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Everything posted by stephsen

  1. yeahhh ...oh i cant wait for this mod Release Date ???
  2. stephsen

    Sound Of War v1.0

    the sounds are realy cool ...i love the impact sounds ...but the sounds from AT4 and rocketlaunchers are to soft this musst be louder and stronger can you see here or here :)
  3. stephsen

    WIP JTD Fire And Smoke

    mh...the first screens looks better,i think when a tank was shooting it burns realy long and it gives a high black dense column of smoke ...it looks simple realistic and and it gives realy war feeling...the most integrated materials in tanks are gums and synthetic substance and give black smoke from. regards stephsen
  4. stephsen

    WIP JTD Fire And Smoke

    yeahh it looks so realistic:eek:,very good work.I cant wait for release:D few questions: -rework it particle effects for handgrenades or other explosions bombs,missiles or tankgrenades on ground? -rework it the vanilla bullet dusk effekt for guns ? -give it a wip. video where it can see the new smoke effects ? sry for my english :o Stephsen
  5. ah ok sorry my fault ...but when i take the illumination for the howitzer m119...i dont see explosion on the ground !?
  6. wohooo:yay: this script rocks thx ..so much...but not all ammotypes going ?! gruß aus leipzig
  7. stephsen

    The Unsung Release 1 (Alpha)

    yes no step sounds ...and no music or speechsamples sounds :(
  8. stephsen

    The Unsung Release 1 (Alpha)

    hey the mod is sooo good:yay: ...i have vietcong1 feelings ,but i cant hear the unsung music-clips or unsung speak samples from the editor when i set a waypoint and go to effects an click a unsung music file ...when i go in the game i cant hear it :(...is that a bug or i have only this problem