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About tandem

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  1. tandem

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    I am finding that the interface for aquiring equipment, weapons, troops etc in the warefare type games, especially on the Chenarus map, is still quite slow. On Utes wasn't so slow but I haven't tried it since the new patch came out. I'm not sure if the interface is linked to some other game function or not but I find it sometimes takes 1/2 hour to re-equip my soldier or aquire troops and vehicles. This is in multiplay, by the way.
  2. An easy way to sort it out is this saying: "In through the door on the left and go up the stairs." The map is layed out in a numbered grid. Start from the left side of the map till you find the first set of numbers and then go up to the second set of numbers. Ie 111057, come in from the left to 111 and then go up to 057.
  3. tandem

    Is IS a big deal!

    I get the long lag issue too. It takes up to 20 minutes to populate the menu and aquire your equipment. When I click on it, I have to go away from the computer after about 10 minutes just to ease the frustration. It certainly is an issue to be resolved somehow.