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Everything posted by stephsen

  1. stephsen

    WarFX : Blastcore

    i like it the reduced smoke when the tanks driving ...the fire and smokegrenade effects are so wonderful thx OS:) but the mortar and the m119 + d30 need a little bit more bigger explosion for his nades :o
  2. stephsen

    WarFX : Blastcore

    i cant belive it ...thank you so much OS.is a mudversion in plan ?:o Greetz stephsen
  3. hey Guys, i worked on a optional dynamic voice mod for ww2 mods (with german and english speaksamples) i have the permission from @SNKMAN that i can use his config.dubbing from his wonderful GL4-mod,it works fine with his config but i have a big Problem.this config supported not all speachsamples ...when a group if going to a waypoint his leader speak the vanilla samples "ok move" or so. i need a config from this samples...it sounds really strange when a german landser screams VORWÄRTS KAMERADEN and in the next samples of Russian "move out" . need really help:( hier a small extension from the dubbing config. from the GL4-mod // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GL4 v.1.0 Dubbing Config // By =\SNKMAN/= // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CfgSounds { // ////////////////////////////////////// // Dubbing West Safe // ////////////////////////////////////// class West_Safe_v01 { name = "West_Safe_v01"; sound[] = {"\ca\dubbing\GLOBAL\RADIO\Male01\RU\ALICE\Generic\Laugh01.wss", db-5, 1, 200}; titles[] = {}; }; class West_Safe_v02 { name = "West_Safe_v02"; sound[] = {"\ca\dubbing\GLOBAL\RADIO\Male01\RU\ALICE\Generic\Laugh02.wss", db-5, 1, 200}; titles[] = {}; }; class West_Safe_v03 { name = "West_Safe_v03"; sound[] = {"\ca\dubbing\GLOBAL\RADIO\Male01\RU\ALICE\Generic\Laugh03.wss", db-5, 1, 200}; titles[] = {}; }; class West_Safe_v04 { name = "West_Safe_v04"; sound[] = {"\ca\dubbing\GLOBAL\RADIO\Male01\RU\ALICE\Generic\Laugh04.wss", db-5, 1, 200}; titles[] = {}; }; class West_Safe_v05 { name = "West_Safe_v05"; sound[] = {"\ca\dubbing\GLOBAL\RADIO\Male01\RU\ALICE\Generic\Sigh01.wss", db-5, 1, 200}; titles[] = {}; }; class West_Safe_v06 { name = "West_Safe_v06"; sound[] = {"\ca\dubbing\GLOBAL\RADIO\Male01\RU\ALICE\Generic\Sigh02.wss", db-5, 1, 200}; titles[] = {}; }; class West_Safe_v07 { name = "West_Safe_v07"; sound[] = {"\ca\dubbing\GLOBAL\RADIO\Male01\RU\ALICE\Generic\Sigh03.wss", db-5, 1, 200}; titles[] = {}; }; class West_Safe_v08 { name = "West_Safe_v08"; sound[] = {"\ca\dubbing\GLOBAL\RADIO\Male01\RU\ALICE\Generic\Sigh04.wss", db-5, 1, 200}; titles[] = {}; }; SNKMAN used with this config the vanilla samples from arma2 ,i created a own PBO with my speaksamples i reworked the soundtargets from his config to my PBO and its worked fine. but i´ve got this problem :( a big scriptNoob Stephsen
  4. NOOOOOOOOOOO:eek:...thats the wrong way let others chat this is just teasing ww2 mod vs. ww2 mod is not the more,not take it so seriously,no one here was like when you go...come on T_roc:butbut:
  5. Hi PacUK, a little bit strange is it already,it suggests realism all the time and looks meticulous attention to every detail,and says it would not matter because so many of you people would have addressed it.I think it is a big detail, if i in a realism ww2 mod when i targeting a old carbine and it zooms to 4x or higher without opticals! a pity:(
  6. Tho I agree - it would be better for gameplay, especially with SMG's (I take in account the above "thought") yep, the handling is definitely better with this (True mod)FOV,especially in urban warfare. And it's touch of realism to the naked eye to zooming ???:rolleyes:
  7. Hi INV44 Team, your mod is really good and i love them to play it but this little big problem(I will not complain really) but the aiming system needs definitely to be revised. RG has released his True mod and his FOV addon is really great and realistic. but see it self: FOV vs. INV44 AIM ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXcAd7A1nZM can somehow contribute to the INV44 mod ?? Best Regards Stephsen
  8. stephsen

    mikebart's Project's

    Hey mikebart, how it goes forward with your projects,whats the current status ?:o Greetz stephsen
  9. hey petrtlach, is the working with the conversion to arma2 already in progress? whats the current status ? i love your work man :) greetz stephsen
  10. CTD when i start it in the editor ...mh i need OA for this island ?
  11. stephsen

    WarFX Particles

    jep...the effects are completed i think...hope we can see a new vid or good news :o
  12. stephsen

    Map: Favslev, Denmark

    empty is good well we already have enough of overloaded maps i think ;)
  13. stephsen

    Map: Favslev, Denmark

    Oh DampetDK Wonderful Pics...i love the flat terrain and the stubble grass.Great Map for WW2 Szenario...i love bush series its realy realistic. Good work man :)
  14. yes i mean it is a little bit unreal when i have no sniperopticals and it zooms always when i aiming ..but yeahh it is a vanilla problem i think ...ohh a modul would be nice :o
  15. Hi INV-Team one question: is it possible to create not zoom by handweapons If I aim on the visor...is really strange when I use handheld weapons (m1,kar98,tommy etc.) without sniperopticals and the weapon is zoom when i aiming. it gives a pbo in the SLX mod FOV_Pbo she makes sure that does not happen but only by vanilla weapons:(
  16. same Problem Arty script not found whats the Problem...i`ve make it allright:(
  17. i start INV44 with arma2 betapatch first comes a error message I44_Ramadi needs Ca_plants then comes the image with the soldier on the window...and then CTD ...whats the Problem ?:(
  18. Oh Man its christmas...:yay:
  19. stephsen


    I would not comment on something...I mean who is upset, the privately created mods in the completion to take a long time the mods givet for free. clearly it is stupid if you must wait for his favorite mod.but imagine times before it would not be news or status reports...God that would be so boring. OR Hans ??;)
  20. and i think the engine sound must be louder when you on board in the heli ...all doors open and it sounds like a padded cell:o.from the outside this sounds are very good
  21. stephsen

    ZEUS Nam

    hey Mondkalb, i become this error message when i start your island Add-on MBG_Nam_C requires version 1.5 is that true i need OA for this map?
  22. stephsen

    ZEUS Nam

    Great Map Mondkalb, is that right i need OA to play this island ? when i start arma2 normal comes a error message the island need version 1.5 :(