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About -Paladin-

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    Staff Sergeant

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  1. Maybe its armed with snakbar longrange missels or suicde homing missels, who knows what they have planed in secret.
  2. somthing like a autopilot? By teh way where is radar in this thing?
  3. -Paladin-

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Conventional war´s too. Its always the Civilian or rather the weak that die first. I think Assault is when you attack and the enemy is resting with weapons and you take some looses. Massacre is when you attack someone that has no weapons(Civilians) or a enemy that cant use them because your assault was so fast and you kill them all before he or they could even respond. You don’t have any loses. Its more likly that the civilans where not the target but the FSA so SA was assoulting the FSA and the civis where in the crossfier. But if the civilians where the target it would be more like slaughter or mass slaughter.
  4. -Paladin-

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    According to the news papers Germany prepares to send 150 solders and two patriot PAC 3 battery’s to turkey. They just waiting for Turkey to ask NATO.
  5. -Paladin-

    Rather unethical warfare

    So business as usual in OFP/ARMA/ARMA2 ? we have a magical blue force/all force tracker map in easy mode red markers where to shoot and we have little icons flouting on friendly players showing where they are and marking the team leader. Nothing new except that this kind of help would be at veteran difficulty. I would love to have 3 up to even more maps like low detail map drawn by hand or from the 18 century a normal civilan map, miltary maps. A notepad where you can write and draw and the final stage a RPDA for military use.
  6. -Paladin-

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    mines too and barbwire too or a special kind of barbwire used by military, spring guns too war also killing civilians is too raping and and and.
  7. -Paladin-

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Its not about the resources. Syria is for Russia a strategic place of importance. The ports and units there could be used to draw NATO attention in a huger conflict. This is cold war shit happening right now.Some kind of Proxy War. Syria is just a pawn for the super powers for getting a better grip in the region. What for the USA Georgia is is for Russia Syria.
  8. -Paladin-

    Preorder Bonuses?

    The Joy of having arma 3 deliverd home? Comon thats a bonus, thats somthing for V.I.P´s. The common peasants have to go to a shop and buy it with all the danger out there in the world. Traffic, thief's trying to steal your arma 3 copy,women, brain bugs, sun and fresh air. Pre order now and avoid all this!!!!
  9. -Paladin-

    Czech Army fireteam (or equivilent) structure?

    to me pls too if it is not a problem, I would really like to know more.
  10. O look tinfoil head coming out Must be full moon somewhere. That’s typical its always some one else guild. Typical egoism of the masses. PPl never look on what they did personally wrong but always point the finger on some one else. It has somehow the taste of Nazi saying that its all the Jews fault. The Soviets saying its all Americas fault and now its the banks. As long as ppl don’t have to change there behavior every thing can be killed and destroyed, change to some one else first but never to them self.
  11. Yep If we keep like its now you have to scroll throu all modes to open that toilet and as a bonus the swap to side arm and shoulder main weapon and what ever command is put in your action menu. This takes the fluid out of fluid game play. with this mode changer you get only the appropriate actions on top of the action menu or or only what dose fit in this moment. How likely it is that you siting on your toilet (your a funny guy) decide to make push ups? and get this as your top action in your action menu? Would it be much more convenient to have wipe your butt action first or read newspaper listed.And not some Numerical or alphabetical order or anarchy action layout? No Shift, ALT combinations why still holding WASD with left hand and with right the mouse just one button to control them all.
  12. -Paladin-

    What countries dress uniform is this?

    Nope, but I think they are Mongols. Mongolia did request membership in NATO so maybe thats them. Or a other Asian military.
  13. Looks like Taiwan sits and listens. Its a Strategic move by China to grab this islands and to isolate Taiwan. Taiwan has to make a detour to get to Japan and vice versa. They can install listening posts and listen to Taiwan and Japan both. its not just the Land its self, the economic zone and the airspace too could be off limits for Taiwan and Japan not o mention the sea around it. There is much more to it. Every one goes in full retard mode slowly.
  14. By waving signs of life threads to all japan's citizens, burning Japanese cars? aha strange request for apology must be a east thing.How about addressing the criminals personal instead of shouting "kill them all" or pointing on a map and saying mine? If this crimes where not systematic and only done for pleaser what dose the Japanese government has to do with it?Its not like it was done on direct order but done by individuals. What dose the now living population has to do with it or the government that is civilian now and not like in WW2 military? You ask PPL to apologias for thing´s they did not do or on behalf of PPL that are responsible. Or did I miss something. This islands where never Chinese land, they where japans soil before WW2 and after WW2 occupy´d by USA (why shod USA occupy islands belonging to china, you where on the allied side) and given back to japan !because! this islands are japans soil. Thats how the rest of the world see´s it and thats what meters not what a single country thinks. Japan has prove of owner ship of this islands way back and china only has claims from 1972 or so. Oh great when china can.... I hear by claim the whole universe, its mine, get lost every one. If you not comply i will invoke operation Earth Foredoom bring democracy and free speech and constitution´s to all in American style ( bomb the shit out of every one) Only what the rest of the world thinks counts on a global scale. The islands are Japans property if china decides to start some crappy action it will condemn´d the aggressor. Nobody supports country's that give a crap about contracts and most important remap whole regions. The next could be Australia or South Korea because again, just claims and saber rattling by China.Where is the prove, evidence. There is nothing valuable coming from china that would work as barging factor to force the west to stay put.With all the financial depth its more likely that every one will work against china to get rid of payback.The west will not allow china to remap the pacific.The west will side with who is the smaller threat in the future and china is a big threat, and with this claiming on some´s islands china get even more unpredictable and dangerous.How will Chinas economy look like after there is a embargo on all of its trade?And no goods incoming to china? Worser much worser than it will look in the west, the west has still the west but china has no one.China is maneuvering it self in a corner, with all that lunatics and hardcore nationalist on the street crying for japan blood and this face loosing attitude there want be much room to maneuver. I don´t like this situation. Ask the native Tibet population, with all occupation and violence against them its even worser than what the Americans did to the native Americans.You get a pretty good clue. :-)