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Everything posted by kelemenlajos

  1. kelemenlajos

    Announcing new sub-forum for editing!

    Hi! I didn't find any place for mission editing, so i put my problem here, i hope you don't mind. :) Is there a way to secure equipment inside the dropship? I'm trying to create a multiplayer mission for a livestream. Using manned descending lander and putting anything inside it the smaller objects will bounce around inside the ship. The larger one would stay where i put them, sometimes they will falls over. But the cars are glitching trough the dropship parts, and also loosing some parts (mainly the wheels). For a plan "B" a timed spawning will also do the trick, if i can spawn the items inside the ship. (Maybe a few premade spawn slot would be nice for this.)
  2. kelemenlajos

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    With btc logistics you should be able only use the ammobox for some vehicles. For use more boxes and containers with more vehicles/helis you should modify the =BTC=_cargo_system_init.sqf file.
  3. kelemenlajos

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    JC, we are using a modified btc logistics (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?126076-BTC-Logistic-Script) script with the igiload (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?173109-IgiLoad-script-logistical-support) hammered into mcc (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150909-MCC-Sandbox-3-Dynamic-mission-creating-tool-for-ArmA-3). For the best result i think you should merge btc logistic with igiload (it's not so hard as it looks), for the basic functions use try only btc logistics.
  4. kelemenlajos

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    Is there a way to create and use pre made loadouts, and user created loadouts together? For example: There would be total 30 slots. 20 of them premade and unchangeable, and 10 for player use.
  5. Massi, you made an essential mod pack with your weapon packs! (And they are also well documented!) I got one question, could you make a version, that does not contain the the scoped and supressed versions? Because you can already create this configurations in arma.
  6. shay, i think you don't have to worry because: - they won't listen to the crowds, but you do - they won't correct what a modder can do even if it's only adding 1 line to the code, but you do - they don't have any new ideas, but you do - they don't have our trust, but you do What do you think will they do if some mention possibility to make it better? I think MCC is the most valuable addon until now in A3, and it will be in the top 5 till the end of Arma3. Anyone can create new weapons, cars, tanks, but building a complex mod like MCC is on a different level...
  7. This afternoon i couldn't recreate the spawning bug. But i found out that from some camera angles it's seems more than 15m distance. But i think i can say that the error was also on my side :-)
  8. CPS: condition evaluations per second "Alongside to the well known FPS (frames per second), an very interesting value, CPS, is introduced here. CPS is expressed by condition evalations per second and measured from an reference condition in fn_ASM.fsm. You can realize this CPS value as the reciprocal of the current "minimal response delay" of local AI in the running mission." quoted from here: https://github.com/fred41/ASM If CPS is low and FPS is hight, then the AI-s still moving without teleporting, but they don't react as fast as they should. I'm using MCC only in MP (local and dedicated), last time i checked, and found the errors it was local MP. I'm moving my cursor automatic away from the spawn point (learned that after wiping out the whole squad once). :) This error came across with vechicles, and helis. First when i tested the implemented BTC logistic script in R17. I didn't mentioned because i was thinking, i messed up something, but after that the same error came in R18 also.
  9. Shay, this issue is still there but it's not what it seems. If you place something it's seems to be not there. But if you exit the 3d editor (you should wait 3-5 sec till the spawning is done), and exit the mission maker, then it will be there. Also, if you put down something in 3d editor, and it's not generating, putting down a 2. from it will generate the first one (the second is also generated as i previously mentioned). But there is an interesting thing in this error. If you put down a Hunter, and it won't show, and you put down an ifrit, then the first one will change also to an ifrit. So i think there is something left open in the placement subroutine. The CPS degradation issue is solved. We placed 50 soldiers from the 3d editor and after a few sec, the CPS went back to 50. Monitored with ASM (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21436). Another thing, could you implement this monitoring script into MCC: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24158 I think the feature of seeing the average FPS for all the players would add more usability to MCC already present client/server fps counter. (Maybe a CPS counter would also be a great for monitoring).
  10. 1. We also had tonight the watch problem but only once. We solved it with the player disconnecting and connecting into another slot. Stock MCC R18. 2. not here 3. didn't used evac 4. try zeu/zeus AI scripts.
  11. We also have this slowdown. As far as i we found out, it's only present if you use the 3d placement part to spawn soldiers. 1 or 2 wont hurt the performance (we use it sometimes for targets, and hostages), but above 10 it's eating down the CPS below 30. Incomitatum: We also use lots of mods (TFA, everything @mas, tmr), our VAS is also slow and really really really full :) I will definitely try out your exclusion list! Yesterday i decided to unpack again MCC, and added some performance monitoring tools (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24158,http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168558-Status-Hud), because we trying out some configs before buying a new server, maybe they are also good for you too (I pulled out everything from Status Hud, only left the fps counter in). For the first time we only implemented the excellent =BTC= Logistic mod into MCC, i think you should also try it out. BTW, it's not perfect. ;) Thanks for the Simple Object Marker idea!
  12. Fred, there is a typo in your first post:
  13. As Shay already answered, it does, but i just want to add an easy method to use MCC on any map. Just rename the mission to the new map: mcc_sandbox.Stratis.pbo to mcc_sandbox.Chernarus.pbo If you are lucky the starting coordinates are inside the map, but if not, you have to place your side's FOB on the map. You can try out Stratis and Altis MCC mission files, i think they use different starting coordinates.
  14. The r14 Missions Wizard is a great addition! Tonight we found some bugs: - if someone get disconnected, the task, and every map marker connected to the mission (except the red area brush) are missing for the reconnecting players. - on the destroy objects mission the target can only destroyed by satchel. (Maybe artillery, or CAS could also work...) - after destroying the target we didn't got a success message, and the task was still assigned - the VAS loading can be more than 5 mins sometimes with many addons. Can you do something with that? I found something maybe this could speed up the process ( The real problem with VAS is, that after loading the MCC, the initialization of the VAS is fast (sub 15 sec), but after 10-15 minutes it's goung up to 5 mins and more. Same addons, same server, same mission. Every else was great, thanks for your time spent developing this awesome mission/mod!
  15. I think you misunderstand me. We didn't even try, because we would like to use mcc as an addon (mod) without any mumbo jumbo scripting thing, on selected missions. That's why i would be happy to see the mod working only for admins, who can pass on the rights. I know this way it's a bit more problematic to handle, but we would love this as an option. Anyway, thanks for trying to help me out ;)
  16. Same problem here... Major, please try to find a solution for this problem. thx.
  17. Great Idea! Go for it! This way it would be easy to get the mod version going on the server. We didn't even try with UID after reading that someone couldn't do it...
  18. kelemenlajos

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    You can mod missions with automatically generated tasks, like enemy assault, or use MCC (just rename the file), to create your own.
  19. kelemenlajos

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Wow, nice changelog! Good work! Alduric, don't waste money on hosting, use torrent. It will be all over the world within 24h, and everyone will be happy. :)
  20. kelemenlajos

    TMR Modular Realism

    Taosenai: i wouldlike to take out the Blast Fragmentation part of your mod, because we get a lot of "No shape for ammo type TMR_"... error messages in MP. I know TMR isn't designed for that but many of the modules works flawless :) I really appreciate any help you can provide, and keep up the good work!
  21. Fred, could you implement an optional log output (export to txt, or csv) with timestamp? This way we could pinpoint newtwork problems, and can find out if there is something wrong with the configuration, or the misssion is badly scripted. I will be grateful for any help you can provide.