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An Fiach

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Everything posted by An Fiach

  1. An Fiach

    Female Soldier [Feature request to BIS]

    All I can say is, you haven't read my comments or you wouldn't be asking me a nonsense question. As far as why I reply, well, it is because I can and your pictures mean nothing other than you don't understand the subject. You say my replies are opinions and not the truth, well, they do contain some opinions but also many facts or do you wish to tell me that real experience in the military is trumped by you knowing someone that is in the military and not even fully understanding the main points brought up in the discussion? If being shot at makes you a combat soldier then most of the people in Los Angeles would be war heros.
  2. I don't know about pressure effect but I did test and the top and left edge of the screen flashes white when you fire the tac50 while looking througgh tthe scope ---------- Post added at 06:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 AM ---------- First, what mission are you playing, second do you mean the diamond hud markers that you can see in easy and normal mode?
  3. 900 rounds is very heavy, trust me you don't go far very fast
  4. An Fiach

    Ground deformation [Feature request to BIS]

    Completely different engine.
  5. An Fiach

    Can Someone Help .. Graphics

    As Fudgeblood said, better to figure out on your own. Every system seems to handle the game differently.
  6. The issue I have with this is that you can see people at that distance without a scope and when you have one you can see people even farther out. At that distance also your filed of view is not so narrowed that you will only see the area of your target (assuming the lack of dense trees and brush) That isn't easily fixed unless you make the enemy semi transparent at those distances.
  7. Go play real life, I hear it doesn't have crosshairs. ;)
  8. I meant on some features, not over all mate, sorry if I confused.
  9. An Fiach

    Female Soldier [Feature request to BIS]

    I appologise to you as well, after the name calling and such I have seen earlier in the thread, I took an immediate defensive stance to your statement.
  10. I know there is a lack of documentation for features, i.e. not everything posted yet but I am at a loss at these folks that come in saying they can't be arsed to read the whole thread and then ask a question showing they weren't arsed to read the first post either.
  11. The updater is written in Ruby programming. http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/
  12. An Fiach

    Female Soldier [Feature request to BIS]

    No, that isn't what I am doing. I want to see them in factions that have them in combat roles, and female civilians having full animations. I would want to see US females limited in what equipment and vehicles they should properly be limited to for the sake of realism. Examples given of US women in combat are a bit dishonest because they ignore the fact that women are not supposed to be in combat. Being in Iraq and Afghanistan where there is an insurgency and no front lines makes it possible for females to see combat while serving in their assigned roles but this is not because they are intentionally sent to fight. In the case of the few that have been it is a failure on the part of their leadership by violating Army policy, either out of sheer stupidity or for political reasons. If we want to get into real life examples I can tell you that I do have issues with females being in the military but that stems from a multitude of issues that really have no bearing on this discussion and I have to concede that there may be other factors involved that have shaped my opinions beyond the practical matters and having to do with differences between MOS. DO NOT however, mistake this for a lack of respect for those that serve, be they male or female. Their signing the dotted line warrants immediate respect from me. Please note also my opinions extend only to the US because I have no understanding of how other militaries treat the subject. For my stances to change the US must first eliminate the separate but equal policies. Females aren't required to meet the same standard as males, standards that have been set for grim and practical reasons. Gender fairness has no place on the battlefield, you either make the grade or you do not. This is fine if you are doing clerical work, it is not fine when you are outside the wire. My reasons have nothing to do with questioning the bravery or dedication of females serving in the military, males do not have a monopoly on those things and I've seen plenty of them fall short. The problem is, they don't want to change it, because that would mean far fewer women in the military and that isn't 'fair'. I'd be satisfied if they made the standards MOS dependent, then the females wishing to be in combat units wouldn't feel the need to prove themselves any more than males do and the males wouldn't feel the need to question their ability to do the job. This doesn't even address the issues of sex, privacy and personal hygiene that can cripple a combat unit and create security issues. The only practical way to address those issues would be to create female only combat units and that would have a morale crushing effect on the males due to the way women are glorified in the media and would cause additional problems because of the way the American public views women. The way the public reacts when a female is injured or killed in combat is extremely negative toward the military in general and those soldiers are treated as if they were something special above everyone else. Much the same way Pat Tillman was treated in the media which has generated a great deal of resentment, particularly amongst the Rangers, as they ask why is this guy such a hero for passing up on a big contract with a sports team when so many others leave behind wives and children, was their sacrifice any less meaningful, their loss any less profound? In response to your statements about support vehicles and convoys, they really do not factor into this game much at all, the majority of missions out there that have these vehicles only have them in the base and do not really require anyone to use them. They are a matter of convenience and have little to do with reality with the exception that they sit at the base. Not really fun gameplay, even the engineer class is pretty much pointless and is quite inaccurately used as mechanics. There is no one in game building revetments and deploying fences. It's all about combat.
  13. here's a start http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1510636&postcount=1653 ---------- Post added at 02:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 PM ---------- delete the folder
  14. Don't take this for fact but I believe you can do it just like any other weapons as long as you have the weapon classes.
  15. For people having issues editing the config files, make sure you are editing \arma2\userconfig\ace\ace_clientside_config.hpp not \arma2\@ACE\userconfig\ace\ace_clentside_config.hpp if you edit the config in the wrong folder you will not see any effect.
  16. An Fiach

    Female Soldier [Feature request to BIS]

    Comments like this and all of the "sexist" accusations amount to the same. In order to quiet opposition people will put a label on it, after all, nobody wants to be "that guy".You can have your opinion all you want but don't be so disingenuous.
  17. An Fiach

    Add a new command to A2

    Thanks, yes I agree it is much needed.
  18. An Fiach

    Female Soldier [Feature request to BIS]

    I wanted to respond to this but it would lead to a social and political commentary that belongs in the off topic forum.
  19. An Fiach

    Add a new command to A2

    Please explain for the script illiterate.
  20. An Fiach

    Female Soldier [Feature request to BIS]

    Yes it's all about hating on the women that serve in the military :j: If you respect them so much don't use them as a crutch for your arguments by trying to pile guilt on people for imagined offenses.
  21. This OpF legacy lives on in ArmA 2. The game looks better than many others out there, and has features you can't get elsewhere. TheOpF way also includes releasing buggy games way too early, having a terrible single player experience and almost no multiplayer support. From the very first to the very last, BIS games will rely on the quality of its community modders and mission makers to make them a success.
  22. An Fiach

    Female Soldier [Feature request to BIS]

    They term sexist is being tossed around as a defacto defense when a person has no good argument muc the way th eterm racist has been tossed about in the US over the past year. It robs the term of its meaning and is a slap in the face to the real victims of such discrimination.
  23. need to use the interaction menu by ACEdefault is right windows, you may need to remap it though in your key config