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Everything posted by Mandalorian

  1. Hi there, after trying out everything i think i can do, i post this new Thread. Here´s my problem: I have Vista 64 Bit Sp1, after installing Arma 2 i downloaded the newest Patch for it and installed the same. Everything worked fine i played the game for about 2 Hours. Then i Did the Windows Update and installed the new SP2 release for Windows Vista 64 Bit. Now everytime i try to start Arma2 an Error Message occure : Error Creating Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine. Allready installed the newest Nvidia Drivers and the DirectX Version from the Arma2 DVD but nothing seems to help. The game dont want to start anymore, allways showing up the same Error Message after a short Black Screen. I really dont understand why this can happen, i mean the game allready worked fine. If someone could aid me with this problem would be really fine, please, thx a lot.....
  2. Mandalorian

    Error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine

    I could not believe it!!!!!!!! It runs, it go´s it go´s :yay::bounce3: Things i have done: 1: Reinstalled SP" 2: Cleaned Nvidia Driver with Driver Cleaner Pro 3: Used a special uninstaller Tool to really remove everything from the Arma2 installation 4: installed the DirectX Version from the Arma2 DVD 5:Installed the 182.08 Driver from Nvidia 6:Reinstalled Arma2 and the patch (And i never ever touched the PC in anyway during the Installation :D) 7: Happy about the finally runnig Arma 2 game..... God, what a mess..... Never touch a running System..... Thx for help this far guys.....
  3. Mandalorian

    Error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine

    Hmm, things gettin really strange....Ok that could be a possible reason for my problem. But the question is: Arma 2 did run fine until i updated my Vista 64bit Sp1 to Vista 64bit Sp2, what kind of changes did SP2 to my Arma 2 Installation? Because it wont go anymore! Finally i reinstalled SP2 after the deinstall of SP2. Now i deleted my Nvidia Drivers with Driver Cleaner Pro. Reinstalled DirectX from the Arma2 DVD, and reinstalled some older NvidiaDrivers (Newest allready tested, no changes) Now i install Arma2 again and the patch... Lets se what happens :j:
  4. Mandalorian

    Error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine

    Off course, I Did, reinstall the game severall times and installed the patch too, again.... But it dont help.... Yesterday i tried out to deinstall the service pack 2 and installed the game and the patch again, but it dont want to run, the same Problem happens again and again..... System: Vista 64 Bit SP2 Intel Dual Core E6850 3,0 Ghz Nvidia GTX 280 4GB Ram Here is the detailed Error Message found in the arma2.RPT: ===================================================================== == C:\Spiele\Armed Assault 2\arma2.exe == "C:\Spiele\Armed Assault 2\arma2.exe" ===================================================================== Exe timestamp: 2009/06/07 21:00:31 Current time: 2009/06/07 21:30:25 ErrorMessage: Error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical engine SmallMemAlloc not free when destructed - SmallMemAlloc::ReleaseAll skipped. Elem. size 24