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An Fiach

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Posts posted by An Fiach

  1. Whoa. Take a look at the section on Linda, then at the gallery. There are a few screens marked as "Linda CG Plants - rendered in real-time - Carrier Command game". Looking pretty sweet. :bounce3:

    Anyway, so far I've supported BIS by buying three copies of the game (first the german, then the english version for myself, then one copy for a friend who couldn't afford it) and encouraging some of my friends to buy it too. Is it true that purchasing the game on Steam would be better for BIS than buying a retail copy?

    The Carrier Command plants are the same as ArmA 2

  2. I see this everytime i play, it is most visually noticable with iron sights. In this clip it's mostly vertical misalignment.

    <object width="853" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BndPTvWYcJI&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BndPTvWYcJI&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="853" height="505"></embed></object>

    It's like the rifle stock is moving back through shoulder and head :eek:

    WOW I've never seen it like that.

  3. Indeed. Upwards, downwards, on the left, on the right

    Optics misalignment (downwards) :

    this awkward shot: screenshot 1, resulted in a headshot: screenshot 2

    notice the difference between where the bullet goes and where the dot is...

    Ironsights misalignment (upwards):

    screenshot 1, after a few moments: screenshot 2

    Some more illustrations for optics misalignment :

    This awkward shot resulted in a hit : screenshot 1 (see the tracer about to hit the target)

    This one resulted in a hit too : screenshot 2

    But this one was a miss : screenshot 1, screenshot 2 ....I thought I had it...:o

    (tracers :mod Pistolfied's Tracers, puff of smoke : mod WarFX Particles by OpticalSnare)

    Sometimes, hitting your target in crouched position is a real feat ! :party:

    I use crouched position a lot and each time I play ArmA II, the sway is present and I must realign the weapon by myself with the cheap trick mentioned previously. We must have different style of play & different settings, because I don't understand how you have never experienced it.

    'hold breath' doesn't do anything against the misalignment of the weapon in crouched position,

    if you want to realign the weapon correctly, you must use the cheap trick mentioned previously.

    Thanks Sniperwolf572 for posting the scheme.

    I see what you mean, I have to say I have seen that once or twice but it wasn't necessarily in the crouch and it has never been a problem for me. I play crouched quite often as it is the best stance to use in a tactical sense. I even tested on Utes after your last post and didn't really see a problem. There must be something else involved with this issue other than just the stance.

  4. Jesus ******* Christ. Are you kidding me? You think, I play like the Rambo or something? Well, I have some experience from airsoft games, and I was able to be more stealthy in real than in ARMA 2.

    I am not talking about behavior caused by not experienced player, but about BUGS (yes, you see it right).

    Wake up. I am not a stupid teenager who argue on the basis of holywood war movies. Pure rationality and logic is taking point here. Or can YOU see through thick growth? I can't. And even if somebody shoot at me, I wouldn't be able to PINPOINT him and give him a headshot in few seconds. And if I spot an enemy and start to shoot at him, I wouldn't be able to track him by my eyes through dense grass and shoot him precisely again. And THAT IS WHAT AI DOES.

    I hate when someone's criticising ARMA without any reason, but what I hate much more is when somebody's blindly defending this game's plain bugs and untuned features.

    My nerves.

    ---------- Post added at 05:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 PM ----------

    Yes, AI really needs some kind of decision making, which direction is the most important now.

    They sometimes really look in totally unnecessary directions, even if you command them to watch only the one direction tho.

    Did you really just post airsoft experiences as a basis for your logic? Also, nowhere did I defend the game's bugs (mentioned bugs in the first or second reply to you), dead men should not be able to tell their team mates where you are. Given your response and emotional state, I think it would have been better if you were 14.

    ---------- Post added at 06:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 PM ----------

    Their tracking skills ain't effected by darkness and they are also just as accurate at night as in daylight that be without NV. This is again the same problem as with the unit skill slider which does next to nothing.

