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Everything posted by Stormcrow85

  1. Well... sorry that it took so long for my answer... but i didnt find the time to write here because the connection problems are gone Thank you very much nedley your my hero:D This is how i got it to work: 1.) I disabled the DHCP-Server on my router 2.) I gave Static adresses to every device on my network 3.) I played Arma2 for hours with 0.0 connection problems... This is the answer i got from BIS earlier... thnx for the support Bulemia Interactive :P
  2. Thank you for your advices and for your fast response :) Thats what i did first (see point 1 and 2 in my list) ;) -->Graphic and Mboard drivers are on april 2009 version (onboard network adapter) The assignment of static IP is a good idea... i will try this out and let you know if it helped... If it doesnt help i will ping the router and a website and see what happens (but i dont have connection problems in other MP games like CoD, Freelancer:cool:, Grid, and so on) My Network is working with ethernet... no wireless - only ethernet cables and powerline adapters... well ... i heard about problems with powerline systems but i never had connection problems with other games... so i dont think that could be the problem. Greets
  3. Hi all I think i have a similar problem... well i see the servers, i can connect to them and i can play... but suddenly i loose the connection to the server sometimes after 10min, sometimes after 2hours... i have this on every server i was on... here's what i tried already. 1.) Firewall Firmware Update (Zyxel Zywall 2 Plus) 2.) Hardware drivers up to date 3.) Patched ArmA to 1.02 (german version) 4.) Ports 2300-2330 and 23021-23023 are opened and forwarded 5.) winsock settings are reseted 6.) Software Firewall and Antivir are closed 7.) Every Transfer Protocoll / service disabled except TCP/IP But i'm still loosing connection (my ping is stable at 30-60ms) but suddenly there comes the message "no answer for 10 seconds, 11,12,13, and so on... When i press esc and return to lobby i cant join the game anymore. Someone knows this problem? What can i do? i dont know what else i could try.... greets EDIT: ah i saw somone writing about problems with EVGA-Network manager drivers... i reinstalled the drivers and disabled the NVIDIA Network manager... no change
  4. Hi Bohemia I'm trying to play the german version of arma2 (v1.01) but there are so many bugs that I can't have fun with this game (i played ofp and arma for years so i know the command stuff and so on)... ok where should i start.... -There are some missions where u can call a chopper for transport or get help from the artillery... at the beginning of the mission everything works great but after some minutes the artillery command disappears... after some more minutes the "call transport"-button also disappears ... they are not longer available for the rest of the mission... -in the second manhattan mission (cold blabla) when u get back the base (after the sequence)... If you try to get in the car (on base) the sight goes to external and stays at the bottom where you got in the car you can drive around but you dont see anything the quick menu (middle mouse button) works, but it doesnt appear on the screen anymore --> i managed to change to gunner and and command the driver to a waypoint... you hear the car moving, you see the car moving on the map but the camera doesnt move anymore it stays on the ground. Even changing to another squad member doesnt help... it changes to the selected member for a half second and then the "bottom camera" again (in camp)... the same happens after leaving the base and getting into other vehicles. After the sequence (still at the base) you cant aim with the right mouse button anymore... only the zoom works but not the sniping mode... if you are trying to get to the sniper mode (short right mouse click) you see the sun flickering ---> if you click a few times its like looking into a strobo. -Also in this mission it happened that i lost a squad member (the icon of the machine gun guy disappeared) i wasnt able to change to him anymore or give him any orders... so i shot him:yay: the medic guy accepted the command to heal him but it didnt help... he (the machine gunner) was standing in the middle of the field and did nothing. -Also in this mission it happened that given commands and radio messages and talking between the members werent shown on screen anymore (subtitles were gone) and oh yes the speaking was also gone... all the other sounds are ok -Also in this mission i noticed that the time lapse doesnt work... normally you can make the time getting 2x or 4x faster than normal... in this mission you can only set 1x or 2x... BUT if you change to 2x its not a whit faster than the normal time -In multiplayer games i get disconnected for no reason (not because i make the hoster angry:D) this happens to everyone i have spoken to who is using the german version -There are a lots of other bugs but i concentrate on those that really kill the feeling of playing a cool game Whats positive in Arma2? -I really like the idea of calling Transport and Artillery... getting support from far away is really cool NICE WORK (but it doesnt work very well atm... im sure it will be fixed soon) -Arma/ofp is not like other shooters where the enemys spawn from nowhere and attack you... they exist from the beginning of the mission and do what ever they have to do (like patrolling or driving from A to B etc.) this makes the programming of the AI more complex so there may be more script errors... i really dont care about those errors because your way is much cooler than others... My conlusion: cool ideas but totally screwed up... did u guys test the game before putting it into the shelves? because that is really a beta version... sometimes even worse... If you need help or something... just ask :p
  5. I take this as the adequate answer i was asking for... I accept that the game is UNPLAYABLE for me at the moment... i've said everything i wanted BIS to hear and i wish you all good luck...
  6. I was able to install it (never said something else) but im not able to advance in singleplayer beacause of a camera/aim bug (read first post) and im not able to stay connected in multiplayer games (also written in my first post). Everyone i have spoken to (who is using a german version) has the same problem (you call this premature?)... if someone uses the german version and doesnt get disconnected- please post it here... The "irrelevant anecdotes" was just something for you guys to think about... no need for further discussion... The "inaccurate generalisations"... what you mean with this??? because its "just" the german version that doesnt work? (i never said smthing about the english version... i never played it) and whats about you guys (Lt.Chris and G-Xavion) did u play the german version? do you know what im talking about? - I'm inclined to doubt you did... but anyways a lot of german users (me included) keep playing MP even if we get disconnected 2-3 times per hour - Why? because Bohemia invested a lot of time and money to make this game and it looks great... there are very cool ideas (What i also said in my first post) BUT when you invested that much money why not waiting 2 months more and fix some more bugs BEFORE selling it... now you have a lot of negative publicy... the ratings in the (german) game magazines are horrible... That's a pity because arma2 could have been "best game 2009"
  7. Stormcrow85

