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About rabs

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. rabs

    AI issue.

    AI problem. Ok a little back ground. I open the difficulty settings and set friends units to novice and enemies to expert. Save. Open up the editor load UTES, USMC squad on one end RU squad on the other. Move way points to each other. Play as USMC rifleman. I lay still and roll around a little bit. USMC squad annihilates RU squad with 1 loss. I play as a Russian marksman, I lay still and roll around a little bit. RU squad destroys USMC squad with no losses. What gives? This is stupid. it removes any challenge from the game, because your presence on a particular side seems to make them super men.
  2. I am with ethne, I love the longer draw distance. I agree it should probably be more adjustable, i think removing some of the detail is a better option than draw distance.
  3. Awesome work. VOP sound is excellent, but this, this something special.
  4. I noticed that your map renders grass much further away than other maps. Can i replicate this?
  5. rabs

    US Army 2009 Units

    Offtopic: Clawhammer, would be kind enough to tell me where you got the snow map at?
  6. Do you have any idea as to what the mod was called? As far as performance I would gladly trade texture detail or anything in the game for a 1km of grass. My computer handles the game pretty alright.
  7. rabs

    Arma 2 Skip Splash Screens

    Add -nosplash at the end of your desktop shortcut properties If I recall.
  8. Is that adjustable client side, because I am more interested in single player anyway? If so, do i use the developer console or what?
  9. Increasing the visibility does not increase the distance the grass is drawn out to. It just increases the bigger stuff like trees and mountains. My main problem is with the horrible looking trees and ground at anything more than 500 feet away.
  10. Is the problem with grass textures and long distance drawing fixed either through mod or developer. The difference between the textured grass and, worse than ofp1 muddy texture is just too much for me too handle? Has this been fixed or can I fix it on my end?
  11. An early model F-16 with a red star on the side?
  12. rabs


    As of now I play the game with no grass because the texture pop in is the most annoying and distracting aspect of the game. Is there any plan to change this or is this different in the full game compared to the demo?
  13. I am running that processor at stock speeds and it handles ARMA very well, I do have an 4850 though.
  14. I have the same processor and 2gb less of RAM, but i have a 4850 and the game (demo at least) runs wonderfully even with lots of units, so I imagine your system should be ok on the processor intensive things.
  15. I will take some screens and post. Fraps is the best I here, so I will use that and then upload to image shack.