    Also in darkness they are less skilled at detecting you which is good, but when flares are used and everything is lit up they should be able to detect you much better. When i play with AI team mates at night and i use flares the enemy stand out clear but my team mates doesn't see them. Then i fire and the enemy fire back and first then my AI mates see them.

    It would be really nice with some unit skill settings that actually worked.

    I think this may be an issue with reveal, notice how often times you will spot enemy but your team mates never know about them?

  5. 1 I don't believe that rendering code cannot be optimized further / divided into threads. AI pathfinding and rendering can be simultaneous. (AI keeps searching for better route while other core of CPU sends info to GPU to render current positon of objects). And if AI hasn't found its route, it keeps on searching further, while other cores render next frame of our world with other objects. Meanwhile other AIs or humans travel across the world and we render them)) They have found their routes)) We are not in DOS and CPU is multicore :yay:

    Talk to any game designer and you will find that you are wrong. Many threads are co-dependent and cannot afford any delay between them even though on the surface they appear to be unrelated. If the threads cannot be rejoined at the precise moment they are needed, the game will crash.

  6. Abrams is a bit overpowered I think, watch them get pummeled by rockets and T-90s and decimate the opfor afterward. Doesn't always happen that way but 9x out of 10. Could just be perspective though as I seem to die quite readily in them.

    ---------- Post added at 10:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 PM ----------

    No, scripts can be used in a way which not limit variability and replayability of a gameplay. You don't have to script everything. You could script just critical things like taking cover behind obstacles, when something particular is happening and actual AI is too slow and dumb to manage it on itself.

    We are not talking about scripts of Call of Duty. Scripts can be used and at the same time randomness conserved.

    So don't overstrain please.

    ---------- Post added at 11:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 AM ----------

    That is not true at all. AI was overpowered, because of their inhuman feeling and skills. For example: AI was able to pinpoint your sniper position, when you was well hidden and far enough to confuse anyone you start shooting at in real life.

    So actually AI hasn't been toned down in stuffs they are dumb now. They can shoot very well, they are fast enough in aiming and pinpointing, but they still CAN'T move very well and they are almost useless on open field with few haulms.

    So AI has been actually improved, but it has still lot of critical errors.

    It wasn't overpowered at all. There were a few bugs regarding certain situations but honestly, it was much better to start, it felt like a challenge even if you already knew their positions from the start.

  7. Why are people hanging out at the base anyway? IIRC you can relocate as well. The real problem I see with this kind of thinking is the assumption that someone could not find the base on their own (though I'm sure some tards will side switch to kill you). Honestly the reaction is just as childish as the behavior that provokes it. Better to kick those that commit the offense rather than just anyone that happens to switch sides for whatever reason.

  8. I've played with pings that are NEVER below 300 with a fine experience. Ping isn't the be all and end all.

    This is true, I've noticed that some players may have a low ping but they are sucking up major bandwidth. People need to realize that ping is just the speed of the connection between player and server. If someone is sucking up the server's bandwidth it reduces the bandwidth available to update other players and packets will bottleneck.

  9. What's hippie at all about his statement? o0

    My comment was intentionally ambiguous because I am unsure whether his comments are facetious or they reflect his world view (making him ignorant). And I really don't have a desire to make this thread political and off topic.

    If anything though it easily provides amusement at the thought that someone with that kind of world view would be playing war games.

  10. The problem with this whole argument is that you cannot be asking for one single change for realism's sake while not asking to change all of the other unrealistic features of the game. Additionally, this is still intended to be a game, playability and enjoyment are a concern, they do have the hardcore sim available for about $1500 for anyone who is interested.

    I don't really have an issue with a small delay for single person manned vehicles (no teammate or AI) but the arguments here don't pass the test. It is something that can be implemented by those who want it while hard coding it could potentially have a negative effect on product sales. A person in the forums might post a poll and then count how many people agree with him but BIS must count how much revenue may be lost, those are the numbers that really matter at decision time.
