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An Fiach

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Posts posted by An Fiach

  1. what is the best way for a complete ACE noob (and relative arma noob, compared to you lot) to try out the various features ?

    for example i can't work out how to just deploy a guns bipod on a wall or even the ground (or does it just automatically work on the ground ?).

    i create a player and set him as a machingunner and yet when i go up to walls or cars etc i can't work out how to deploy the gun. nothing appears in the action menu.

    i also don't understand how to setup a machine gun using the tripod, how do i equip the parts to my soldier in the editor, or what unit carries it by default ?

    Sorry if this all sounds horrifically noobish, i just went to try out ACE's features but don't really know how to go about doing it. Can't seem to find a nice simple instruction manual designed for noobs :(

    Follow the links on the first page of this thread they have documentation of key binds and how to change them if they don't work on your keyboard.

    Equipping things, either place an ACE ammo box to get them or you need to use the this addweapon ["weapon_class"] command, you'll have to look around to figure that out as I'm not experienced with custom loadouts.

  2. Strange, hmm... It tells me that EnablePorto needs the file CAA1_p_Roads. And both files are perfectly intact. I suppose they guy below is right, this isn't meant to work with older files. Then how is it working for you? Did you install the A.C.E extras and core as well?

    May be file corruption. I loaded ACE core and it worked. one thing I did find was that the CSW have collision issues with the terrain, when you mount the gun, the whole thing sinks into the ground. All ACE features seemed to be working fine though.

    You may want to ask if they can eventually incorporate CAA1 into ACE or that CAA1 be altered but like I said, they made ACE to be a stand alone mod set and other mods may or may not work with it.

  3. Hmm, when I got it all I did was update. For you guys new to the forum, I am not affiliated with ACE, just trying to help somewhat. Did you install . 1.9 updater?

    ---------- Post added at 05:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------

    Its very hard to keep up with these forums so sorry if it has been asked previously. Has the nuke that infantry can carry been implemented yet? not the nuke you script to put on a plane but the one infantry can set up. If so how do i use that and where do i find it? just wanted to check it out!



    Not yet, it will be in a future release.

  4. Just a quick thing. Maybe a Patch for the people that are using the German to English Language addon. It is pretty much sucks just guessing what is the command I am looking for. Thanks, other than that it is great. I love that you can lean out of the Knighthawk as the door gunner. Keep up the great work.



    ACE team cannot do this, it is a BIS only issue. Ask them or you would have to purchase the English version of the game.

    ---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:00 PM ----------

    thats hardly a fix, and seeing as my clan is already keeping a couple of servers updated daily there is a few servers which are not being updated, i understand why the message comes up, i do not understand why it wont go away after 1 maybe 2 popups @ best

    if anything, give us an option to revert back to a previous client version would make sense.

    It would make sense not to update your own client until the server is updated if you guys have your own servers.

  5. Well to further knock the concept, I guess he is trying to say that there was never a war before the American Revolution. I'm tired of batting down these insipid arguments. This deranged person equates wanting the realism of the game to reflect the reality, with calling women weak and worthless people that have never contributed anything to society. The mind boggles.

  6. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/6681

    The updater should take care of removing those files, the message you get is actually meaning to say that. If it is not for you, please make sure you run the software "as administrator", otherwise please report the bug on the issue tracker of the updater

    I'll check. Didn't realize it should delete it. I just saw it go by and knew what it was.

    ---------- Post added at 02:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:23 PM ----------

    verified, it did delete the files

    ---------- Post added at 02:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 PM ----------

    I understand perfectly that you don't want to bother to search in this thread for answers to your questions. Too bad, because that would be the way for you to get all running fine, instead of blaming ACE team.

    We're in BI forum, sticking to their rule : this is not the ACE2 forum, this is the Addons & Mods, Complete forum, meaning there can be only 1 ACE2 thread. As stated, always nicely, by Sickboy, ACE have there own issues reporting system

    I think he meant it would be nice for someone to clean up the thread, given that s many people ask redundant questions, how many pages before searches are overloaded with people asking the same question that wwas already answered. Better to suggest going to Sickboy's profile and getting all of his posts.

  7. Rebel;1510658']Yep' date=' my point is to make it easier to join Addon required multi servers ... you just need to drag and drop the needed addons, check and apply, and you are good to go.

    For example this occured me today: I could not join a server because it required the new ACE2 mod, which I do not have actually. So, I tried to look for a download source which took me about 5 min, then I realized that I do not understand what the heck they want from me.. it was so complex, so I decided not to download it.

    To summarize my idea in one sentence: making easier the use of addons would be a great advantage, and this applies to every addon.

    Not to mention how cool would it be to see the number of new content/day by the community on the box of the game (It is obvious that the looks of the box has a huge influence at Point of Sale stage).[/quote']It's not all that complicated. I was daunted at first myself. Unfortunately, the mod is so big that without the updater you will have to download nearly 1G every day to stay up to date. The installer simply updates the relevant files. This wouldn't be helped by your suggestion.

    Definitely would be handy with the many other mods that aren't so hefty. Gets to be a pain closing the game just to changed the mods, it's not like they are total conversions.

  8. SixUpdater:

    "FILE does not exist in remote! mpmissions/co@12_ACE_Op_Cerberus.Chernarus_1_00.pbo.gz"

    Did an update now and saw that.

    Look at it, in the first version it was a misnamed mission file. delete that specific file from your mod file and you won't see it anymore. The updater sees it as an extra file because the name has been corrected to

    mpmissions/co@12_ACE_Op_Cerberus_1_00. Chernarus.pbo.gz

  9. How surprising. You're against the inclusion of female soldiers AND you're a chauvinist. What a coincidence!

    I personally don't care. I'd like to see female soldiers include, but I can also see the workload required to do so. But just because you side with one of the arguments doesn't mean you're free to degrade 50% of the world's population.

    Good job making the chauvinist prejudice of the military sim community come true.

    Not my fault you can't appreciate a joke. Don't be a jackass.

  10. 3rd person allows you to see around obstacles that IRL you should be able to peep around or over. Until ArmA2 allows you to gently raise your head ever so slightly, by tiny increments, or to very precisely allow you to lean while prone to allow one eye to see around a wall/boulder/whatever, then 3rd person has a place in ArmA2 gameplay.

    Doesn't matter much, it would still be just enough to receive a bullet.

  11. what part of his post was ignorant? also, there's plenty of demand for female characters. just look at the amount of hits from a forum search for "female characters/models"

    and shooting a woman is no more morally objectionable to shooting a man or a child or an infant for that matter, because they're virtual. ie not real.

    64 hits over 3 separate game forums and using 3 words to define the search......

    EDIT: Meant to point out that of those 64 hits, few of them are related to the subject.

  12. You can add a manager but what I am saying is that the game is dependent upon information compiled at startup making it impossible to change features on the fly. What you are calling "not too complicated" requires a major change in the game engine and how it compiles and uses that data.

    I don't disagree with what you are suggesting, I was just offering an explanation on why it hasn't already been done. BIS has updated their engine but the core is the same.
