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An Fiach

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Posts posted by An Fiach

  1. Ragdolls are overrated and overused. What this game really needs is a proper physics engine but most systems couldn't handle it unless BIS manages to pull off a miracle regarding optimization.

    Every game engine has limitations, they are limited by what they are not designed to do. This engine has few limitations compared to other game engines but you must also remember, it is based off of a military training sim, intended as a tool before it was used for entertainment. It doesn't need to be replaced so much as rewritten to integrate functionality that has been attached to it and to accommodate future functionality when home systems can handle it.

    Complaining about BIS' engine not evolving enough is a pretty weak position when you consider what other game companies (many better funded with larger staff) have been spitting out. Crysis at first glance appeared to be a leap forward in technology but when you really examine it, it isn't so impressive. Think about it, an engine introduced a decade ago is still well beyond what the major developers have on offer.

    I can understand how a player would get tired of the same thing over time, hoping to find something extraordinary with a new release. Do not forget also the benefit that the mod community, which is the backbone of these games, now has a decade of experience upon which to draw and they continue to push the limits. A brand new engine would bring all of that to an end and the rate of releases would appear to come to a standstill compared to what we see with ArmA 2 until the community learns how to work with the new engine.

  2. Its better than the Chinese... Russia and the US have alot of history and all of us have some or alot of knowledge of events between Russia and America over the past 50 or so years which makes it all the more exciting imo... plus we are far more familiar with Russian weaponry than Chinese.

    As for a superpower marriage to fight the "evil doer terrorists"... pfft, its a farce.

    I suggest you download the US armies free propaganda tool... er game 'Americas Army 3', there should be plenty of evil evil civilians... er "terrorists" to murder... I mean to purge for 'homeland' security.

    I didn't know hippies played ArmA 2

  3. what's wrong with informing someone about something if it relates to the topic? if someone has an answer for you, they'll reply regardless of the side conversations. don't be so selfish.

    also, don't be such a prick.

    kind regards, zac

    Now if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black.

  4. There is a mod that allows you to carry more, can't think of the name atm though.

    ---------- Post added at 07:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 PM ----------

    i heard that they are very easy to aim with and be accurate... am i right?

    Depends on the sights you use but in my experience, after a dozen rounds to familiarize it is easy and you can be very accurate with them. I could put one through a 2x2ft window at 250m.

  5. Simply, Russia is the only major world power that can go head to head with the U.S. and this allows for an interesting game without touching on volatile subjects and creating a controversy that will be bad for business. Also it is a continuation of themes from OpF to which this is the sequel. There are other scenarios that could have been feasible, however, none would have offered as many toys out of the box and toys increase sales.

    An additional factor in their choice could simply be that the devs are from Eastern Europe where *shock* folks are still sore about that whole Soviet oppression thing. People have long memories when it comes to how they've been wronged and almost none when it comes to good things that come their way. This part is pure speculation though.

    I'd go with my first statement really, it just makes for plenty of fun out of the box.

  6. So you want a delay added for the odd case where someone buys a tank in a warfare multiplayer mission, but doesnt spend just a few hundred more on another crewman, drives alone, gets the jump on you enough to have the extra seconds needed to switch, then kills your multi-crewed tank.

    Im sorry, i really dont understand how this will solve anything. You really shouldnt be losing to single-crewman tanks. This whole argument is a huge Red Herring.

    Exactly right.

  7. Okay, this is unlogical, but great: CPUCOUNT=4 truly improved my framerate.

    I tested it with a large AI engagement, me as civilian present but view steady on the ground (to unload the GFX card) and the difference is about 5 FPS at an average of 30, so significant.

    So basically you don't need to disable HT in the BIOS to get the benefits. This is the single most "fluid" improvement I had on this new system yet.

    BTW, I find it pretty silly that the mods are merging all "low performance" problems into a single thread here. There is a variety of fixes for people with AMD, Intel, Nvidia, ATI - no two performance problems are every exactly the same, so by throwing them all in a 37 page thread, people looking for a fix related to their config find 99% stuff that doesn't apply.

    ---------- Post added at 04:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:55 PM ----------

    Operation Flashpoint DR, of which I'm not a fan, proved that you can do large islands and military engagement on modest to old hardware. It may not be our cup of tea, but the constant apologies for the poor BIS Engine performance are getting old.

    Even if one reduces VD to 1200 meters, you still suffer from much worse performance than in all other games. So simple saying it's the amount of detail and stuff on the island doesn't cut it.

