used in more mainstream missions , like finding a dingy brothel in a small village connected to a crime ring responsible for acts of terrorism, could be a source of intel if not mood setting.

    Ironic to see people who get their rocks off shooting people in the face calling someone sick for suggesting nudity.

  6. they are definately not earning money with the mod! they are just paying the server...
    He said they were selling stuff on their website, the website they force people to visit in order to play
    and they dont keep their work from the community! everbody who wants can play it! the other mods are also releasing their stuff but they dont allow people to modify it and do what they want!
    Not exactly true,they do allow people to modify it when they ask permission to do so (and I support them and rp-mods wanting credit for their work)
    Chernaurus life is different then the other mods. its mainly a mission. thats why they cant just release it because then everybody would be able to modify it and use it for hisself.
    People that don't want to share missions do not advertise them in the forums. Other people using or modifying it is not the problem. The problem is people that do so without permission and/or giving proper credit to the original mod makers for which I do not fault them for getting upset about.

    ---------- Post added at 05:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:12 PM ----------

    Where is the download? I went to the site and its not there.

    There is no download anymore just get the password and go to the server.

  7. Sorry, but this is not what I said.

    I said we have already a regular playerbase, but I said NOT "we have enough members". I am sure you just understand what you want, not only because of you are angainst us. But even when you try to claim things like we are earning money (what someone else claimed) everyone who is just able to visit the forums knows we are using 100% of the donations to pay our server. This is no crime. And why should I post news when I am not interested in new visitors and players?! :rolleyes:

    And what should we sell from our page?! And if we would do it, what would be the problem?

    And this is now my last statement about the rp-mods-are-earning-money-with-chernarus-life-BISforum-cancer:

    We are NOT earning money with our mission. It is a shame that you cannot accept good work. I am spending enough time to our community, and sorry, no. I get nothing back.

    NVM. When you are really interested in joining our community, send me your used nickname or email and I will take a look at.

    Just search for rp-mods in the server name and find the official, not stolen, one.

    Thanks for your interest.

    More information and password here: www.rp-mods.com

    We are saving your stats, so when you re-visit the server, you have still the money and other property.

    Perhaps we are missing each other in passing as I can tell that English is not your first language but honestly, it is you that is taking on the insulting tone, not I, all I have done is respond to your own words, and I give you the benefit of the doubt due to the language barrier... Can't accept good work? Well in this community what is 'good' work is entirely subjective but I'll never criticize someone for making an effort.

  8. We there are enough addons, we will release an addon version. We will do it, so just be patient. :)

    I have no idea what you want... lol. It seems to be a cancer in this community which is claiming we are earning money... The mission is for free, the usage of our forum is for free and the rest is for free too. We have never forced anyone to pay and we will never do it.

    When you are not able to use a valid e-mail addy, it is not our problem and it does not change the fact we are offering a free product.

    visit www.rp-mods.com and see that everything is FOR FREE.

    ...only because some of our regular members made a "commercial" for us on youtube.... :D

    Feel free to play the other version. As I said, we you are too dumb to use a valid e-mail, you are not welcomed. MAybe I am wrong, but since our MX records worked, we never had any trouble with not sended emails.

    You can send me yours via PM in this forum and I will loook for it in our database.

    ---------- Post added at 11:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 AM ----------

    Chernarus Life 1.10 released!, no beta anymore!

    Your mom canceled your Warcraft-account? The TV is broken? Friends out of town?

    Don't let boredom rule your life. Just get a new one!

    Chernarus Life 1.10 Ultimate hits the shelf this August, and you know you want one!

    With dozens of new features, functions and over 57 varieties, this brand new RPG-mission by Issetea and Fewo powered by www.rp-mods.com is sure to destroy whatever you have left of a social life.

    Within months of hard work, Chernarus Life Ultimate was carefully engineered to deliver more fun for the whole family than the leading brand of RPG-mission while also retailing at much less: it's free!

    It's a total steal! And look at the features it's got!

    Animal ownership

    That's right everybody, Chernarus is going furry! The new version will allow you to buy, own and pet your own little farm. Keep a few boars, or any other animal, that is, in the yard, slaughter one occasionally and sell the meat for profit.

    Sheeps and cows will happily provide you with wool and milk, and hens will lay eggs for you.

    Just remember to bring out the cock some time. There's lots of money to be made, cowboy, and after all, what could be more fun than having your own goat?

    Oh, and let's not forget the Dogs! Yes, truly man's best friend they are, and one can be yours in CL anyday. Some of you with a thing for delicacies may wanna sell them for meat, but even cooler:

    They will use their sensitive noses to find anything for you. Just like Lassie, but without the overtly christian propaganda. Yes, all creatures great and small will aid you in one way or another just don't tell Peta, and never leave a copy of "Animal Farm" lying around.


    Is buying your food at Walmart not manly enough for you? Do you wish there was a more challenging way to obtain steaks and fillet? We know exactly how you feel, a T-Rex doesn't wanna be fed either. So follow your primeval instincts and unleash your inner Nugent: It's time to go hunt. Stalk your prey in the lush forests of Chernarus, and shoot to kill in the eternal race for survival. No luck stalking?

