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Everything posted by Skodz

  1. Skodz

    So few PvP serves?

    Hopefully there will be good PvP servers when its released in North America because it really is what I am looking for. I hope the Arma community play as a team and use tactics/communications.
  2. Hm, 32 slot maximum on Art of war ? :/ Hopefully some game server host will offer more powerful and cheaper server once its out in North America.
  3. Pointless ? The game is coming out july 7 in North America for those of us that want to buy a boxe. Not a code. The demo will allow a lot of people to test it out.
  4. Being a fan of Bf2: Project Reality http://www.realitymod.com I know how a good mod can improve a game and therefore I will try ACE2 as soon as its ready :) Do you have any real website to keep track of ACE2 development ? Plus where can we see ACE features for those of us new to Arma ?
  5. July 7 ? :'( Hmmm, even EB GAMES updated their website... http://www.ebgames.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?product_id=75135 Awwww! 2 more weeks to wait! :( Now if the demo doesnt make it before that. Please, I want the demo to help me wait for the north american release. The only reconforting thing is that I guess we will be getting a better version then the German got last month.
  6. This is the best choice: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=72181 According to this thread, the ATI radeon HD4890 1go would be the best choice right now for Arma 2 but it also depends on your system... Not every system can handle the HD4890.
  7. I have been waiting the north american release for ever now but I will not buy it until I tested it with the demo. Anyone else ? Btw, is it 26th june or 29 in North America ? (Boxe)
  8. Skodz

    Demo release

    I just hope it will be there before north american release of Arma 2.
  9. Skodz

    Bigfoot...has anyone found him?

    There is no bigfoot in that screenshot.
  10. Here's a french review; http://www.jeuxvideo.com/articles/0001/00011034-arma-ii-test.htm Graphics: 16/20 = 80% Gameplay: 15/20 = 75% Longevity: 17/20 = 85% Sounds: 18/20 = 90% Story: 16/20 = 80% Overall: 16/20 = 80% Players note: 17/20 = 85% I don't know if it was tested before or after 1.02 They basically says its a hardcore milsim and need some bug fixing but have very great potential and is the ultimate sandbox for virtual warriors.
  11. Skodz

    Bigfoot...has anyone found him?

    I would assume its about Xfire updating their software to support Arma 2 not about BI supporting Xfire. If you want to ask Xfire to support Arma 2, go on Xfire official forums and ask it, there already is a thread about it with 6 pages. Ok, for the lazy ones, heres the link :) http://www.xfire.com/xf/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=228566 About the bigfoot, I sure will spend hours exploring the countryside to find it :)
  12. I have a hd4870 512mo running on a 24 inch full hd monitor (1920*1200, 1080p, 5ms) and I get very good/good performance on every games. I do not own Arma 2 yet (waiting for north american release) but Crysis is running good at high. With that said, I have a Q9550 @ 2.8ghz + 4gb ddr3 1333mhz... But I would assume the hd4890 1gb would have absolutely no problem on a 24 inch full hd monitor. :)
  13. I'd say that the best card for Arma right now would be the Radeon HD4890 1gb or the Geforce GTX 285 1gb (depending on wichone is the cheapest). The Radeon HD4870x2 and Geforce gtx 295 truly are the most powerful video card on the market atm I think but according to what I read on these forums, Arma 2 do not fully support crossfire or SLI and these card have two gpu instead of one for any other video card right now wich make them like mini-SLI/Crossfire I believe. Google and video cards benchmark are your friend :)
  14. I dont have Arma 2 yet (waiting for the North American boxe release) but I am very impressed with all the support this game get from the Dev team within the first month, 2 patch already! Plus the developer directly answering to people on the forums! Its awesome. Can't wait to buy Arma 2 in North America :)
  15. Awesome, I am a BF2: Project Reality player but I love your Arma guide and I was wondering if you would do a new one for Arma 2, my question is now answered :) (I'm obviously planning on getting Arma 2) Thanks
  16. Its sad they are post-poning the demo but if it allow them to make it better, why not. I just want to have the demo before north america release. Thanks
  17. Why would they need huge AI on a MMOFPS ? I just wish they would make a modern version.
  18. Should be available june 29 in EB games/GameStop (boxe)
  19. Thats why I do not buy online.
  20. I am also curious about multiplayer view distance. I just hope people with lower end pc are not disadvantaged versus high end pc players. In other words, I hope its the same view distance for everyone online. (Distance at wich we see units)
  21. Skodz

    Quad core testers are needed

    Cool, these results make me happy about having a Q9550 @ 2.8 ghz :)
  22. Skodz

    Who's going to resist buying on the 19th?

    Since I am North American, I will wait for the North American release (hopefully available in store). But I'm very happy that a demo will be available soon :)