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About redmotion

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    Lance Corporal
  1. Because even when I pick an area clear of trees, the AI decides to land about 30 metres over. In the trees. Can't someone at BI just mark clear areas for AI heli's to land on the maps?
  2. Still can't get this to work. How can I script a trigger that only activates if the player enters? _pos = getMarkerPos "BaseMarker5"; basetrigger = createTrigger ["SWITCH", _pos]; basetrigger setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false]; basetrigger setTriggerArea[100,100,0,false]; basetrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "hint 'trigger on'", "hint 'trigger off'"]; Can't even work out how to createTrigger properly. What should I put? I consider switching to waypoints but they don't even appear at the right position.
  3. Think so! Thanks. I'm just curious how you can make a trigger only activate if the player enters the trigger. Is it "LEADER" (in my mission the player is the leader of the team)?
  4. Can't seem to get this to work. I want to create a trigger using script so that when the player enters it, he gets an option to radio HOTEL. _basetrigger = createTrigger ["Switch", _pos]; _basetrigger setTriggerActivation ["HOTEL", "PRESENT", false]; _basetrigger setTriggerArea[100,100,0,false]; _basetrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "hint 'trigger on'", "hint 'trigger off'"]; The script runs but when I go to the destination nothing happens?! Those aren't the final statements just fillers. _pos is obtained with "_pos = getMarkerPos "BaseMarker1";" I'm pretty sure its not a position 2d/3d issue. There are WEST forces at this location, whom I don't want to set off the trigger. Thanks for any advice you can give.
  5. redmotion

    Arma 2 OA 1.53 Suggestions

    If this has been suggested, consider this another vote in favour of: - the SECOPS module to use the current OPFOR when it generates tasks. It appears they are only spawning russians, even in takistan where the OPFOR is takistani insurgents.
  6. redmotion

    The name of this forum

    I think the confusion arises because the mission editor looks literally like a map. Time to get the 3d editor finished or integrate the visitor tools into the main game.
  7. I've been using this script for randomising some positions:- pos = _this select 0; _Dist = _this select 1; _Dist2 = _this select 2; _posX = ( _pos select 0); _posY = ( _pos select 1); _Dist = _Dist + random _Dist2; _Angle = random 360; _posX2 = _posX + _Dist * sin _Angle; _posY2 = _posY + _Dist * cos _Angle; _newpos = [ _posX2, _posY2]; _newpos Save it as an .sqf. It takes a position, min/max distances changes it and returns the new position. Access it using a line like this: rndPos = compile preprocessFile "randomposition.sqf"; _newpos = [<position> , <minimum distance>, <variablility beyond>] call rndPos; or just _newpos = [<position> , <minimum distance>, <variablility beyond>] execVM "randomPosition.sqf";
  8. Is it possible to check if a SECOPs mission has been completed with a script? Like an addEventhandler?
  9. EDIT: FIXED. I think the issue with SLEEP may be to do with using "compile preprocessFile ". If I use execVM instead I'm getting the fade out effects working as I want. Ugh! Thats one of my more embarissing late-night "don't have a clue" posts... Anyway, that was the problem. Got it working on the dead bodies front. Thanks for that... :) Doh! I still cannot make sleep work though.... I've got a lot of seperate scripts that can be called in any order depending on conditions. Most are .sqfs calling other .sqfs. So in one of these scripts after preprocessing some files and placing bodies and enemies, I then put in the task title last thing. (currently part of a task generation sqf but may be moved to a seperate "mission opening titles" script) The fade in works, but the fade out doesn't happen, the screen just goes black and fades in straight away. The code below gives me errors for both lines with "sleep". What I'd really like to do is fade to black, advance time forward while the screen is blank, wait for a few secs, start the titles and then fade in as they appear. //titles titleText ["", "BLACK OUT", 5]; sleep 5; skipTime random 8; _DateStamp=Date; // date related calcs go here playerDay = _jdNow - _jdStart + 1; _dayCount = format ["Day:%1", playerDay ]; [ str(_dayCount), str(_TimeStr), str(_taskTitle) ] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText; titleText ["", "BLACK IN", 2]; sleep 2; I can get the fade out to work using a seperate sqs as in: _Handle = player execVM "fadeOut.sqs"; waitUntil {scriptDone _Handle}; The waitUntil doesn't seem to wait though... and in the sqs "~5" gives an error. VERY frustrating.
  10. _howManyMen = _defaultgroupsize + floor (random _defaultgroupsize + 4); bodiesGroup = createGroup civilian; //Create the Dead for "_x" from 1 to _howManyMen do { _unit = bodiesGroup createUnit [_tkCivs select (floor random (count _tkCivs)) , _locationPosition , [], 100, "NONE"]; _unit = setDamage 1.0; }; I'm getting an error with setDamage. Not sure why. It says "Error missing ;". _tkCivs is an array listing all civilian character names. _tkCivs = ["TK_CIV_Takistani01_EP1", "TK_CIV_Takistani02_EP1", etc etc PS: Also have a similar problem with the "sleep" command. I have "sleep 10;", it gives "generic error in expression". It is an sqf file. No clue why its not working! Thanks.
  11. Sounds reasonable. So I'm wondering what would be the easiest way to find out what's in these compositions? Extracting ca.pbo seems the best approach?
  12. I'm having a go at creating a mission with a scoring system and I want to penalise the player if he shoots any civilians by reducing the score (global variable). Anyone know how you can check for the player or blufor killing Ambient Civilian generated civilians?
  13. I've been using camp1_us for a mission and noticed that there is a weapons cache in the composition crammed full of weapons. Any idea how to get rid of the weapons and/or put new ones in?
  14. I'm creating a Group of enemies called _defendgrp1. Then I'm trying to create a trigger that will be alerted when all members of the _defendgrp1 are dead. I've got this far from reading some other threads dotted around:- _trig = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",_locationPosition]; _trig setTriggerStatements ["{alive _x} count units _defendgrp1 == 0", "hint 'Dead'" ,"hint 'Alive'"]; also tried: _trig setTriggerStatements ["({alive _x} count units _defendgrp1) < 1, "hint 'Dead'" ,"hint 'Alive'"] as TriggerStatements/condition. Is this the right approach? Or Am I missing something? Thanks in advance.