Currently the U.S. Army is replacing the Humvee with Force Protection inc. line of Mine Resistant Armored Personel Vehicals. These vehicals are designed to take RPG and mine damage with crew survivability. I Think the Cougar model and the Buffalo Model would be a very useful addon for Arma or Arma 2. Also I havent seen anyone create a vehical with the CROWS, a remote operated gun used by the soldier inside the vehical. I would love to see this as an addon in Arma 2 or Arma. I would love to help, but I have almost no experince moding.
To be somewhat like real life:
* when the vehical is 100% damaged the crew should survive.
* The vehical should be able to survive at least 1 RPG strike.
* It would be neat if the fenders and other parts flew off leaving the body of the vehical intact with the crew only injured.
* Future Weapons had a speacial on the MRAP Cougar and precluded that the Army would soon be attaching the CROWS system to the Cougar, allowing the soldier to control the MG inside the vehical. This would be nice for many of the vheicals in Arma, allowing a more modern combat style. Basicaly this would be a cougar model of a Humvee with the strykers MG mount.