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Everything posted by bernardino75

  1. Put in each units init "this disableai autotarget" or something like this...
  2. Does anyone know if is possible to create respawn parameters in multiplayer missions? Like choosing between the parameters seagul, base...
  3. bernardino75

    MP parameters respawn

    I found this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=71040&highlight=respawn+description:d:
  4. Signed. Will I have to buy again ARMA2 to have an English version compatible with the ACE2?
  5. bernardino75

    MP parameters respawn

    I tried to create the parameters in despcription.ext, but this is where you define the type of respawn. Dont work. Do you know a variable that can be redefined after the description.ext be loaded and change the RESPAWN to group or seagul or other?
  6. bernardino75


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