    As long as no preliminary injunction stops you, have your dog help you follow the scent of the boars, or any other "prey", for that matter. Their meat will sell like crack!

    Deathmatch arena

    Do you ever feel like your Life isn't awesome enough? Wouldn't you wanna be more like Schwarzenegger or Stallone? Well, if it's action and violence you're searching, look no further.

    In our new Deathmatch arena, you may persue all your violent and destructive urges to the fullest.

    There's free guns, no skill-limit, no additional respawn time, and anyone can join!

    The fight for survival is on, and the badass-meter just hit max!

    But who am I to tell you all this? Just try it for yourself! There's lots to be seen and done in Chernarus, anytime of the year. One day you may pilot a helicopter while doped on acid. Another day you can join either side in one of the police shootouts. There's more still. Don't wait. Start your new life today!

    Here you go with the awesome new changelog:

    • added: Units and Animals can be purchased in normal shops
    • added: Unit interactions (Give commands to animals; Dogs will be in the players group)
    • added: Own animals can be slaughtered
    • added: Own animals produce resources
    • added: Dog interactions - Dogs can search for other players or animals (Useful for cops or hunting)
    • added: Hunting (There are some hunting areas; killed animals leave resources)
    • fixed: player was able to leave the guild mission area without teleporting while the mission was active
    • added: Hotkey system (available in the inventory) - Hotkeys for vehicle lock, inventory, stats, handsup, saytext, copsiren
    • added: Options included in the hotkey system - Options for inventory action, stat action, animation action, copsiren action, vehicleinfo action (the actions players have in their action menu)
    • added: Action to hit/knock down another player
    • fixed: Stun bullets can't kill anymore
    • added: Deathmatch area (Player can sign up for free; Free weapons; No Skill limit; No additional respawn time)
    • fixed: Shopkeepers are back where they used to be (Due to the arma new patch they were teleported into the water)
    • added: Vehicleinformation now show the owner of a vehicle
    • changed: Only the real owner of a vehicle (The one who bought/spawned the vehicle) can store it
    • changed: Added different kinds of refuel cans (empty, small, medium, large)
    • added: Items Map, Watch, Compass and Radio into the equipment shop
    • added: Own crimelog available in the Inventory menu
    • changed: Times are now displayed in a nice XX:XX:XX format instead of just seconds or minutes (Crimelog and Stats)
    • fixed: Death messages sometimes appeared twice
    • fixed: When upgrading skills to fast an error occured
    • added: Message when trying to collect ressouces without the needed skill (Including the needed skill level)
    • fixed: Needed skillpoints in order to buy factories didn't work (Added message including the needed skill level)
    • fixed: Player was able to rob someone without being armed (Map, Compass, Watch and Radio were weapons)
    • fixed: Auction works again
    • fixed: Player was bugged when handcuffed and then stunned

    Visit www.rp-mods.com to play this mission FOR FREE (It was everytime FOR FREE and it will ever be playable FOR FREE). :D

    I have used the same email for 10 years so the problem is definitely not on my end. I'll try again. Still., while I can appreciate that you want credit, and deserve it, for your work you keep it from the community and it really doesn't benefit anyone in the community. In a previous post you mentioned selling things from your website and also said you don't care about new people in the community because you already have a small community playing your mod. Pretty harsh words.

  9. count me out, the servers sound like they are a mess, I never got my registration confirmation and now you guys are selling stuff so basicly you are using the opportunity to play the mission to force people to your website where you sell stuff. real classy.

    Since trying to register I found this week CL:R and it has great potential without the headaches.

    On a side note, what kind of a 'clan' requires a membership fee? Unreal.

  10. I think the real difference between the two groups is that the CS/COD crowd is mostly younger people that enjoy shootemup type games while the older, more intellectual crowd has laid claim to this particular franchise as their own. This is where they butt heads.

    You could argue against that but I think in being honest we can examine how the guys from Pure Pwnage made a business out of behaving like adolescents. That being said, being more intellectual or older does not give one a monopoly on maturity as the recent Professor Gates scandal has shown us (honestly, who would have thought a Harvard professor would break out with the momma cracks?).

    I think it is important not to assume someone that is new to the community or does not want to play the game in a manner that some in the established community prefer is an immature adolescent. In fact, professional athletes have shown us that it is possible to be completely immature and pig headed while understanding and even being capable of team play and strategic thinking. It is important not to make these assumptions because this game does not appeal to those ignorant and immature elements of the gaming world as a whole, and while some of those people may wander in here on occasion, they seldom stick around.

    Wanting to get into the action faster does not make a person one of that type of player. In the game WWIIOL this same issue came up and the developers chose to address it much as mission makers have the ability to address it here. When the gme was first released it was ultra realistic regarding troop movements so often it would take 20 minutes or more to organize troops and transports and could take up to an hour to drive to the objective simply to die enroute or seconds after reaching the battle. Well this was all well and good but the issue came from these older and mature and intellectual players have lives and responsibilities, they have families and many did not have the time to invest in such slow, long term game play. They wanted to log in and get to actually participate in the battles in the short time they had available. So eventually forward bases which are essentially spawn points were created to cut the driving distance required for operating vehicles and then they implemented was is essentially an MHQ though they used unarmored transports to bring the infantry closer to the objective. It allowed for more intense battles and cut travel times so that players could jump in and fight if they didn't have time to invest in the bigger picture.