    Morphicon/Metaboli Invalid CD Key Issues

    Yes i also tryed 5 times during installing until my cd-key got accepted... pay attention on the following letters: (german version) S could be a 5 (5 could be an S) M could be a N (N could be a M) Z could be a 2 (2 could be a Z) 0 could be an O (O could be a 0) if you can manage to make the installer accepting your key you can call yourself a "keybord cowboy" - good luck :p
  8. Ok Placebo I opened my eyes to find out what i have to do to stay connected in MP games... but my problem is that this game have thousands of bugs and thousands of bug reports so its impossible for me to find one specific bug report. Even if you search about MP disconnections (yes i know how to use the search button) you get hundreds of posts... could you please be so kind and post some usefull links here: -Is there a link where u can see a list of all known bugs which will be fixed? ---> Insert Link Here<--- -What do i have to do to stay connected on MP games? --->Insert Link(s) Here<--- I think this would help many users reading this thread (750 views in 48 hours) ---> To say it's "not perfect" is a gross understatement There has already been feedback in other threads about fatal bugs which are still existant after getting the latest version (german version is at 1.01 atm) And fact is that Bohemia Interactive gets money from thousands of users and in exchange we get something that doesnt work. (would you buy a car even if it doesnt run - just because it's a car?) Here in Germany/Switzerland there's a discussion about bugged programs/games declaring as a warranty case ---> Bohemia would be bankrupt and you guys would loose your jobs... what a luck that you can kid your customers without fearing consequences:yay:
  9. Well... Thats your answer??? i expected a bit more than getting a warning... did you read my post??? posting campaign spoilers is your only problem you see in my post??? When i have a bug and i want to tell it to the developper i have to say WHERE it happens HOW it happens WHAT happens... so that you guys know what im talking about... I wanted to help you... and what do i receive???? a warning??? you think im writing such a big post just for fun? you think im so bored that i invest 2 hours with writing to you just for NOTHING??? common guys give me a adequate answer to my post... if you dont know what to do... here a few questions -Which problems do you know already and which ones are new??? -How can i avoid getting those problems??? -When will the game be playable??? (NO ITS NOT ATM):mad: -When can i stay connected on MP-Games??? -AAARRRGH you really make me angry... if your thinking about an arma3 LET IT BE!!! (or ask codemasters for help:p) ok... last point was unfair but HEY i didnt program this crap!!! -->looking forward to a more or less smart answer from you guys! and please dont bann me know just because its the easyer way ok??? greets Edit: When i was looking on the www for a solution for all my bugs i also saw what "should" happen in the story... so dont complain about spoiling... its ridiculous (compared to the development of the game)