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Everything posted by theclown

  1. theclown

    Recieving while playing

    kill a black cat...mhh? thats it!
  2. theclown

    Recieving while playing

    mhh, thats really strange:)
  3. theclown

    Recieving while playing

    If you got a second partition: Just install a fresh Windows and test it again. For me it worked. I didnt change anything @ BIOS or other sys-configs. For me it seems to be a specific ATI problem (hardly everybody got the 4870)... For me the fresh install worked and now i have no problems at all, even on evolution
  4. theclown

    30 Fps Framelock Multiplayer ?

    I have also a max of 30fps in multiplayer. Single = 60fps. Got a 4870 1024mb
  5. theclown

    Recieving while playing

    What I also relized was that (i use a G15 with display) when I got the "bug", I had 25-30 frames. But every 5-10 seconds there was a "refresh", a beating. 5secs ~25frames, then 1/2sec 0fps, then again 5secs 25fps... Im quite sure that you will have the same issue. Anybody who got the bug and a G15 keyboard, please test it with Fraps.
  6. theclown

    Recieving while playing

    I know what the thread is about, ive created it. But as I said, since ive got clean XP I have no lags AND no "receiving"-message... not 1 time!
  7. theclown

    Recieving while playing

    I played now hardly a hour without any lags and error. With and without the tool. Maybe you guys have to clean your sys also. The mod has a problem: some server refuse it...
  8. theclown

    Recieving while playing

    hehe, now ive testet it for a half hour on a 50/50 server. great, no laggs, no errors. i think its related to the memory. but tomorrow I will have more time to check it
  9. theclown

    Recieving while playing

    You maybe got any comparison-image? Would be great, so I can see the difference
  10. theclown

    Recieving while playing

    Damit wird ja die Grafik auch dramatisch anders oder? Die ganzen "Schlier-Effekte" sind dann auch weg. Nicht das mich das stört....
  11. theclown

    Recieving while playing

    Mhh, no the drivers are Up2Date... Ive now installed WinXP32 and tonight I will give it a try. Hopefully it works better then-.- And after 1.02 is released I will order a new DVD from the publisher. Disable securom or fix the DVD!
  12. theclown

    Recieving while playing

    1024x768, Fillrate: 125, Visibility: 3000, Texture: Normale, VideoMemory: High, An-Filter: Normal, Shadow: deactivated, Postprocess: Normal, Object: Normal, Terrain: Normal fuck it, I will install XP now:)
  13. theclown

    Recieving while playing

    Hi, I've got the game since release and didn't have the "Receiving"-Bug such often since I have patched to final 1.01. When I play Evolution Marines 0.2 I get the blackscreen with the message hardle every 5minutes. If I press on "Respawn" or get killed, the games goes on normally at the respawn-point. My sys: 6000+ 2gig RAM 4870 (1gig) vista sp1 25mbit connection Whats the problem, do I need more memory? Its unplayable if the fuckin blackscreen comes every 5 minutes... Second problem: When I make a restart, the PC cant find the DVD (which is already inserted)... Its the german release. So I have to open the drive and close it again. Then the PC can read from the DVD. A friend has the same problem. So its not just because of my drive and he tested it on Vista and on XP...same problem!