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Everything posted by Noc0de

  1. I'm on a Q6600 (running @ stock 2.4) with a GTX 260 OC. I get pretty much between 25-30 FPS. I'm running at 1920 x 1200 @ 100% fillrate and no matter if I use low settings of very high, it seems to make little difference to frame rate +/- 1 or 2 FPS. I'm inclined to think there's an issue somewhere, it's just whether BIS or the community can clearly demonstrate the problem and get it resolved. Somethings not quite right... I mean look at this guy here. Here's got a lower spec machine than me, and yes he's running in a lower resolution, but his game is MUCH smoother than mine.
  2. I've got a fairly similar machine to others on this thread: Q6600 @ 2.4 4GB RAM GTX 260 Vista x64 I'm running the game at 1920 x 1200 (res and fillrate). All other settings are on 'Normal' except for post-processing that's on 'Disabled'. I get between 25-30fps. This doesn't seem to vary a great deal between settings, whether they're on low or normal or high. Interestingly, compared to most other games my GPU temps are quite low - my GPU fan doesn't ramp-up. I've got a feeling that as varying the graphics settings doesn't change my FPS much and given the GPU temps I'd be inclined to say I'm seeing a CPU bottleneck on my system? That ARMA2 cares far more about your CPU that your GPU. I can't help but feel the game feels a little un-optimized though?