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About matryona12

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  1. Tell me please where can i download "russian to english" mod?
  2. Is there a way to use RTE (real time editor) with ACE? The problem is the console button in menu and the same button required for editor...
  3. Dear Moders, please create language mod for Akella version (russian) `cause their translation is not just incorect, but sometimes totally wrong. I mean from russian to english. I`m asking in this topic `cause while using "Six updater" i noticed that there is ability to download "de_to_en" "cz_to_en".
  4. One more about multiplier. I think it`s very stupid to use it to imitate firerate in counter. So if You have to brake real firerate for FPS help, just decrease firerate. Because it`s really unfair if you have 2000 bulets, and from 6 bullets in counter only one will shoot other 5 will just disappear. So when you use multiplier you don`t just decrease firerate, you decrease ammo capacity like 5 times, that`s really unfair. And i`m begging mod Developers "Please don`t use multiplier, just decrease firerate"!
  5. One more thing, after creating 3 scuds in editor and giving comand for 3 teammates to get as driver in every SCUD, and giving them command to shoot at three diferent places unfortunatelly all missiles strikes at same point. I just wanted to watch 3 big "badabums" but they all bangs in same place...
  6. Running in lower tempo for miles, would be a very good way to make mod mod more realistic and playable, instead of running fast and drop down after 100meters.
  7. I`m trained, and i used to have some sport tourism trips. After a week of walking on mountains with 30kg on my back (i weigted 70 kg) i was going to railroad to get home. When i looked at my watch and it shows that i have only 5 minutes to get in the train... it was like 700m to get to it. I was very tired and little dehydrated after a week of climbing, walking etc. But i still had some powers to run to that train with 22 kg (other 8kg was food) on my back and i did it, without stuff like closing eyes or falling down 10 times... of course i breathed very hard, but that`s all, only hard breathing. Of course it was kinda extremal situation, but being on battlefield is more extremal than to be late for your train. I mean when you have good trained cardio, and adrenaline pumping to your veins because you`re in extreme situation, you can do much more instead of simple every day situation when you trying to lift some stuff or get to 10 floor by stairs which can make you tired. About problems of getting up after falling that`s true, but it`s not because of stamina problems it`s because of balance. P.S. Training+Adrenaline=3x more power and 10x more stamina.
  8. In last mod developers changed multiplier for GAU8 from 3 to 1. With first ace i made real firerate for M61, GAU8 and M134. And it works perfectly. Of course it affects FPS but not too much. And tell me, How often does it hapens when 10 A-10 attacking at same time or 10 m134 attacking at same time. I mean more often 15 men attacking at same time from both sides time and this is really limits my FPS, but not few A-10 or M134 or M61.
  9. And again i`m asking mod developers : WHY do you using multiplier for gatling guns??? After my previous post when i asked for real GAU8 firerate in last update you did it, but now M134 has a multiplier like 6x. WHY?
  10. Very nice mod. But there 2 thing that really piss me off. First one is "multiplier". I mean why it has to be 3 time less bullet and 3 time less firerate in GAU8... It`s really stupid when you fire burst of 20 bullets but the counter shows 60 bullets. And instead of 1350 bullets there are only 450 real bullets. And every time after updating i has to edit "ace_c_vehicle.pbo" for decreasing multiplier to 1 and reloadtime to 0.015. Second thing is armor sights. There is mod for Armed Assault called ZTanks which add laser range finder with auto elevation of primary and secondary weapon. So you can hit the targets in long range even if it moving. It would be grateful if you add this thing to ACE2 mod, and i think it`s more important thing to add in ARMA2, more important than sandbags, chemlights etc.