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About Cogar69

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  1. Thanks you very much for responding soo quick! I must not have noticed my HD getting filled back then. Thanks for an awesome program.
  2. I like the old Six Updater that did not need to save a duplicate folder(.rsync takes up too much wasted space). I'm sure there is a better way. Why not just have a log file to see if things need updating?
  3. Cogar69

    Hat switch not working

    That did the trick...thanks champ!
  4. Cogar69

    Hat switch not working

    It works fine with Arma 2 OA no problems what-so-ever. Same settings but does not work in TOH. Sidewinder 2...yeah it's old but I don't need anything fancy
  5. So I'm using the poor man's TrackIR (hat switch) but find it's not working. I've been using BIS's products since Operation Flashpoint and have never had a problem until now. I've tried the different options in "Freelook Interaction" and configured the settings in both Analogue and Digital but nothing works. My head only moves about 1cm on the screen
  6. Cogar69

    They better have female soldiers...

    :icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes: It's just a game for Christs sake! What are you afraid of?...that the females can beat you or something? Does the term "Respawn" mean anything to you? This game is not reality!
  7. Cogar69

    CAMP - Dogs Of War

    Thanks! I enjoyed the variety of missions.
  8. Cogar69

    Persian Hammer

    I have "Error in Campaign Structure" on PH_Troy_C3.Desert
  9. Cogar69

    Destructible glass in buildings

    "....I creep upstairs as my job is to clear the buildings...I look in and start getting fired at from the corridor...I go back away from the building to launch a hand grenade at the window...wow...perfect shot with the hand grenade...*thud* as it hits the window pane...it then falls to ground level and I'm killed!....hits Revert button...shoots at window panes and then takes aim with the hand grenade...again...a perfect throw...*thud* as it hits the window pane again and drops exploding and injuring me!" So much for Realism! I definitely agree with 50.cal...how about removing all window panes from buildings just like if a lot of bored teenagers went through and smashed them all!
  10. Cogar69

    Blurry FLIR

    Thanks for replying...I've already turned it to Disabled and still the FLIR was blurry.
  11. Cogar69

    Squadmates stuck lying down

    Does `-7-6 work for you? It means "All Stand Up". I know you probably know that command...but I'm curious.
  12. Cogar69

    Blurry FLIR

    I seem to have very blurry images when using FLIR(or is this normal?). Does anyone know which settings I need as I've tried all different settings without success. http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/2374/arma2oa2011012911520421.jpg
  13. Cogar69

    Sound reversed

    Turn your headphones around! :p
  14. Cogar69

    SEAL Team Six 4

    After using ENDMISSSION to get passed that glitch...the game in now crashing in T-Bar when I try and save. Thanks for fixing Sick1....your campaigns are awesome! Edit: :j: It's not your campaign causing the crash as I tried another campaign and it too crashed. I've reseated my RAM and Video Card and all is good again!
  15. Cogar69

    SEAL Team Six 4

    Lucky you...my chopper keeps on hitting the tower and exploding.:j: