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An Fiach

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Everything posted by An Fiach

  1. Ok so maybe I'm overlooking it but a search hasnt yielded the answer for me. When making a mission in the editor, how can you set the default difficulty for the mission? Is this something to be set by those playing the mission (SP) or the server settings (MP)? Thanks for the help.
  2. I haven't seen this anywhere else so I thought I'd share. This requires that you use the AV-8B [not the AV-8B(LGB)] In the unit init: name doTarget (getPos this nearestObject buildingID#); bomb2 = name fireAtTarget [(getPos this nearestObject buildingID#), "Mk82BombLauncher_6"]; This can also be called up by placing it in the OnAct box of a waypoint, I use a destroy waypoint so the AI has freedom to aim. If the AI is too close to hit the target it won't drop the bomb. Also you may need to adjust the flyInHeight of the unit so the bomb trajectory will miss surrounding buildings. This drops a single bomb. The waypoint method can be used to hit several targets, keeping in mind there is a delay between weapon pickles. For example you will not be able to hit two buildings next to one another. Hope this is helpful.
  3. An Fiach

    Engineers Toolbox

    very cool thanks
  4. Ok well, see if there are any such scenes in the campaign if you can and find the name of the chair object that can be used for sitting, if such exists. Might try th editor and check for furniture objects, see if any of those allow _with_Cargo. Sorry I can't do more to help.
  5. Try this in the init line of your unit myChair = "FoldChair_with_Cargo" createVehicle getPos this; this moveInCargo myChair; myChair setDir 180; use the setDir command to adjust the facing of the unit as they will no spawn facing the direction shown in the editor (credit to JamesF1)
  6. I don't have OA yet so I don't know if there may be another chair type that will work better.
  7. I can't help you with the animation loop but when changing the Axis you can do increments smaller than 1 for example 0.1 or 0.01
  8. An Fiach

    Chopper spawns in air

    does it spawn flying or is it taking off?
  9. try setDir to get him facing the other way?
  10. There's Berzerk in Arma 2
  11. An Fiach

    Knife proposal

    Although officially the war never ended I wouldn't say that they are 'actively' at war. US troops are still stationed in Japan, are we still at war with them? Direct contact between US and N.K. forces rarely if ever results in any sort of combat.As for my sources, well, first hand experience is better than second or third hand accounts. It really depends upon where you are and when. A duty post is not the same as a deployment and deployment to Kuwait is not the same as deployment to Afghanistan etc. etc. Personally I would like to see some sort of melee ability in this game but agree with the guys that don't want to see people running around with knives everywhere. Then again, it always comes down to the people with which you are playing no matter what weapons or abilities are used.
  12. An Fiach

    Knife proposal

    They happen, and plenty. Anyone that says they don't is either not doing anything hard or wasting a lot of innocent lives in order to not do anything hard. (insurgents don't come outside and let you shoot them)Also, just because your father was stationed in South Korea doesn't mean they are pointless, I don't know how old you are but South Korea hasn't been actively at war for 60 years. During that war there was plenty of need for melee combat.
  13. Ha!, that's just my bad luck. Like a tease at the prom. :P Good luck.
  14. Does this mean it will no longer be for ArmA 2 Vanilla? If so, nuts.... I was hoping to play this at release but it will be a while before I can get OA :( too bad for me then but kudos on the quick conversion work!
  15. An Fiach

    Jet Pilots

    backpacks are a separate model. In order to wear another suit, there would have to be a separate model which would make the first redundant.
  16. Interesting. Got a link for that? I'd like to check it out. I always used Buck shot but that sounds like a better less than lethal alternative if it works.
  17. An Fiach

    Jet Pilots

    FTFY Given that a paraplegic civilian(or infantryman) can jump into and fly any of the aircraft at will, it isn't that important. There are a ton of things we all wish that BIS had included, facts are that they did not. Bis probably decided that it wasn't a worthy time investment for the return. Rather consider the simpler projects they might have completed in the same amount of time.
  18. An Fiach

    To those who think the SCAr is dropped

    They need to drop the 5.56 and use the 6.8
  19. You can use the TBR shotgun ammo addon (requires CBA)
  20. An Fiach

    Game breaking bugs had me quit playing

    and try the troubleshooting forum?
  21. @Max, what I was getting at is that the players create the missions themselves. Is it a possibility that tweaks will need to be made in the future, but that is understandable as release to the public always brings up unknown issues. You make your own missions though, say you are a gang at war with another gang and you decide to try and hijack their shipment or some other such thing. True, there will be people that just want to make some cash and then kill cops but that will come down to moderation and how well people want to role play. @Spyder Yes it is saved off server so the data is preserved.
  22. Finally, it is almost here! :) Time to make room on my HDD. @Max, I see what you mean but I think this is what interests people about this mod. Most all RPGs are linear. Sure you have choices and missions but they all lead you to a conclusion. This is more in line with the Second Life concept, minus the money sink. You create the story line, it isn't already written for you. What you do matters, and what others do matters.
  23. An Fiach

    Citizen Society RPG!

    This thing is still very much a work in progress but Alec seems very determined to get the details and provide an emmersive experience.
  24. I am now taking donations for a larger hard drive :)