    This scenario allows for more people to actually be a part of the community and people using JIP can easily use team work even if they are not in on the initial planning but those already in action need to share information and help them to integrate into the team. This is where Warfare and CTI has great potential because you can create a scenario where the the more dedicated players can take time to plan and organize and to orchestrate the big picture while the individuals can still take part; not only by offering teamwork and to fill roles for the overall team but I think the organized team can also look at them as cannon fodder or human shields where the enemy has to contend with them while the team (or squad) puts their overall plan into motion. How hard is it to say to those guys, look here we have an MHQ set out for you, use it and keep applying pressure to the enemy in this area, while we maneuver. Everyone gets what they want and it makes for an enjoyable experience and more intense battles overall.

    Of course this really only applies to pvp missions but it may also be possible in COOP missions with the ACM or ones that include a large conventional warfare scenario and of course I am borrowing these ideas from a game where you will see battles ranging from 10 to 400 people which is something we won't see in ArmA 2 but we have the power to scale our missions to the number of participants that we intend to allow on the server.

    Anyway I've gone off on a tangent in order to simply say there is room for people to play together and still get what they want out of the game despite looking fo two different things. This community in some respects is quite cliquish. Want to have good team play you MUST join a squad/clan and then they play on closed servers. It is not exactly open and friendly to new players. You come here and you don't know anyone and they don't know you but then you are forced to basically solicit yourself to these groups and then hope you get along and that they play in the manner you are looking for etc, it seems a long process.

    I don't see much in the way of the community reaching out to new players or in trying to promote the type of game play they want by being examples themselves. I have had several experiences on the servers that are available to the public. One server is frequently advertised in the forums as being great for team play while I have experienced some individuals on that server to be team players but overall it is chaos, another was a squad server and I had generally good experiences, if the squad was on in numbers they played together with others in a team oriented way and made great fun and if there were only a few still tried to guide players along and encourage team play while in contrast I was on another squad's server and though I have seen videos of them on their private missions showing exemplary teamwork and communication while on their public server were quite adversarial with other players and even witnessed one of the squad members engaging in intentional TK and using abusive language.

    This isn't exactly encouraging and looking at the server tracker it isnt promising. It says that there are 882 players online and 622 servers. The majority of those servers are either waiting or down and I have no idea where all of those players are because the numbers in the servers do not reflect the total displayed. Fewer than 30 servers have 10 or more players on them which isn't exactly painting a picture of the community coming together. The variety of missions available currently is not so great that it would cause this divide most especially given that most are playing the exact same missions. May not be important to anyone but it is in the very least, interesting to consider.

  11. taken from http://arma2.swec.se/server/list shows 666 current servers running arma2


    Some nights there are many more. last night for instance there was 730.

    I guess you just need to know where to look ?

    I just look in the in-game server browser, you know, where I join servers from. So clearly it has to be tracking servers that the majority of us cannot see but looking at it, 68% of servers are COOP and another 10% are CTI

  12. 700? I have never seen that many in the server list.

    ---------- Post added at 06:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:14 PM ----------

    Hi all

    As I keep saying join a clan.

    Kind Regards walker

    Not everyone wants to join a clan just to have a decent server to play on. Look at the criteria for most of them and you will see it is pretty restrictive. If I had the money to host I would since it is hard to find a good casual gaming group that is still geared toward team work. It would be nice if the servers that will allow non clan players to join their servers to have that information more readily available so that you at least know who to ask.

  13. vista 32

    ---------- Post added at 06:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:08 PM ----------

    You know, I'm wondering if it is just an issue with where we are hosting the files, obviously the game can read it so it is either something to do with how it is hosted or how it is downloaded.

  14. I'm going to start a mission this weekend that will scale up with each objective, so it will be best played with a few people in the beginning, then by the end be your large scale, combined arms war, in the hopes of overcoming the 'need 20 people for good game, no one around, join co-op' problem. Though I don't know why I'm bothering, as whenever I look at the server list, there isn't even 1 in 10 that is PvP, so it's obvious few people are interested. But I'll do it anyway. The more I play it, the less I like co-op. Like turning up to an orgy and jacking off in the corner - sure some bloke might be there to give me a hand, but there is just so much more. Just need a test dummy to finish off my last 'learner' map...

    The number of servers isnt a good way to judge who is interested, it simply tells you that more people are hosting other game types.

  15. it isnt the game, it is the players and the OP was pointless, you cant tell people they are wasting their time because they dont play the way you want them too. they are only wasting their time if they dont enjoy playing. Mission design is a huge factor in how things play out too but players is the number 1 influence on game play. If you want better game play, step up and lead and organize other players. If you arent playing 'correctly' why expect others to do so?