    Your frame rate boost is a result of clearing a bottleneck in your system. The game was likely not recognizing your cpu properly until you changed that in the config.

    Your comments on DR are inaccurate because the game is simply not as complicated. There isn't as much going on in the background (processes). That does not excuse the BIS software from being so poorly optimized, it is terrible and the netcode is just as bad.


    One of the biggest issues these days is that almost all games still thread everything through the cpu despite the fact that modern gpus are built to take on processing tasks. In addition, there are no games that are truly multi-core optimized. Sure some will use more than one core but they don't do so in an optimum way. CPU speed is still a huge deal. 12 cores mean nothing if they have a speed of 1Ghz. When building a gaming machine, don't be fooled into thinking more cores will make up for a slow processor.

  8. Sorry I wanted to avoid repeating myself.

    In all computer games today, including ARMA, you have an unrealistic handling of casualties. In Games your men either die instantly and are ignored and left behind for the rest of the battle, or they are injured, get completely "healed" on scene and continue to fight as if nothing happened.

    Compare this to reality: Only few casualties die instantly (KIA meaning killed on battlefield or enroot to a doctor). Close to all casualties are evacuated as fast as possible to medical facility (including the dead). In my literature example the average time for a critical wounded to receive surgical care (at a field hospital) was only 30min. This includes the time it takes to get the casualty out of the danger zone, stabilise him, transport and admission to the hospital.

    Handling of the casualties is an important thing for the progress of an operation. You need resources that cannot be used for fighting at the same time and you have to grant safety for the evacuation.

    I don't write this as a BIS suggestion because I doubt BIS would risk to implement this kind of casualty handling because it has never before been done. I still have high hopes in the ACE team because of the big achievements they already did for the sake of a more realistic game play.

    The task is:

    1. Increase the number of WIA (wounded in action) to like 90%

    2. WIA are either incapacitated or get a handicap

    3. Handicaps can be bad aim, no stand etc. (we already have most of them in the game or in ACE1)

    4. Medics only stabilise (they do not heal!)

    5. Make it possible to transport all WIA and KIA (including those that can not walk) with other soldiers and in vehicles.

    6. Because of the join in progress option it is possible to leave your WIA and rejoin as a new soldier.

    In an ARMA mission this would mean after being hit you can continue to fight until you are incapacitated (instantly or because of blood loss).

    As soon as you are out of trouble you would deliver your character to MEDEVAC and re spawn as a new soldier. In an "overrun" scenario you would continue to fight because there is no better option. Medics are used to stabilise wounded soldiers and keep the rate of soldiers KIA low. They could also perform triage and organize MEDEVAC.

    Ah, I understand now, thank you. Yes that could be great fun, but I wouldn't label it as wrong to omit such features, simply a conscious design choice made to maximize the free time of players, thus boosting revenues for the developers.

    Have to be careful with such studies as they tend not to include factors that make a huge impact on the results. I didn't read every word so I may have missed things but I saw no mention of shock, which is a major factor in the survival of wounded persons. The higher survival rates now as compared to past conflicts can be directly attributed to such training programs as the Army's Combat Life Saver program which ensures that all soldiers can provide immediate care, stabilizing them before transport. They also erroneously try to compare the results from completely different combat environments . Interesting nonetheless.

  9. Bad news, when i extracted the files into the game, it crashed, no pop-up or anything. I removed the config and it worked fine, added it in, and it crashed. I'm using the bis addon folder directory and i have a lot of crap in my arma 2 game. Gonna try adding the files into the CAA1 folder (as i have no idea how to use more than one addon folder at a time) and hope for better luck, i just hope you didn't put a line in the config that goes like this: fk_user_over_by_crashing_game;

    ---------- Post added at 05:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:55 AM ----------

    it worked for the skyraider, but not when i tried to use aircav rifleman. I'll assume it is an incomplete unit and i'll just have to use the crap from P'85 for the time being

    ---------- Post added at 05:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:00 AM ----------

    just tried NVA rifleman, and w/ the exclusion of aircraft i am convinced that you have that line in there lol

    ---------- Post added at 05:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:04 AM ----------

    srry for quad post but i think this is kind of important

    i am convinced that you need to make a new config file that doesn't crash the game

    i have moved my config file out of the CAA1 folder so i can continue playing the dam game

    You seriously need to learn how to use custom mod folders. Dumping so much stuff into your game file folders with screw up your game.
